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民事司法 civil judicature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-10 06:05:54


民事司法 civil judicature英语短句 例句大全

民事司法,civil judicature

1)civil judicature民事司法

1.Thecivil judicature has profound influence on the protection of human rights, social progress and economic development.民事司法评价是指根据民事司法的目的、功能、特点和民事司法的公共责任,设计若干反映民事司法质量、效率、效果和社会公众满意程度各方面情况的评估指标,运用数量研究方法据以对不同国家、不同法系、不同地缘(区域)法院之间和国内各级法院、法官的民事司法绩效进行总体性、数量化的估计和判定。

2.As a mean of resolving civil dissension,civil judicature is playing an more and more important role in society.民事司法作为解决民事纠纷的一种手段。


1.The Differences of Analogy between Criminal Justice and Civil Justice;类推在刑事司法与民事司法中的不同

2.On the Moves of Introducing Folk Habits into Civil Judicature论民事司法引入民俗习惯的几个举措

3.A New Probe into Civil Judicial Reform--From Comparative Law Perspective;民事司法改革新探——一个比较法的视角

4.Evidence Examination of Chinese Civil Judiciary Appraisement Verdicts;论我国民事司法鉴定结论的证据审查

5.On Civil Judicature Efficiency Elements in Harmonious Society;和谐社会下民事司法效率要素之论纲

6.On the Theory & Practice of Civil Judicial Appraisal;民事司法评价问题的理论与实践研究

7.Probing into the Infringement of Trade Secrets and Its Civil Judicial Remedies;商业秘密侵权及其民事司法救济探讨

8.Research on the Reform of the Civil Judicatory Assistant Procedure in China;中国涉外民事司法协助程序改革研究

9."Both-Convenient" Principle in the Context of Civil Judicial Reform;论民事司法改革语境下的“两便原则”

10.The Civil Justice Reform in the United Kingdom and its Significance to China;英国民事司法改革及其对我国的启示

11.Aufschlusse der Reform des deutschen Zivilrechtssystems;德国民事司法制度改革给我们的启迪

12.Problems in China s Civil Judicial System and the Countermeasures;我国民事司法体制存在的问题及对策

13.Analyses of 58 cases with civil forensic psychiatry expertise;58例民事司法精神医学鉴定案分析

14.The Limited-liability Company Director"s Civil Legal Liability Research股份有限公司董事民事法律责任研究

15.Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgement in Civil and Commercial Matters关于民商事司法管辖和判决执行公约

16.Reflection on the Popular Indignation:the Heel of Achilles in Criminal Justice民愤的反思:刑事司法的阿基里斯之踵

17.Judicial Notice in Civil Proceedings: Problems and Ideas;民事诉讼中的司法认知:问题与前瞻

18.On the Interregional Judical Assistance of Ciuil and Commercial Affairs between the Mainland、Hongkong、Malao and Taiwan;论内地与港、澳、台区际民商事司法协助


civil justice identification民事司法鉴定司

3)medical civil judicature医事民事司法

1.In the subject,medical civil judicature is a major part.医事司法学是医与法交叉融合的新学科,医事民事司法则是医事司法学的重要组成部分,其研究为医疗民事纠纷的法律实务操作提供规则,具有重大的实用价值。

4)civil jurisdiction concerning military affairs jurisdiction军事民事司法

5)civil legal aid民事司法救助

1.Oncivil legal aid system from perspective of building harmonious socialist;建设和谐社会视野下的民事司法救助制度

6)civil judicial practice民事司法实践


