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工具变量 instrumental variable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-22 14:52:41


工具变量 instrumental variable英语短句 例句大全

工具变量,instrumental variable

1)instrumental variable工具变量

1.In this paper,a bestinstrumental variable estimator is made up by the linear combination of a fewinstrumental variables from an equation model of econometrics.针对单方程的经济计量模型从多个可供选择的工具变量出发 ,用它们的估计量的线性组合构造一个最佳工具变量估计量 ,并给出了一个阐述结果的例

2.This effect holds in a global sample as well as in a developing country sub-sample and holds also when potential endogenous effects are controlled viainstrumental variable regression.本文对劳工标准和直接投资流入之间的关系进行了实证研究,并且通过工具变量的使用控制了劳工标准与直接投资流入之间的内生性问题。


1.standard instrumental variable estimators标准工具变量估计量

2.The Modification to Bias of IV Unit Root Tests in Panels;工具变量法综列单位根检验的有偏性及其修正

3.An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Monetary-Policy Instrumental Variables in China;我国货币政策工具变量效应的实证分析

4.Panel unit root test based on generalized nonlinear instrument variables estimation基于广义非线性工具变量法的综列单位根检验

5.Local Linear Estimator by Instrumental Variables with Variable Bandwidth for Nonparametric MacroeconomicsSimultaneous Equation Models in China;我国宏观经济非参数联立模型的局部线性工具变量变窗宽估计

6.Local linear estimation with instrumentalvariables for non-parametricsimultaneous equationseconometric model;非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性工具变量估计

7.On the IV Estimation of Auto-regression Model for Panel Data with Measurement Errors存在测量误差的面板自回归模型的工具变量估计

8.Research On the Changing Rules of Quality of the Machined Surface in Tool-wearing Process;刀具磨损过程中已加工表面质量变化的研究

9.As underground works, the measurement of quantity of grouting works is complicated and changeful.灌浆工程是隐蔽工程,灌浆工程的计量具有复杂性和多变性。

10.Theory and Method of Estimation for Varying Coefficient Macroeconomics Simultaneous Equations Model;变系数计量经济学联立模型的局部线性工具向量估计及其性质

11.Theory and Method of Estimation for Varying Coefficient Macroeconomics Simultaneous Equations Model变参数计量经济学联立模型的局部线性工具向量估计及其性质

12.Plan manufacturing process, prepare fixture, cutting tools and production gage.负责机加工工艺,准备夹具,加工刀具及生产量具。

13.Conclusion Multilevel bivariate models are effective methods in analyzing the partial correlation problems.结论双变量多水平模型是分析部分相关问题的有力工具。

14.Three Policy Aimings of Interest Rate: Liberal Variables ,Policy Target and Policy Means;汇率的三种政策取向──自由变量、政策目标和政策工具

15.You can use the Goal Seek command on the Tools menu to reach a target value for one cell by changing the value in another cell.选择“工具”菜单中的“单变量求解”命令,可改变可变单元格的值而寻求目标单元格的最优解。

16."Measure gradient at 5m intervals by using the abney level in combination with a supporting frame. For uneven slopes, measure at 1 m intervals."用量角仪连同支架作为工具,沿样条每5米量度一次陡度;在陡度变化大的地区,可每米量度一次。

17.a power tool for cutting wood.切割木材的能量工具。

18.GTMA (Gauge and Tool Makers Association)量规与工具厂商协会


instrumental variables工具变量

1.First,the paper constructs annual institution index using principal component analysis for every province,and designs theinstrumental variables for institution,mineral resource endowment and foreign market access.首先利用主成分方法构建了各省区的年度制度指数,设计了制度的工具变量,即各省区的矿产资源禀赋和海外市场接近度,然后利用回归方程分析了制度变革对经济增长的影响。

3)Instrument Variable工具变量

4)Weak Instrumental Variable弱工具变量

5)instrumental variable estimator工具变量估计量

6)instrumental variable estimation工具变量估计


