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费用最小化 Cost minimization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-24 01:36:46


费用最小化 Cost minimization英语短句 例句大全

费用最小化,Cost minimization

1)Cost minimization费用最小化

1.In this paper we propose a new branch and bound algorithm for cost minimization problems arising in series-parallel reliability networks.本文对可靠性网络中串-并系统的费用最小化问题提出一种新的分枝定界算法。


1.Study on Transportation Network Optimization of Import Crude Oil Based on Cost Minimum基于费用最小化的进口原油运输网络优化研究


3.Project scheduling for minimizing financing cost under deadline constraint截止日期约束下的融资费用最小化项目调度

4.Discrete Optimization Models for Minimizing Grid Company s Purchase Power Cost under Contract for Difference;差价合约下电网公司购电费用最小化的离散优化模型

5.Analyzing the Application of Minimum-Cost Flow Problem while Decision-Making in Management;管理决策优化中最小费用流问题应用分析

6.Distribution Strategies that Minimize Inventory and Vehicle Routing Costs in a Two-echelon Distribution System;最小化运输与库存费用的两级分销策略分析

7.Research on Capacity Expansion with Minimum-cost and Maximum Network Flow一类最小费用最大流的扩张问题研究

8.The Optimize Maintenance Model of Machining EquipmentBased on the Rule of Minimum Maintenance Expenditure;关于最小维修费用的机械加工设备连续维修优化模型

9.An Algorithm for Minimum Vertex Cut Set of Partially Ordered Sets and the Problem of Minimum Cost of Crashed Tasks;偏序集最小顶点割算法与最小费用赶工问题

10.Application of Minimum Cost Circulation in Distribution of Commercial Network最小费用流在商业网点布局上的应用

11.The Application of Minimum Cost Maximum Flow Theory in Transmission Voltage最小费用最大流理论在传输电压中的应用

12.The longest maturity of a petty consumer credit is one year.小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年。

13.An ALgorithm of the Minimum Cost/Capacity Ratio Spanning Tree最小费用/容量比生成树的一个算法

14.Questions of Cooperative Game Based on Minimum Cost Spanning Tree;基于最小费用支撑树的合作对策问题

15.On the Film Transportation Based on the Complex Minimum Expense Flow Capacity;基于复杂最小费用流的影片运输问题

16.Research on minimal cost of SCM based on VMI;基于VMI策略的供应链最小费用研究

17.Evaluation of landscape connectivity based on least-cost model基于最小费用模型的景观连接度评价

18.An Algorithm for Seeking the Minimal Cost Maximal Flow in the Transportation Network;运输网络中求最小费用最大流的一个算法


minimizing annual cost最小年度化费用

3)minimum expense norm费用最小化准则

4)the least expenditure最小费用

1.Application ofthe least expenditure method to project selection;最小费用法在方案优选中的应用

5)minimum cost最小费用

1.In this way, the problem of optimizing approval for wagon requisition was transformed into solvingminimum cost and maximum flow in a network.建立了求解铁路局范围内请求车审批优化的数学模型和与此模型对应的网络图,将铁路请求车审批优化问题转换为求解最小费用最大流问题。

2.This paper regards networks as geometry graphics by introduced the theory of plane geometry based on the theory ofminimum cost,and the mathematics model is established.在目前最小费用理论的基础上引入平面几何理论,把网络等效于几何图形,建立了数学模型。

3.We study uncapacitated version of theminimum cost flow problem of one-commodity and two-commodity with not only fixed cost but also variable cost, and give them each a polynomial algorithm.本文研究了无容量限制的带固定费用和可变费用的单物资和二物资的最小费用流问题,并分别给出了多项式算法。

6)smallest cost最小费用

1.This paper discusses thesmallest cost problem on the undirection network,which has the upper limit of rate of flow,and sets up its mathematics model,and gives its relevant algorithm.该文研究了无向网络上,具有流量上限的网络流最小费用问题,建立了它的数学模型,并且给出了相应的算法。


