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高速铁路气动力 air dynamic pressure of high-speed train英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-21 06:51:49


高速铁路气动力 air dynamic pressure of high-speed train英语短句 例句大全

高速铁路气动力,air dynamic pressure of high-speed train

1)air dynamic pressure of high-speed train高速铁路气动力

2)high-speed electrified railway高速电气化铁路

1.Based on theory and running experience abroad, this article deals with the fact that elastic single-chain contact suspension of high-tension and pre-relaxation strength should be adopted in OCS onhigh-speed electrified railways in China, and at the same time, puts forward the idea that the suspension clearance should be reduced.本文从理论和国外的运行经验出发,阐述了我国高速电气化铁路接触网宜采用高张力、预弛度的弹性单链形接触悬挂;吊弦间距应做适当缩小的设想。


1.Application of Auto-transformer Traction Power Supply in High-speed Electrified RailwayAT供电方式在高速电气化铁路中的应用

2.Study on Catenary s Construction Techniques in High-Speed Electric Railway;高速电气化铁路接触网施工技术研究

3.Research Review of Arc Phenomenon between Pantograph and Catenary in High-speed Electrified Railway高速电气化铁路中的弓网电弧现象研究综述

4.Plan for Improvement of OCS of High Speed Electrified Railways in China我国高速电气化铁路接触网改造方案的设想

5.Research on Copper-alloy Contact Wires for High Speed Electric Railway高速电气化铁路用铜合金接触线的研究

6.The present Status and Development Trend of Trolley Wire used in High Speed Electrified Railway高速电气化铁路用接触线的现状与发展趋势研究

7.Application Actuality and Research Progress of Contact Wire for High-speed Electric Railway高速电气化铁路接触导线的应用现状及研究进展

8.Cu-Ag Alloy Contact Wire for High-Speed Electric Railway Produced By Continuous Casting and Rolling Process (SCR)连铸连轧法生产高速电气化铁路铜银合金接触线

9.electric light rail transit system电气化轻便铁路系统

10.The national railways have now been electrified.全国铁路现已电气化了。

11.electric double-track railway system电气化双轨铁路系统

12.This railway is electrified.这条铁路是电气化的。

13.Research on Networks Communication System of Traction Power Supply Automation of High-speed Railway;高速铁路牵引供电自动化网络通信系统研究

parison and Research of Power Supply Traction Automation Technology on High-Speed-Railway;高速铁路牵引供电自动化技术对比研究

15.RAMS Evaluation on High-Speed Railway Substation Automation System;高速铁路牵引变电所自动化系统RAMS评价

16.Forming Technology of Cu-Sn Alloy Contact Wire for High-speed Electric Railway高速电气化铁道用CuSn合金接触线成形工艺研究

17.Harbin-Dalian Electrified Railway The 946.5-kilometer Harbin-Dalian Electrified Railway transcends any other of the kind in China in terms of total investment and technological input.哈大电气化铁路我国投资最大、技术含量最高的电气化铁路,全长946.5公里。

18.Study on the Electrified Railway Power Supply Voltage Rating;电气化铁路供电电源电压等级的研究


high-speed electrified railway高速电气化铁路

1.Based on theory and running experience abroad, this article deals with the fact that elastic single-chain contact suspension of high-tension and pre-relaxation strength should be adopted in OCS onhigh-speed electrified railways in China, and at the same time, puts forward the idea that the suspension clearance should be reduced.本文从理论和国外的运行经验出发,阐述了我国高速电气化铁路接触网宜采用高张力、预弛度的弹性单链形接触悬挂;吊弦间距应做适当缩小的设想。

3)electrified high-speed railway电气化高速铁路

1.Based on power supply design of Wuhan- Guangzhou passenger dedicated line, the impacts of electrified railway on electric power system are analyzed and the features of power supply toelectrified high-speed railway are summarized.电气化高速铁路在我国进入快速发展时期,其新的技术特点给电力系统带来了新的挑战。

4)high-speed railway高速铁路

parison of deck structure of large span through tied-arch bridge with non-ballasted track onhigh-speed railway;高速铁路下承式大跨度系杆拱桥无碴轨道桥面结构形式的对比研究

2.Discussion on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of certain newly-builthigh-speed railway bridge;新建高速铁路路桥方案模糊综合评判的探讨

3.Analysis on the impact ofhigh-speed railway fastener to lateral deformation of rail;高速铁路扣件对钢轨横向变形影响分析

5)High speed railway高速铁路

1.Measurement control for roadbed settlement of high speed railway;浅谈高速铁路路基沉降测量控制

2.Test and application of polycarboxylates high performance water-reducing admixture on high performance concret in high speed railway engineering;聚羧酸高性能减水剂在高速铁路高性能混凝土的试验与应用

3.Aseismic analysis of half-through steel box arch bridge in Jing-Hu high speed railway;京沪高速铁路中承式钢箱拱桥抗震分析

6)express railway高速铁路

1.An analysis of the influence of pumping shallow groundwater to passengerexpress railways;开采浅层地下水对高速铁路工程的影响分析

2.On design for bearing sheet on Beijing-Shanghaiexpress railway浅谈京沪高速铁路承台板设计

3.The paper analyzes the compaction subsiding scope and the calculation of controlling numeral of theexpress railway foundation,the estimation method of settlement after work and the determing time of the stability of the road foundation settlement to the foundation design for reference.分析高速铁路路基压密下沉的范围与控制值计算及工后沉降的估算方法,路基沉降稳定时间的确定,为路基设计提供依


