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民事推定 Civil presumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-20 16:12:29


民事推定 Civil presumption英语短句 例句大全

民事推定,Civil presumption

1)Civil presumption民事推定

1.We need to consider many factors to apply the civil presumption in the cases, such as the rules ,explanation, and applation of legal presumption based on policy; actual function of factual presumption based on experience.民事推定横跨民事程序法和民事实体法两个领域,不仅是民事证据制度理论的重要组成部分,而且是民事实体法规则的重要内容。

2.As an important part of evidence act, the system of the civil presumption plays an important role in cognizancing verity of the civil judgement and opening the free evaluation of evidence.民事推定制度作为证据法中的重要内容,在民事审判认定事实、自由心证客观化方面发挥着重要的作用。

2)On Studies of Civil Presumption民事推定研究

3)Research on Civil Presumption System民事推定制度研究

4)criminal presumption刑事推定

1.The empirical analysis of 44criminal presumptions in our criminal law indicates that they relax the proving requirement to the prosecution and shift the risk of doubt to defendants,deviating from the proof standard of beyond a reasonable doubt and directly threatening the values and interests protected by the principle of presumption of innocence.对我国刑事立法和司法中44个推定的实证分析表明,刑事推定在放松控方证明要求的同时又将存疑风险转移到被告人身上,背离了排除合理怀疑的证明标准,直接危及无罪推定原则所保护的价值与利益。

2.During the criminal procedure,criminal presumption is an important method in identifying the case, which to some extent mitigates the difficulty of Public Prosecutor s proof.在刑事诉讼中 ,刑事推定是认定案件事实的一种重要方法 ,在某种程度上减轻了控方证明的难度。

3.The research ofcriminal presumption from the overseas is relatively mature, compared to that from the domestic.国外法学对刑事推定的研究比较成熟,然而由于我国在证据制度上一贯追求“客观真实”,制约了对刑事推定的理论研究和发展,至今仍未建立其完整的制度,很多刑事推定还未能被成文化,整个推定规则的体系也还未建立,导致司法实践运用的混乱。


1.The Effectiveness of Presumption in Criminal Proceedings刑事推定的效力——以“实质真实”为视角

2.Criminal Presumption and Its Efficiency: Analysis Based on Substantial Truth刑事推定及其效力——基于“实质真实”的分析

3.Study on Rules of Criminal Procedure Presumption and Its Application;刑事诉讼推定规则及其适用问题研究

4.The Realization and Significance of Innocent Inference;无罪推定在刑事诉讼中的实现及意义

5.An Exploration of the Principle of Innocence Presumption in Criminal Procedure in Our Country我国刑事诉讼中无罪推定原则的探究

6.On Manifestation of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence in Criminal Case Report;论刑事案件报道对“无罪推定”精神的体现

7.On the Perfection of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence in Criminal Proceeding;关于刑事诉讼立法中无罪推定原则的完善

8.On Exact Expression of the Presumption of Innocence Principle in Re-amendment of Criminal Procedure Law;论刑事诉讼法再修改应准确表述无罪推定原则

9.On the Transformation Between Presumption and Burden of Presenting Proof;论刑事诉讼中的推定规则及其在我国的确立

10.Innocent Inference Principle should Be Establishedin Legistration of Criminal Lawsuit;我国刑事诉讼立法中应确立“无罪推定”原则

11.Research on the Effects of the “Suspected Guilt as Innocence” Principle on the Development of China s Criminal Procedure Reform;“无罪推定”原则对我国刑事诉讼改革的影响

12.Benefit of Doubt in Chinese Criminal Procedure;论无罪推定理论在中国刑事诉讼中的运用

13.The Application of the Innocent Inference In the Criminal Lawsuit of China;试论无罪推定在我国刑事诉讼中的运用

14.On Application of Principle of Presumption of Innocence in System of Criminal Evidence;论无罪推定原则在刑事证据制度中的适用

15.Presumption of Innocent Doctrine and “Philosophy of State Power”in Criminal Procedure;无罪推定与刑事诉讼中的“国家权力哲学”

16.Revision of Criminal Procedure Law Again:Comprehensive Establishment of Innocent Estimation Principle《刑事诉讼法》的再修改:全面确立无罪推定原则

17.Rethinking of Innocence Presumption and the Burden of Proof in Criminal Proceeding关于无罪推定与刑事证明责任的再思考

18.Reflection on the Standard of China s Criminal Procedure--Discussion on Seeking Truth from Facts and Principle of Innocent Presumption;对我国刑事诉讼证明标准的反思——兼论实事求是与无罪推定原则


On Studies of Civil Presumption民事推定研究

3)Research on Civil Presumption System民事推定制度研究

4)criminal presumption刑事推定

1.The empirical analysis of 44criminal presumptions in our criminal law indicates that they relax the proving requirement to the prosecution and shift the risk of doubt to defendants,deviating from the proof standard of beyond a reasonable doubt and directly threatening the values and interests protected by the principle of presumption of innocence.对我国刑事立法和司法中44个推定的实证分析表明,刑事推定在放松控方证明要求的同时又将存疑风险转移到被告人身上,背离了排除合理怀疑的证明标准,直接危及无罪推定原则所保护的价值与利益。

2.During the criminal procedure,criminal presumption is an important method in identifying the case, which to some extent mitigates the difficulty of Public Prosecutor s proof.在刑事诉讼中 ,刑事推定是认定案件事实的一种重要方法 ,在某种程度上减轻了控方证明的难度。

3.The research ofcriminal presumption from the overseas is relatively mature, compared to that from the domestic.国外法学对刑事推定的研究比较成熟,然而由于我国在证据制度上一贯追求“客观真实”,制约了对刑事推定的理论研究和发展,至今仍未建立其完整的制度,很多刑事推定还未能被成文化,整个推定规则的体系也还未建立,导致司法实践运用的混乱。

5)presumption of fact事实推定

1.As a measure of judging the facts in issue,thepresumption of fact is practiced more widely than presumption of law in judicial areas.在民事诉讼活动中,事实推定作为法官认定案件事实的一种裁判方法,其应用范围比法律推定更为广泛。

2.As a measure of judging the facts in issue, thepresumption of fact is practiced more widely than presumption of law in judicial areas.民事诉讼中,事实推定作为法官认定案件事实的一种裁判方法,在司法实践中的应用范围比法律推定更为广泛。

3.It is a process that the judges make reasoning and logic considering to find the facts, Presumption of law is a conception contrary topresumption of fact, It is limited because the lawmaker can only prescribe clearly the foreseeable, universal presumption.推定是从已知事实推出未知事实的证明方法,事实推定也被称为诉讼上的推定、司法上的推定,是法官根据逻辑规则和经验法则,由已知事实推出待证事实的过程。

6)the fact inference事实推定

1.Afterwards, the author analyses the characters, definition and connection between fact inference and presumption of law, points that reasoning is the essence ofthe fact inference.然后集中分析事实推定与法律推定的概念特征及其相互关系,指出事实推定的实质是推理或推论;法律推定源于事实推定又高于事实推定,是在事实推定的基础上渗入了法律价值和政策需要,从而将事实推定的单纯经验逻辑上升为法律逻辑;法律推定和事实推定具有泾渭分明的区别也有千丝万缕的联系,事实推定作为一个法律术语有其存在的合理性。


