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历史人物 historical figures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-02 17:38:38


历史人物 historical figures英语短句 例句大全

历史人物,historical figures

1)historical figures历史人物

1.Examples for finding out the dates of birth and death ofhistorical figures;历史人物生卒年代推求方法举例

2.Both Liu Ji and Zhuge Liang were considered as the talented and outstandinghistorical figures,versed in both polite letters and martial arts.刘基、诸葛亮都是才称王佐、经文纬武、出类拔萃的干练能臣;都是一个时代的杰出思想家、政治家、军事家;他们的生平极富传奇色彩,都是领略一代风骚的历史人物。

3.Since the reform and opening up to the outside world,our academic community has made a delightful achievement in studyinghistorical figures.改革开放以来,我国学界的历史人物研究取得了可喜的成绩。


1.On Mao Zedong conception of History Based on His Remarks on the Historical Figures;基于毛泽东点评历史人物看其历史观

2.The Historical Investigation into the Controversial Historical Figure Teng Zi-jing;对争议性历史人物滕子京的历史考察

3.Some are with historical figures.有的上面绘有历史人物。

4.A famous historical figure.一位著名的历史人物

5.Some are with historical figures and some有的上面绘有历史人物

6.On the Recreation of History People from the Point of Play of Palace of Qing Dynasty;历史剧也是一种历史文本——从清宫戏看历史人物的再创造

7.On the Social Factors to Engender the HistoricalFigures in East Hubei--A Systematic Research on Historical Figures in East HuBei(Ⅱ);试论鄂东历史人物产生的社会条件——鄂东历史人物系统研究之二

8.In fact,from the view of historical development,no historical character can get final judgment.但从历史学的发展史上看,很少有历史人物能有定论。

ments Morals,Known Figures,a Spiritual Dialogue with Historical Figures;论世知人,与历史人物进行心灵的对话

10.Roots of the Tragedies of the Historical Figures in China s Modern History;论中国近代历史人物人生悲剧的根源

11.About Analyzing Historical Backround in the Teaching of Appraised of Historical Figures at home and Abroad走近历史 把握人物——浅议《中外历史人物评说》教学中的历史背景分析法

12.He was a great and historical personage.他是一位伟大的历史人物。

13.History,Personage and Minutia--Historical Narrative in JIN ke"s "The Country Gentlemen"历史·人物·细节——论金科《乡贤》的历史叙事

14.historical events, people历史上的事件、 人物.

15.There appeared so many famous heroes having experienced a lot of frustrations.历史上有很多著名人物经历过失败。

16.great man theory of history历史伟人论 历史伟人论

17.Both are a product of a 5,000-year history of domestication by human beings.都是人类五千年动物驯化历史的产物。

18.Father Christmas is based on a real person in history.圣诞老人源于历史上一个真实的人物。


historical figure历史人物

1.As ahistorical figure,Wang Zhaojun s image constantly appeared in the plays,but her literary image in the different writers works is different and has clear transformation process.作为历史人物的王昭君,她的形象不断出现在剧作家笔下,但她的文学形象,在不同作家如古代戏剧家和20世纪的郭沫若、曹禺的笔下,却是不尽相同的,而且还经历了一个明晰的转变过程。

2.The development and transformation of thehistorical figure are a process of continuum characterized by vagueness.历史人物在其一生的发展变化中,从此性态发展变化到彼性态,从“此样”发展变化到“彼样”,是一个连续的渐变的过程。

3.So both writers of historical plays and audience can understand and accepthistorical figures.历史的人与现实的人在人性方面存在同构,历史剧作家和现实观众都能理解和接受历史人物。

3)historic figure历史人物

1.Jiang Wei(Gallant Unicorn) was one of the importanthistoric figures in the Period of Three Kingdoms,and also an artistic image that cannot be neglected in Romance of Three Kingdoms.姜维既是三国时期的一个重要历史人物,也是《三国演义》中一个不可忽视的艺术形象。

2.Evaluation ofhistoric figures should be based on correct historic materials and need textual criticism.评价历史人物必须建立在史实的基础上,谨慎甄别、考证各种史料,以正确史实为据。

4)historical character历史人物

1.The present paper investigates Caocao in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, reveals Caocaos two sidedness and analyzes the process of the change from ahistorical character to a literary prototype.本着历史唯物主义的求实精神,文章对《三国演义》中曹操形象作了探源溯流的系统考查,实事求是地阐明了作为历史人物的曹操的两面性,细致分析了曹操从历史人物向文学典型的演变过程;通过这种考查和分析,人们可以更深刻认识曹操这个艺术典型的审美价值,以及曹操形象蕴含的丰富的历史文化内涵。

2.The transformation of Emperor Hanwu from thehistorical character through the legendary hero to the fictional figure is representative in the history of literature.汉武帝由历史人物到传说人物再到小说人物的形象转变过程在文学史上具有一定代表性。

5)historical personage历史人物

1.Tries to discuss thehistorical personage topic piece the valueessential factor——Take the television movie "Green hill Newborn baby-Zhouyiqun" as anexample;试论历史人物专题片的价值要素——以电视片《青山赤子周逸群》为例

6)history legend历史人物传说

1.In Wujiagou Village and Geng Village there circulated lot ofhistory legends of rich culture implication.伍家沟村、耿村都流传大量的历史人物传说,这些传说都蕴含了丰富的文化意蕴。


