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隐性采访 recessive interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-14 13:43:36


隐性采访 recessive interview英语短句 例句大全

隐性采访,recessive interview

1)recessive interview隐性采访

1.How to make the news reports made by therecessive interviewer both satisfy the desire of the public and stay within the legal boundary? This thesis tries to probe into the legitimation and the legal restriction onrecessive interview.如何才能使那些暗访记者所进行的报道既满足社会公众的渴求欲,又在法律界限之内?就此对隐性采访存在的合法性和法律制约问题进行探讨。

2.Currently,there is still no law to definerecessive interview clearly.隐性采访是一种特殊的采访方式,其针对社会存在的问题和阴暗面进行揭露,抒发民声,深受广大群众的欢迎。


1.Protection of the Personality of the Interviewees in Recessive Interview;隐性采访中被采访对象的人格权保护

2.Whether the Tapes or Video Cassettes Obtained by Journalists in Secret Way are Admissible Evidence;论隐性采访所取得的采访资料的证据资格

3.The Controversial on Hidden Interview and the Research into Its Development;隐性采访的争议焦点和发展趋势探究

4.On Moral and Legal Control of Covert Coverage;论隐性采访的道德与法律的双重制衡

5.On Covert Interview and Law Exploration of News Violation;关于隐性采访与新闻侵权的法律探讨

6.Conflict between the Reason and the Law --Thought on the Recessive Interview;情理与法理的冲突——关于隐性采访的反思

7.The Covert Coverage s Authenticity and Its Use Rationality Study in the Television News Media;电视新闻媒体中隐性采访的新闻真实性及使用合理性研究

8.Covert interview and profssional morality of press--Also about public-convincing power;隐性采访与新闻职业道德——兼谈媒体的公信力问题

9.Is it lawful that journalists hide their identity or intention to secretly tape or videotape?新闻记者隐瞒自己的身份或意图,以“偷拍偷录”的手段进行隐性采访是否合法?

10.Causes of Lawsuits Against Infringement of Privacy in Gathering News;新闻采访侵犯隐私权的诉由及其预防

11.View on the Conflict and Adjustment of Coverage Rights and Privacy;论新闻采访权与公民隐私权的冲突及其调整

12.When she started insulting everyone during the television interview, he faded her out.当她在电视采访中开始辱骂每一个人时, 他就使她从画面上渐隐。

13.An Analysis of Pragmatic Strategy of the Diction be Used in Questionary Inquiry in Interviews;新闻采访中质疑性提问语用策略分析

14.Data were collected in semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by content analysis and SPSS software.采半结构性深度访谈方式,并将访谈过程记录下来。

15.Legal Nature and Legislative Protection on Reporters Right of Interview;也论记者采访权的法律性质及立法保护

16.He told me Jersey flavor chemists travel the world looking for new and obscure flavorings.他告诉我新泽西州的食品香料化学家可是遍访天下去采集各式各样新奇而隐晦的味道。

17.Dismantling Reason with Metaphor: Linguistic View from Nietzsche to Deconstruction;隐喻瓦解理性:从尼采到解构主义的语言观

18.The Analysis of Implicit Incentive Mechanism in the Repeated Game of Military Products Acquisition;军品采办重复博弈中的隐性激励机制分析


covert coverage隐性采访

1.This essay gives an initial discussion about the rationality,the legality and the standard ofcovert coverage under the present Chinese legal system.隐性采访是当前新闻媒体,尤其是广播电视媒体进行舆论监督的一种重要采访方式。

2.As it is capable of catching true news stories hardly obtained by open mode,it is capable of exposing ugly phenomena in society to satisfy public right to information and it strengthens the supervision by public opinion,covert coverage has been widely favored by all news media.隐性采访是非公开身份或采访目的而进行的收集或披露新闻素材的方式,它能真实地采访到公开方式难以获得的新闻素材,将社会丑陋现象曝光,满足了受众的知情权,增强了舆论监督的力度,因而受到各新闻媒体的普遍青睐。

