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瓦斯保护 gas protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-12 11:35:22


瓦斯保护 gas protection英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯保护,gas protection

1)gas protection瓦斯保护

1.The paper makes an analysis of 1~# main transformer diffential protection malfunction accident of 110 kV Nantan substation,and separately expounds the reason of which the main transformer diffential protection andgas protection simultaneous action,as well as proposes the imporving measures of malfunction accident,and provides some references for the relevant technicians.对110 kV南滩变电所1#主变保护误动事故进行了分析,分别阐述了主变差动保护和瓦斯保护同时动作的原因,提出了误动事故的改进措施及防范措施,可供有关专业人员参考。

2.Expounded the basic work theorem,the protect scope,the installing manner,the daily check over item and the operating habits of thegas protection device of the oil immerse type power transformer,the reason of signal action,the basic principle and the treating method of its trouble analysises,and put forward the measure of anti-accident mensure.阐述了油浸式电力变压器瓦斯保护装置的基本工作原理、保护范围、安装方式、日常巡查项目、运行状态和瓦斯保护装置信号动作的原因及其事故分析诊断的基本原则与处理方法,并提出了反事故措施。

3.In this article,the writer expatiates fundamental、protection range、installation、daily patrol item、function state of oil-dipped transformergas protection,and action cause、basic principle and disposal of accident analysis of transformergas protection and corresponding anti-accident measure.文中详细阐述了油浸式电力变压器瓦斯保护装置的基本工作原理、保护范围、安装方式、日常巡查项目、运行状态和瓦斯保护装置信号动作的原因及其事故分析诊断的基本原则与处理方法,并提出了反事故措施。


1.Gas Protection of Main Transformer Malfunction Analysis and Preventive Measures主变压器瓦斯保护误动分析及防范措施

2.Study on Technology of Surface Drillings Draining Pressure Relief Gas of Coal Seam by Protected;地面钻孔抽采被保护层卸压瓦斯技术研究

3.A research on mine gas inflow regularity during gas extraction in contiguous protective coal seams and gas control近距离保护层开采瓦斯涌出规律及治理研究

4.Gas Drainage Technology with Borehole Through Protected Seam for Up Protective Seam Mining开采上保护层被保护煤层穿层钻孔抽采瓦斯技术

5.Research on Overlying Rock-Coal Failure and Deformation Caused by Mining Protecting Strata, and Relieved Methane Drainage;下保护层开采上覆煤岩变形与卸压瓦斯抽采研究

6.Research on Rock Structure Evolution Caused by Mining of Protecting Strata and Relieved Methane Drainage;下保护层开采覆岩结构演化及卸压瓦斯抽放技术研究

7.A Simple Discuss on the Relationship Between the Development of Folk-custom Tourism and the Protection on Regional Culture--A Case study of Tuwa;喀纳斯湖景区图瓦民俗旅游开发与地方文化保护问题的探讨

8.Practice of Mining Protective Seam in Thick Coal Seam Group and Methane Pre-extracted to Prevent Methane and Coal Outburst特厚煤层群保护层开采与瓦斯预抽采防突技术的实践

9.An analysis of source of mine gas in faces in extracontiguous protective seams and a study on optimization of Y-Γ ventilation system超近距离保护层工作面瓦斯来源分析及Y+Γ型通风系统优化研究

10.Tunneling short distance protector prevention coal and gas prominent engineering research近距离保护层采场巷道掘进的防治煤与瓦斯突出技术研究

11.Sociedad de Amigos en Devensa de la Gran Sabana保护大萨瓦那之友会

12.Chiricahua National Monument奇里卡瓦国家保护区

13.Peninsula Valdes in Patagonia is a site of global significance for the conservation of marine mammals.位于巴塔哥尼亚地区的瓦尔德斯半岛是全球海洋哺乳动物资源的重点保护区。

14.Pressure Relief Functional Principle of Stope Underlying Coal-Rock Mass and Application in Gas Extraction of Protected Coal Seam;采场下伏煤岩体卸压作用原理及在被保护层卸压瓦斯抽采中的应用

15.Deformation and Permeability Distribution Rule of Overlying Outburst Seam in Exploiting Extra-Thin Protective Seam by Drilling Method and Its Application in Pressure Relief Gas Drainage极薄保护层钻采上覆突出煤层变形与透气性分布规律及在卸压瓦斯抽采中的应用

16.Office of Legal Protection of the Archdiocese of San Salvador圣萨尔瓦多大主教管区法律保护处(法律保护处)

17.Application of Differential Protection in Generating Units Protection of Laxiwa Hydropower Plant差动保护在拉西瓦电站发电组保护中的应用

18.Observation and Nursing on One Case of Patient Which Applied Avastin Chemotherapy;1例应用阿瓦斯丁化疗的观察与护理


light gas protecting轻瓦斯保护

3)buchholz alarm and trip protection瓦斯报警和跳闸保护

4)Buchholtz protection瓦斯继电保护[装置]

5)Buchholtz protector巴克霍尔茨保护装置,瓦斯继电器保护装置


1.Directional Drilling for Methane Drainage in Advance of Mining;采前瓦斯抽放定向钻进技术

2.Controlling measures ofmethane and coal dust and ventilation method in fully mechanized excavation face;综掘工作面治理瓦斯煤尘通风方法的探索

3.Integrated control technology formethane in mining faces;回采工作面瓦斯综合治理技术


材料保护 :电化学保护 通过改变极性或移动金属的阳极极化电位达到钝态区来抑制或降低金属结构腐蚀的材料保护技术。从伽法尼电池的两个金属电极来观察﹐腐蚀总是发生在阳极上。阴极保护就是在潮湿的土壤或含有电解质(如盐等)的水液等电解液中﹐利用牺牲阳极(如锌﹑铝等)或外加电流的惰性阳极﹐使被保护的钢铁结构成为这种人为的伽法尼电池中的阴极。在同一腐蚀环境中﹐活性较大的是阳极﹐较小的是阴极﹐例如在海水中﹐锌与低碳钢间如构成电解电池﹐锌就是阳极﹐钢就是阴极﹔但如果钢与不锈钢形成电解电池时﹐钢又变为阳极﹐不锈钢是阴极。所谓阴极﹐实际上是使电解液中的阳离子获得电子而还原的一个电极。因此﹐利用外加直流电源使它获得电子补充﹐也属於阴极保护方法。在不同的腐蚀介质中所需的保护电流密度不一。钢在土壤内﹐约为 0.0001~0.005安/分米3﹐在流动海水中约为0.0003~0.0015安/分米3﹐而在流动淡水中为0.005安/分米3 。阴极保护广泛用於保护地下管道﹑通信或电力电缆﹑闸门﹑船舶和海上平台等以及与土壤或海水等接触面积很大的工件﹐电化学保护与涂装结合则更为经济。城市和大型工厂的地下金属设备可採用这种保护方法﹐但需要注意杂散电流不致影响邻近地下金属设施的加速腐蚀。阳极保护主要用於保护钢﹑不锈钢和鈦等在浓硫酸和磷酸等强介质中的腐蚀。活性-钝性金属在阳极极化时﹐即电流导入而產生电位变化时﹐其极化曲线中有显著的活化﹑钝化和过钝化区(见图阳极保护原理的极化曲线 )﹐对於这种情况﹐可利用稳压电源将电位控制在钝化区间﹐使腐蚀电流值降到最低限度。
