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离职意愿 turnover intention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-14 16:46:21


离职意愿 turnover intention英语短句 例句大全

离职意愿,turnover intention

1)turnover intention离职意愿

1.An analysis on 515 nursing staff sturnover intention;515名临床护士离职意愿的调查分析

2.The influence of organizational commitment on theturnover intention among nurses;组织承诺对护士离职意愿的影响

3.A study of the satisfaction rate andturnover intention of the enterprises in the Pearl River Delta;珠三角地区企业员工满意度及离职意愿的探讨


1.Study on relation between nurses" working pressure and turnover intention护士工作压力与离职意愿关系的研究

2.Influence of Psychological Contract on Turnover Intention of Nursing Staff心理契约对护士离职意愿的影响研究

3.Study of Work Satisfaction and Turnover Intention among Clinic Nurses in Changsha;长沙市临床护士工作满意度及离职意愿研究

4.A Study on the Link between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Construction Enterprises;施工企业员工满意度与离职意愿的相关性研究

5.The Study on the Satisfaction Rate and Turnover Intention of the Companies in Pearl River Delta;珠三角地区企业员工满意度与离职意愿的探讨

6.A study of the satisfaction rate and turnover intention of the enterprises in the Pearl River Delta;珠三角地区企业员工满意度及离职意愿的探讨

7.Research on Influence of the Knowledge Workers" Perception of Demission Risk on Their Demission Intention in the Industrial Cluster产业集群知识员工离职风险感知对离职意愿影响研究

8.The Investigation and the Research of Education Stategy on Turnover Intention of Nurse;临床护理人员离职意愿调查及教育对策研究

9.Employee-Organizational Relationship Have an Impact on Staff Turnover Intention;员工与组织关系对员工离职意愿的影响

10.Research on Influence of Organizational Commitment upon Knowledge Workers Turnover Intention;知识员工组织承诺对离职意愿的影响研究

11.Research on the Factors Influencing Employees Team Voluntary Turnover Behavior in Private Businesses;民营企业员工集体离职意愿影响因素研究

12.Analysis of factors related to organizational commitment and turnover intention of oncology nurses影响肿瘤科护士组织承诺和离职意愿因素分析

13.Turnover Intention and Related Factors of Nurses in Beijing Social Welfare System北京市福利院护士离职意愿相关因素调查

14.A Study on Effect of Organizational Career Management on Turnover Intention of Employee Graduated in Recent Three Years;组织职业生涯管理对大学毕业三年内员工离职意愿影响研究

15.Research on Effect of Organizational Career Management on Turnover Intention of Young Employees in Enterprises企业组织职业生涯管理对青年员工离职意愿的影响研究

16.Study of Work Satisfaction and Turnover Intention among Headnurses in Changsha City;长沙市二级以上公立医院护士长工作满意度及离职意愿研究

17.A Study on Correlation of Nurse"s Job Satisfaction, Organization Commitment and Turnover Intention军队医院护士工作满意度、组织承诺、离职意愿关系的研究

18.Correlation of nurse"s job satisfaction,organization commitment and turnover intention三甲医院护士工作满意度与组织承诺、离职意愿的关系


decreasing employee voluntary turnover降低离职意愿

1.It puts forwards the methods and flows of application of six sigma management ondecreasing employee voluntary turnover in high technology company,and it also gives a proper example on company BM which is a high technology company on biology.探索六西格玛管理模式在高科技企业降低员工离职意愿中的应用流程和方法,以一家典型的生物高新技术股份制企业BM公司为案例建立了高科技公司导入六西格玛降低离职意愿的流程和应用模型。

3)intention and behavior to leave离职意愿和行为

4)Staff turnover intention员工离职意愿

5)willingness of part time jobs兼职意愿

6)professional desire职业意愿

1.Through a questionnaire to 112 young PE teachers under theage of 40 in some colleges and universities in Hunan Province concerning theirprofessional desire,we ve found that PE teachers degree of satisfaction with their jobs and their professional stability are obviously superior to those of other specialty teachers.通过对 112名湖南部分高校 4 0岁以下的青年体育教师职业意愿的问卷调查研究 ,发现他们较其它专业教师 ,在职业满意度、职业稳定性等方面明显高于对照组。


