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植酸钠盐 sodium salt phytic acid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-29 06:11:50


植酸钠盐 sodium salt phytic acid英语短句 例句大全

植酸钠盐,sodium salt phytic acid

1)sodium salt phytic acid植酸钠盐

2)Fatty acids,vegetable-oil,sodium salts植物油脂肪酸钠盐

3)sodium humate腐植酸钠

1.Study on nitrogen fixation behavior ofsodium humate in ammonium phosphate production;腐植酸钠在磷铵生产中固氮作用的研究

2.Test of Sodium Humate as Food Additives on Macrobrachium nipponense Growth-promoting Effect腐植酸钠添加剂在青虾饲料应用中的促生长效果试验

3.A series ofsodium humate/polyisopropylacrylamide(SH/PNIPA) hydrogels was synthesized by solution polymerization using acrylamide andsodium humate(SH) as raw materials,ammonium persulfate(APS) as the initiator and N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide(MBA) as the crosslinker.以过硫酸铵为引发剂、N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂、N-异丙基丙烯酰胺单体和腐植酸钠为原料,用溶液聚合交联法合成了温敏腐植酸钠/聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(SH/PNIPA)系列水凝胶。


1.Influences of Sodium Humate Concentration Change in Compounded Sodium Humate Ointment on the Therapeutic Effect of Scalded Wound复方腐植酸钠烫伤膏中腐植酸钠浓度变化对烫伤治疗效果的影响

2.The Effects of Adding Sodium Humate on Digestion and Metabolism of Sheep;添喂腐植酸钠对绵羊消化代谢的影响

3.Study of Sodium Humate on the Property of Fixing Nitrogen in the Ammonium Phosphate Production;腐植酸钠在磷铵生产中固氮作用的研究

4.Study on Capacity of Scale & Corrosion Inhibition of HA-Na Water Treatment Agent;腐植酸钠水处理剂阻垢和缓蚀性能的研究

5.Updating the Method for Determining Sodium Humate in the Coal Rod煤棒中腐植酸钠含量测定方法改进探讨

6.Preparation and Swelling Behaviors of PVA/PAA/SH Superabsorbents聚乙烯醇/聚丙烯酸/腐植酸钠高吸水性树脂的制备及溶胀行为

7.Effects of Crosslinking Degree on the Properties of Guar Gum-g-Poly(Acrylic Acid)/Sodium Humate Superabsorbents交联度对瓜尔胶-g-聚丙烯酸/腐植酸钠高吸水性树脂性能的影响


9.HA-Na Compound Water Treatment Agent Applied in Chlor-alkali Industry Recycled Cooling Water;腐植酸钠复合水处理剂在烧碱蒸发循环冷却水中的应用

10.Sodium Humate Fermented Feed and its Application in Piglet Fattening Effect(presentation)腐植酸钠发酵饲料的研制及其在仔猪育肥中的应用效果

11.Test of Sodium Humate as Food Additives on Macrobrachium nipponense Growth-promoting Effect腐植酸钠添加剂在青虾饲料应用中的促生长效果试验

12.Synthesis and Decoloring Properties of Sodium Humate/Polyisopropylacrylamide/Clay Composite Hydrogels腐植酸钠/聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺/粘土杂化水凝胶的合成及脱色性能

13.Effects of Sodium Humate on Laying Performance of Nick(Parent Stock) Egg Genus Chicken腐植酸钠对尼克红父母代蛋种鸡生产性能的影响

14.Effects of Nitro Humic Acid Natrium Extracted from Lignite on Growth Performance of Fattening Pig and Digestibility of Feedstuff褐煤中提取硝基腐植酸钠对生长育肥猪生长性能和饲料消化率的影响

15.Content of Humic Acid in Compound Fertilizer of Humic Acid measured by Volumetric Method容量法测定腐植酸复肥中腐植酸含量

16.Synthesis of Humic Acid-Acrylic Superabsorbent Resin腐殖酸钠-丙烯酸高吸水性树脂的制备

17.Hypoglycemic Effect of Fulvic Acid(FA) and Sodium Fulvate(SF) on Diabetic Mice黄腐酸及黄腐酸钠对糖尿病小鼠的降糖作用

