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重链 heavy chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-05 16:33:59


重链 heavy chain英语短句 例句大全

重链,heavy chain

1)heavy chain重链

1.Significance of detecting the clonal rearrangement of immunoglobulinheavy chain gene and T cell receptor γ gene in patients with acute myeloid leukemia;急性髓性白血病免疫球蛋白重链重因和T细胞受体γ基因重排的检测及意义

2.A preliminary study on translocation of the immunoglobulinheavy chain gene in KM3 myeloma cell line;骨髓瘤细胞系KM3中免疫球蛋白重链基因易位的初步研究

3.The mechanism of which was a combination of theheavy chain of myosin with 7S in ISP; Polyphosphate had a great influence on the formation of aheavy chain of myosin and the denaturation of actin.其反应机制是:肉蛋白与ISP中主要成份β—伴大豆球蛋白碱性基团的结合和盐类对肌动蛋白特性的改变及肌球蛋白重链形成的影响。


1.Ssp DnaB intein-mediated ligation of heavy and light chains of coagulation factor VIII in Escherichia coliSsp DnaB intein大肠杆菌中介导FVIII重链和轻链的连接

2.Select the form(s) you want to relink, and then click "Relink Forms" on the toolbar.选择您想重新链接的表单并单击工具栏上的“重链接表单”按钮。

3."Disable multilink (restrict client to single port)"禁用多重链接(限制客户到单一端口)

4.Heavy-duty cranked-link transmission roller chains and chain wheelsGB/T5858-1997重载传动用弯板滚子链和链轮

5.Value chain reconstruction for Chinese enterprises in the global value chain;全球价值链下的中国企业价值链重构

6.take the door off its hinges and rehang it把门从铰链上卸下重装

7.Where navigation links are repeated, provide a method for the user to skip these repetitive links.如果有重复的导航链接,请为用户提供可跳过这些重复链接的方法。

8.The duplicate link entry is invalid. Only issues can be linked as duplicates.重复链接项无效。只有问题才能作为重复项进行链接。

9.Hearing was improved among 80.8% of the cases that underwent sealing of attic cell and ossiculoplasty.80 8%上鼓室封闭 +听骨链重建术听力改善 ,另 2 1例未重建听骨链。

10.The supply chain management is an important process of the value chain, and the supplier evaluation and selection is an important matter in it.供应链管理是企业价值链上的重要环节,对供方的选择评价是供应链管理中的一项重要内容。

11.You can rub up the silver necklace and Bring Back its shine.你可以擦亮银项链使其光泽重现。

12.The straight-chain alkanes exacerbate the problem of engine "knock".直链烷烃使机器的“爆震”问题更加严重。

13.To demonstrate the effect of chorda tympani nerve used in tympanoplasty.论证鼓索神经对听骨链重建的作用。

14.Don"t worry about that heavy load, it"s chained down.不用担心那重物,它已用链子拴牢了。

15.heavy iron ball is attached to a prisoner by a chain.通过一条链子把重铁球绑到囚犯身上。

16.The chain is an important part of a bicycle.车链是自行车的重要部件。

17.Chains- A reward for acceptable or weighty service.链条-受肯定的,或价值重大服务的奖励。

18.More important than SEO is link popularity.比搜索引擎优化更重要的是链接广度。


heavy chain and light chain重链与轻链

3)lifting chain起重链;吊链

4)heavy-duty chain重型链, 重载链

5)recombination of magnetic chains磁链重组

6)load bearing chain配重链


