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民事调解 Civil mediation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-16 12:50:23


民事调解 Civil mediation英语短句 例句大全

民事调解,Civil mediation

1)Civil mediation民事调解

1.Civil mediation plays a crucial role in solving social conflicts flexibly and effectively and is an important means in oonstructing harmonious society.民事调解是人民法院灵活、有效地化解社会矛盾,构建社会主义和谐社会的重要手段,应充分发挥民事调解在化解社会矛盾、促进社会和谐方面的积极作用。

2.This paper focuses on a discussion about the reform of civil mediation policy in China by analysing and briefly the connotaion,advantages and disadvantages of court mediation and people mediation.通过对法院调解和人民调解的内涵及利弊的简要分析,提出对我国民事调解制度改革的一些思考。

3.This article is an analysis on the tribunal record of a civil mediation case which happened in County Zhou, Shandong Province in Qianlong 31.本文以乾隆三十一年山东邹县的一起民事调解案件的法庭笔录为分析对象 ,仔细解读其中蕴涵的 ,同时也是被中外法律史学者广泛争论的若干清代司法实践问题 :一是帝国官僚的诉讼态度与小民百姓的诉讼策略 ;二是帝国衙门的纠纷解决手段 ;三是解决纠纷 (裁判 )的依据 ;四是清代法律的表达与实践。


1.About Analysis and the Investigation of Grass-roots Judicial Civil Conciliation Work with Thought;关于基层法院民事调解工作的调查、分析和思考

2.Stirring up or Settling down the Dispute:A Reading on a Piece of Tribunal Record of Civil Mediation in Qing Dynasty;小事闹大与大事化小:解读一份清代民事调解的法庭记录

3.An Institutional Analysis on the Process of Civil Mediation in Contemporary Chinese Rural Areas;当代中国农村民事调解过程的制度分析

4.Improve and Perfect Civil Mediation and Construct A Harmonious Society;民事调解制度的完善对构建和谐社会的作用

5.Bring the Role of Mediation into Full Play to Improve the Mediation Effectiveness of Civil Litigation发挥调解作用 提高民事诉讼调解实效

6.Roles and Functions of Folk Mediation in Resolving Civil Disputes;民间调解在民事纠纷解决机制中的地位与作用

7.Powerful Court Mediation from the Viewpoint of Civil Procuratorial Supervision;民事检察监督视角下的强势诉讼调解

8.The Thinking of Reformation and Perfection on Intercession System of Civil Lawsuit;改革与完善民事诉讼调解制度的思考

9.Recognition of the principle of mediation by court in civil procedure;关于民事诉讼中法院调解原则的反思

10.The Difficulty and the Way Out of our Country"s Civil Lawsuit Mediation System我国民事诉讼调解制度的困境与出路

11.Research on the Mediation System Provided in the UK Civil Procedure Rules英国《民事诉讼规则》中的调解制度研究

12.Study on Theory and Practice of Settlement of Minor Criminial Cases via People"s Mediation人民调解介入轻微刑事案件和解的理论与实践

13.Thoughts on People s Intercession Prepositive Procedure for Particular Civil Dissension;对特定民事纠纷人民调解前置程序的思考

14.Challenges on the Practice of Regarding the Principle of People s Mediation as the Basic Principle of Civil Procedures;对人民调解原则作为民事诉讼基本原则的质疑

15.Problems of Criminal Attached Civil Intercession;刑事附带民事诉讼调解中几个问题的思考

16."When a settlement agreement through conciliation is reached, in most cases, the people" s court shall draw up a conciliation statement (the 90th article of Civil Procedure Law lists the cases that need no conciliation statement). "调解达成协议,人民法院应制作调解书(民事诉讼法90条列举了可不制作调解书的情况)。

17.Discussion on the Forcible Nature of Court-conciliation--Based on the Comparison with the Civil Pre-court-conciliation of Taiwan District;论法院调解的强制性——以我国台湾地区民事强制调解程序为比较

18.The lawsuit mediation system is the characteristics and traditional way to mediate civil disputes in the civil lawsuits.诉讼调解制度是我国民事诉讼中最具特色的处理民事纠纷的方式。


civil lawsuit mediation民事诉讼调解

1.The article analyzed the feasibility ofcivil lawsuit mediation to solve medical dispute in the stage of bargaining and better maintain hospital and patients’ rights.民事诉讼调解制度是中国法治文化和长期司法实践的结晶,是颇具特色的通过调解解决纠纷的解纷机制和解纷文化,本文旨在探讨在诉前医患协商阶段,疏导患方选择民事诉讼调解来化解医疗纠纷的可行性,息纷止争,更好地维护医患双方的合法权益。

3)Court mediation agreement民事调解协议

1.Court mediation agreement is in nature a kind of notarized contracts by court in action.民事调解协议本质上是一种诉讼契约,法院承担公证的角色。

4)mediate civil disputes调解民事纠纷

5)Procuratoratorial mediation to civil proceedings民事检察调解

6)civil mediation system民事调解制度

1.Thecivil mediation system of China is internationally praised as "Orient Experience", which is in favor of solving the civil dispute timely and effectively, and maintaining the social stability and economic order.我国的民事调解制度在国际上被誉为"东方经验",它有利于及时、有效地化解民事争议,维护社会稳定和经济秩序。


