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职业生涯成功 career success英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-13 11:42:00


职业生涯成功 career success英语短句 例句大全

职业生涯成功,career success

1)career success职业生涯成功

1.An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Social Network and Managers’ Career Success;社会网络对企业管理人员职业生涯成功影响的实证研究

2.The effects of individual career management and career commitment oncareer success were studied by using survey.运用问卷调查方法,研究了自我职业生涯管理(ICM)以及职业承诺对职业生涯成功的影响及其影响机制。

3.Foreign research oncareer success criteria has centered on both objective success criteria and subjective success criteria,and with the development of career management,new criteria forcareer success are being put forward,such as marketability,the meaning and value of work,etc.职业生涯成功是近来人力资源开发领域研究的热点问题。


1.The Effects of Individual Career Management and Commitment on Career Success;自我职业生涯管理与职业生涯成功的关系研究

2.Social Capital and Career Success;企业员工社会资本与职业生涯成功的关系研究

3.A Study on the Assessment Criteria of the Career Success of Enterprise Managers;企业管理人员职业生涯成功的评价标准研究

4.A Review of Foreign Research on Career Success and Its Implications;国外职业生涯成功研究的述评及其启示

5.Effects of Psychological Capital on Employees" Career Success心理资本对职业生涯成功预测作用的实证研究

6.Study on the Effects of Mentoring Network on Employee"s Career Success员工导师网络对员工职业生涯成功的影响研究

7.An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Social Network and Managers’ Career Success;社会网络对企业管理人员职业生涯成功影响的实证研究

8.Research on the Relations of Human Capital and Career Success知识型员工人力资本与职业生涯成功的关系研究

9.Career Development and Gender Construction of Successful Women Professionals;成功职业女性的生涯发展与性别建构

10.On the Plan of Students Professional Career and the Training of Sucessful Quality in Higher Schools;谈大学生职业生涯规划与成功素质训练

11.On the Relations of Career Adaptability and Career Success in the Era of Boundaryless Career;无边界职业生涯时代职业适应能力与职业成功关系探析

12.There will come a time that you succeed in each of your careers.在你们每个人的职业生涯中, 总有一天会成功的。

13.2002 has been the best of his career and his merits are unquestionable.2002年是罗纳尔多职业生涯中最成功的一年,他的成绩不容质疑。

14.The Impact of Achievement Motivation on Career Decision-Making Process;成就动机对职业生涯决策过程的影响

15.The more successful you are, the more options you’ll have.事业生涯愈成功,可用的选择就愈多。

16.preliminary to the career path ? and must be approached accordingly if a new recruit is to be successful.对于整个职业生涯而言只是一个预备阶段,职场新人想要成功,就必须了解这一点。

17.On Effect of Career Plan to College Students" Growing up and Obtaining Employment论职业生涯规划对大学生成长及就业的作用

18.On the Composing Factors of IT Industry Knowledge Worker s Career Management Policy;IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理策略的构成因素


subjective career success criteria主观职业生涯成功标准

3)objective career success criteria客观职业生涯成功标准

4)career success indicators职业生涯成功指标

1.The purposes of this study include two respects: one is to explore employees the commoncareer success indicators, the other is to examine whether personality is a predictor of career success.问卷包括职业生涯成功指标量表、职业生涯成功量表和中国人人格量表短版(QZPS-SF)。

5)professional career职业生涯

1.Plan and orientate college studentsprofessional career;策划与定位自己的职业生涯

2.Blueprints ofprofessional careers should begin with the enrolment in universities;论职业生涯规划应从跨入大学开始

3.Objective: This paper aimed to explore the ways on how to design and manage the nursingprofessional career plan at different stages.目的:探讨临床护士职业生涯不同阶段的规划与管理的方法。


1.Career management in differentcareer stages;职业生涯不同阶段的规划与管理

2.A probe into the self-management of librariancareer;图书馆员职业生涯的自我管理探究

3.Present Situation,Causes and Countermeasures for College Students Career Development and Counseling;当代大学生职业生涯开发与辅导的现状、原因及对策思考


