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领悟社会支持 Perceived social support英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-01 02:11:12


领悟社会支持 Perceived social support英语短句 例句大全

领悟社会支持,Perceived social support

1)Perceived social support领悟社会支持

1.Study on Perceived Social Support and Related Influence Factors in Teachers with High-grade Professional Titles in Colleges;高校高级职称教师领悟社会支持及其相关因素研究

2.Objective To study the relationship between perceived social support and quality of life in patients with post stroke depression(PSD).目的探讨脑卒中后抑郁(PSD)患者领悟社会支持与生活质量的相关性。

3.ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between family cohesion, family adaptability and perceived social support.目的调查大学生家庭亲密度和适应性与领悟社会支持的关系。


1.Perceived Social Support,Enacted Social Support and Depression in a Sample of College Students;领悟社会支持、实际社会支持与大学生抑郁

2.A Research on the Determinants of Perceived Social Support in College Students;大学生领悟社会支持的影响因素研究

3.Insight of the Effect of Society Supports to the Nurse Life Quality领悟社会支持对护士生命质量的影响

4.A Study on Perceived Social Support and Academic Help-Seeking of Migrant Children;流动人口子女领悟社会支持与学业求助的研究

5.Relationship between Perceived Social Support and Self Consistency and Congruence of Normal College Students;高师生自我和谐及其与领悟社会支持的关系

6.The Effect of Perceived Social Support on Depression in College Students;领悟社会支持对大学生抑郁情绪的影响

7.Relationship between Anxiety and Perceived Social Support;大学生焦虑与领悟社会支持关系的研究

8.Effects of perceived social support on anxiety-depression of unniversity students;领悟社会支持对大学生焦虑抑郁情绪的影响

9.The Relationship between College Students Mental Health,Personality and Perceived Social Support;大学生心理健康与人格、领悟社会支持的关系

10.Research on Students" Psychological Stressing State Acquisition and Social Supportive Factors Post-Earthquake震后学生心理应激状态领悟社会支持因素研究

11.Research on Perceived Social Support Affecting the Social Adaptation of Left-behind Junior High School Students领悟社会支持对留守初中生社会适应的影响研究

12.Social Avoidance and Distress and Their Perception of Social Support Among College Students;大学生社交回避及苦恼与领悟社会支持状况分析

13.A Study on the Relationship among Harmonious Interpersonal Relationships, Perceive Social Support and Self-efficacy among Senior High School Students;高中生和谐人际关系、领悟社会支持与自我效能感的关系研究

14.Mediating Effect of Social Support on Loneliness and Mental Health of College Students;孤独感与领悟社会支持对大学生心理健康的影响

15.Self-efficacy,Perceived Social Support:The Mediating Effect of Familism and Self-esteem in College Student;领悟社会支持、自我效能感对大学生家族主义与自尊的中介效应

16.Correlations of Perception Social Support,Security and Suicide Attitude;领悟社会支持及安全感与大学生自杀态度的相关分析

17.On College Students Affect Balance,Perceived Social Support and Communication Apprehension.;大学生情感平衡、领悟社会支持与交流恐惧的关系

18.Moderation Effects of Perceived Society Support Between Personality and Mental Healthy;领悟社会支持在人格与心理健康之间的调节作用



3)social support社会支持

1.A study onsocial support and coping style of breast cancer patients and its relationship with their personality;乳腺癌病人社会支持和应对方式及其与人格关系的研究

2.A survey onsocial supports for hypertensives and nursing interventions;高血压病患者社会支持状况调查及对策

3.Study onsocial support for patients with HIV/AIDS in rural area;农村HIV/AIDS的社会支持研究

4)social supports社会支持

1.Study on the correlation betweensocial supports and family rehabilitation among old patients with hip fracture after operation;老年髋部骨折患者术后家庭康复与社会支持的关系研究

2.This paper first describes the elusiveness of breast cancer, then explores the psychological experiences of the sufferers, and finally puts forward some suggestions onsocial supports, including promoting communication between doctors and patients, improving social welfare and calling o.首先描述了乳腺癌的隐蔽性,接着考察了患者的心理体验,最后提出了加强乳腺癌患者社会支持的一些建议,包括增加医患交流,提高社会福利,发动全社会的支持。

3.Objective:To explore the characteristics ofsocial supports and personal relationships of children left in rural areas by their parents working out of town.目的:探索农村留守学生社会支持和校园人际关系的特点。

5)society support社会支持

1.Objective:To study the depressive emotion in male drug addicts and to know the relationship of depressive emotion and addiction behavior andsociety support.目的:研究男性吸毒者中的抑郁情绪存在情况,了解不同抑郁状况与吸毒者成瘾行为和社会支持之间的关系。

2.Objective To show thesociety support status of the patients with cancer and analysis the weakly group equired lowersociety support.目的:了解癌症患者的社会支持状况,分析出社会支持较低的弱势群体。

6)coping style社会支持

1.Social support andcoping style in patients with breast cancer;乳腺癌患者的社会支持和应对方式对照研究

2.ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship among social support,coping style and mental health on university librarians.目的探讨高校图书馆员工的社会支持、应对方式与心理健康的相关程度。


领悟领悟insight领悟(in sigho这个术语在“问题一解决”实验中,指突然认识到事物间的关系,找到了解决问题的办法;在这种场合,insight常被译作“顿悟”。在心理治疗(尤其是精神分析)中,这个词被用来指病人发现了旱先(尤其是童年时代)的事件同后来的事件间的动力联系,以致逐渐认识到冲突或症状的根源。有时候领悟出现于病人想起了被压抑的经历之时:但精神分析治疗的成功,很少是来自于病人突然回忆起某一单个戏剧性事件。因为领悟是一个逐渐增强自知的过程,一个人的疾病极少只是由单一事件而引起。(梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)