3)secret interview隐性采访

1.Secret Interview and Protection of Right of Privacy;隐性采访和隐私权的保护

2.In recent years,more and more peek cameras andsecret interviews are used by the media.针对媒体上越来越多的偷拍和暗访现象,本文从受众和媒体两个方面,通过对电视新闻报道中所采用隐性采访手段的研究,对隐性采访及其特点、应遵循的原则和隐性采访的禁区,以及在电视新闻报道中应防止的误区等方面进行分析和探讨。

3.This paper proves that the media have the right ofsecret interview, which based on refuting "the theory of denying onsecret interview",the prerequisite is that has not gone beyond the legal demarcation line, does not encroach on social public interests or others legitimate rights and interests.中国的隐性采访虽是新生事物,却越来越普遍。

4)the recessive interview隐性采访

1.In western press, the understanding and using ofthe recessive interview have become more and more reasonable, while in China,the recessive interview has become prevailed.在西方新闻界对隐性采访理解和使用趋于理性的同时,隐性采访在中国目前却呈泛滥之势。

2.However, ifthe recessive interview isn t appropriately used, will cause the news infringement and the news lawsuit.隐性采访作为一种新闻采访方式,近年来被越来越多的新闻记者所 广泛运用。

3.The recessive interview is one important interview way in the modern news activity.隐性采访是现代新闻活动中一种重要的采访方式,对隐性采访的关注和研究,具有特殊的学术意义和实践价值。

5)the covert coverage隐性采访

1.Research on the Integrity of Journalists in the Covert Coverage;隐性采访中记者的诚信问题探讨

2.The practice to hide identities and covering intentions, however, as well as the abuse ofthe covert coverage results in many a debate about its morality and legitimacy.从新闻实践来看,隐性采访这种采访方式满足了受众的知情权,增强了舆论监督的力度,因而成为媒介普遍采用的采访手段。

6)covert coveragen.隐性采访;秘密采访


《河曲民歌采访专集》民歌专集。1953年秋,中央音乐学院民族音乐研究所民间音乐研究室的研究人员深入山西省河曲县搜集民歌,1956年编辑出版了本民歌专集(中央音乐学院民族音乐研究所丛刊,中央音乐学院民族音乐研究所编,音乐出版社出版。1962年出版重印本,书名及编者署名改为《河曲民间歌曲〔调查研究专辑〕》,中央音乐学院中国音乐研究所编)。书中包括民歌词曲及调查报告两部分(重印本在卷首还增加了晓星撰写的论文《河曲的“山曲”与生活》)。本书编者从他们所采集的3000多首河曲民歌中,选择了 119首,列入民歌部分。每首歌均包括曲谱及所有各段的唱词(此外还有未列曲谱的31首民歌,未经编号,按内容分别排印在相应的地方。附录中选印了部分民歌同一曲调的不同唱法的曲谱22种)。民歌根据内容分四类编排:①直接反映阶级关系和经济生活的,特别是反映"走西口"生活的;②反映旧时代妇女婚姻痛苦的;③反映旧社会男女爱情生活的;④歌颂解放后新生活的。民歌的歌词和曲谱(包括歌词中的衬字、曲谱的音高和速度等),均保持采录时的原貌。编者还为歌词中的生僻的专有名词和方言词汇等作了注释。调查报告部分包括:①河曲民歌采集调查工作报告(附:山西采访队工作提纲草案;河曲民间音乐采访提纲;重点调查提纲;各阶段工作计划);②河曲民歌与河曲人民的"走西口"生活;③河曲民歌与河曲人民的爱情生活;④劳动歌曲"打蓝调"的采访;⑤河曲民间流传的"二人台"。另附有关照片和地图等多幅。书中通过忠实记录的民歌,深刻地反映了河曲劳动人民对旧社会的愤怨。对自由、幸福和纯洁爱情的追求,以及对解放后新生活的赞颂。占全书二分之一以上篇幅的调查报告,详尽地介绍了河曲劳动人民的经济生活、劳动生活和爱情生活等方面的情况,为深刻理解河曲民歌的思想内容和艺术特色,提供了十分珍贵的资料。本书具有较高的艺术价值和科学水平,是中国出版的优秀的民歌集之一。
