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STS教育理念 the concept of STS education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 10:29:14


STS教育理念 the concept of STS education英语短句 例句大全

STS教育理念,the concept of STS education

1)the concept of STS educationSTS教育理念


1.STS Education Concepts and Strategies in Teachers Training of Elementary Education;基础教育师资培养中STS教育理念与策略

2.Strategies in Developing STS in the Teaching of Chemical Concept;在化学概念教学中开展STS教育的策略

3.The Research of Physics Teaching Integrated with STS Education in Secondary Vocational School;中职物理教学渗透STS教育的研究

4.The Research of STS Education Presented in Physics Teaching in Middle School;在中学物理教学中渗透STS教育的研究

5.Research of STS Education Presented in Physics Teaching in Middle Vocational Technology Education;中职物理教学中渗透STS教育的研究

6.Permeation of STS Education in Physics Classroom Teaching in Junior Middle Schools;在初中物理课堂教学中渗透STS的教育

7.Improving college physics teaching by infiltrating STS education;渗透STS教育 改革大学物理教学

8.The Research of STS Education Presented in Physics Teaching In College;在大学物理教学中渗透 STS 教育的探讨

9.Adoption of STS in Teaching Physics at Vocational Schools;职业学校物理教学中开展STS教育初探

10.Infiltrating STS Education,Optimizing Junior Physics Teaching;渗透STS教育 优化初中物理教学

11.Theory of STS Education and Practice of Higher Vocational Education;STS教育的理论与高职教学的实践

12.On Embodying STS Education Thoughts in Science Teaching;理科教学中渗透STS教育思想的探讨

13.THE Embodiment of STS Education Thought in the Physical New Course of Middle School;STS教育在基础物理新课程中的体现

14.Research on Permeating STS Education of Physics Classroom Teaching in Middle School;中学物理课堂教学中渗透STS教育的研究

15.A Research on the Infiltration of STS Education into Physics Teaching in Senior Middle School;STS教育在高中物理教学中的渗透的研究

16.The Study of Cultivating Science Literacy by Penetrating STS Education Ideology into Physics Teaching;物理教学渗透STS教育思想培养科学素养的研究

17.Openning the Exhibition STS Education Realizes Senior High School Physics Reform in Education Study and Practice;开展STS教育实现高中物理教学改革探讨与实践

18.STS Education And It s Permeation Strategy in the University Physics Teaching;STS教育及其在大学物理教学中的渗透策略


STS education theorySTS教育理论

1.This new mode of teaching science is the hot spot of teaching reform in the modern world, and exploring how to useSTS education theory to guide college teaching is the duty of every university teacher.STS教育既是一种教育思想,也是一种教育模式,这种新型教学模式是当前国际理科教学改革热点,探索如何运用STS教育理论来指导高校教学是每一位高校教师的职责,本文就在生物化学实验教学中STS教育理论的实施途径做以探索,以期望提高教学质量。

3)STS educationSTS教育

1.Inquiring intoSTS education in teaching of genetics and orthogenics;遗传与优生教学渗透STS教育探讨

2.Exploration of research-oriented teaching mode under the guidance ofSTS education;“STS教育”指导下的研究型教学模式的探讨

4)STS educationSTS 教育

1.STS education is a kind of education on the basis of the relationship of science,technology and society.关于科学、技术和社会三者关系的教育就是STS 教育。

2.Openning the Exhibition STS Education Realizes Senior High School Physics Reform in Education Study and Practice;本论文在概括阐述 STS 教育理论和教学改革现状的基础上,着重从如何把 STS 教育应用在平时高中物理课堂上的角度来论述,并开展了一定的实践研究,用以达到提高学生学习物理的兴趣,培养学生物理思维能力,最终实现“提高全体学生的科学素质”的改革目标 。

5)STS further educationSTS继续教育

1.An analysis to the investigation on theSTS further education for the clinical doctors of Chinese medicine;对临床中医师开展STS继续教育的调研分析

6)sts education consciousnessSTS教育意识


ST 分子式C9H9N3O2S2,分子量259.19。简名ST,商品名消治龙。白色晶体或结晶粉末。在空气中稳定,遇光变色。熔点200~204℃。难溶于水,溶于丙酮、稀盐酸、氨水和碱溶液。主要用于治溶血性链球菌、脑膜炎球菌、肺炎球菌等感染性疾病。可由2-氨基噻唑与氯化对硝基苯磺酰缩合,再经还原而制得。
