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行为科学 behavioral science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-21 00:07:01


行为科学 behavioral science英语短句 例句大全

行为科学,behavioral science

1)behavioral science行为科学

1.Usingbehavioral science theory and analyzing the causes of accidents of furniture manufacturing enterprises,this article aims at presenting effective measures against safety accidents in order to promote sound development of enterprises.本文旨在运用行为科学理论,剖析家具生产企业事故发生的原因,并提出了避免出现安全事故的相应措施,促进家具企业的健康发展。

2.This article summarizes the role of the social andbehavioral sciences in the essential blocks, each centered on clinical cases.本文扼要介绍了社会科学和行为科学在基础核心课程阶段以临床病例为中心的各学段中的作用。

3.From the perspective ofbehavioral science, as the background of behavior, the concept of attitude should not be limited to cognition.从行为科学的角度看,态度作为行为的背景,其定义不应仅仅局限于认知,同时,也存在着社会态度的中间状态,不应绝对化。


1.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学部

2.behavioral scientific decision model行为科学的决策模式

3.behavioral scientific decision rule行为科学的决策规则

4.The Discussion about Serious Violence Crime from the Angle of Behavior Science;行为科学视角下的严重暴力犯罪探讨

5.Development and Application of Behaviour Scienceand Regional Environment Dss;行为科学与区域环境DSS的开发应用

6.Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences社会、行为与经济科学局

7.Analysis to Scientific Misconduct in Sociology of Science;科研越轨行为成因的科学社会学解析

8.Public Administration as an Administrative Science-On Herbert Simon"s Administrative Thoughts作为行政科学的公共行政学——西蒙行政思想述评

9.Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science.他反对为科学献身的苦行主义,主张快乐的科学。

10.Research on the Development of Science Teachers" Views of Nature of Science and Teaching Actions;理科教师科学本质观及其教学行为发展研究

11.Developmental Evaluation On Science Teachers’Teaching Behavior of Nature of Science;论理科教师科学本质教学行为的发展性评价

12.Reasonable Objective for the Development of Science and Rational Scientific Action;科学进步的合理目标与理性的科学行为

13.NSFC Should Strengthen Its Guard Against “Misconduct in Science”;中国科学基金应该加强对科学不端行为的防范

14.The NSFC Should Enhance its Guard Against Irregularities in Scientific Research;中国科学基金应加强对科学不端行为的防范

15.Division 6. Behavior Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology行为神经科学和比较心理学

16.A Comparative Study for Involvement in Science Communication of Academicians From Different Research Areas;不同学部院士科学传播行为对比研究

17.A Study of a Learning Behavior Model for Science and Engineering Students;理工科学生外语学习行为模式的探讨

18.Chinese science in transition: misconduct in science and analysis of the causes;转型中的中国科学:科研不端行为及其诱因分析


behavior science行为科学

1.On Enterprise Management Guided by the Theory of Behavior Science;论行为科学理论指导下的企业管理

2.Based on the principles ofbehavior science that culture shapes managerial behavior, managerial behavior produces individual behavior, safety programs can be structured into a model consisting of three modules, i.社会组织的安全管理工作方法的集合可以看做是该组织的安全管理方案,根据文化导向组织行为,组织行为决定个人行为的行为科学基本原理,该安全管理方案可以结构化为由安全文化、组织结构和安全方法3个基本模块组成的模型。

3.The needs theory ,impel theory and grouop behavior theory inbehavior science can be used .在员工公共关系实践中,行为科学的需求理论,激励理论及群体行为理论是非常值得借鉴的,本文主要针对这方面的问题展开讨论。

3)Behavioral sciences行为科学

1.Influence of Behavioral Sciences on Landscape Architecture;行为科学对园林学发展的影响

4)Behavior Sciences行为科学

5)science of behavior行为科学

1.The article focuses on the origin and development of enterprise culture which plays an important roll in the age of knowledge economics based on the developing process of the science of management andscience of behavior.从管理科学和行为科学的发展过程探讨企业文化论产生发展以及在知识经济时代中的作用、地位等问题。

2.Thescience of behavior underwent a change from thing-centered manag ement to human-centered management.行为科学把以“事”为中心的管理,改变为以“人”为中心的管理,它为现代教学管理者在人际交往、合理地解决教职工的各种需要、有效利用激励机制、培养共同目标和集体意识以及民主诚信等管理艺术方面提供了有益的尝试。

6)behavioral scientist行为科学家