18.Evaluation on the Test Method of Humic Acid in Humic Fertilizer;腐植酸类肥料中腐植酸含量测定方法的评价


Fatty acids,vegetable-oil,sodium salts植物油脂肪酸钠盐

3)sodium humate腐植酸钠

1.Study on nitrogen fixation behavior ofsodium humate in ammonium phosphate production;腐植酸钠在磷铵生产中固氮作用的研究

2.Test of Sodium Humate as Food Additives on Macrobrachium nipponense Growth-promoting Effect腐植酸钠添加剂在青虾饲料应用中的促生长效果试验

3.A series ofsodium humate/polyisopropylacrylamide(SH/PNIPA) hydrogels was synthesized by solution polymerization using acrylamide andsodium humate(SH) as raw materials,ammonium persulfate(APS) as the initiator and N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide(MBA) as the crosslinker.以过硫酸铵为引发剂、N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂、N-异丙基丙烯酰胺单体和腐植酸钠为原料,用溶液聚合交联法合成了温敏腐植酸钠/聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(SH/PNIPA)系列水凝胶。

4)Sodium phytate植酸钠

1.Production technics of sodium phytate and phytic acid from phytin;由菲汀制取植酸钠及植酸的生产工艺研究

2.A new method for direct extracting sodium phytate from corn-soaking, the by-product produced in the process of corn fermentation, was provided.采用正交实验法探讨了利用玉米发酵过程中产生的副产物玉米浸渍水直接制取植酸钠的新工艺。

3.High-performance ion chromatography(HPIC) was used to analyze the hydrolization products of sodium phytate.采用高效离子色谱(HPIC)法对植酸钠的水解产物进行分析,建立了HPIC法确定植酸钠水解率的新方法。

5)humic acid sodium腐植酸钠

1.The scale inhibiting and corrosion inhibiting abilities ofhumic acid sodium(HA-Na) and the combinations of phosphorus-containing scale-corrosion inhibitors sold in markets are studied.研究了腐植酸钠(HA-Na)与市售的含磷阻垢缓蚀剂复配产品的阻垢和缓蚀性能。

2.We obtainedhumic acid sodium which moulded lignite semi-coke used in ferroalloy plan from brown coal riching in Yunnan province.利用云南丰富的褐煤资源制备了腐植酸钠作黏结剂,并用来成型铁合金厂应用的褐煤半焦。

3.The scale inhibiting and corrosion inhibiting performances ofhumic acid sodium (HA-Na) are evaluated.对腐植酸钠(HA Na)的阻垢和缓蚀性能进行了评定。

6)sodium salt of phytic acid植酸钠

1.The preparation ofsodium salt of phytic acid degrease Rice bran dip - dye steep liquor with the method of absorption of ion exchange resin is studied.开发了用离子交换树脂吸附法以脱脂米糠浸泡液为原料生产植酸钠的新工艺,采用正交设计及极差分析法确定了最佳工艺条件,植酸的平均收率达到96%以上。

2.Different types of ion exchange resins are used for the study of preparation ofsodium salt of phytic acid from corn steep liquor.以玉米浸带水为原料,采用不同的离子交换树脂对植酸钠的制备进行了研究,通过实验确定了最佳的离子交换树脂及工艺条件,使植酸钠的平均收率可达95。


植酸分子式 C6H18P6O24 分子量 660.03636 CAS号 83-86-3性质 淡黄色至淡褐色浆状液体,常以钙、镁的复盐存在于植物种芽、米糠中,易溶于水、乙醇和丙酮,几乎不溶于乙醚、苯和氯仿。 用途 用于医药。 毒性 从米糠中获取的植酸毒性极低。小鼠口服LD50为4.9g/kg,比乳酸还低。 包装储运 一般采用聚乙烯塑料桶包装,重量分为1、10和20kg等几种。按一般化学品规定贮运。
