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滚挤加工 rolling & extruding process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-20 19:28:23


滚挤加工 rolling & extruding process英语短句 例句大全

滚挤加工,rolling & extruding process

1)rolling & extruding process滚挤加工

1.Therolling & extruding process of smoothing holes on the checking cylinder of car is introduced, the process principle, the structure of rolling & extruding tool, parameters and points of the rolling & extruding technology are presented.介绍了汽车制动缸孔的滚挤加工原理、滚挤工具结构、滚挤工艺参数及滚挤加工要点。

2)?rolling & extruding tool滚挤工具


1.Primary study on coffee substitute prepared byextrusion of wheat germ and soybean大豆和麦胚芽挤压加工咖啡替代物的初步研究

2.This paper mainly discussed the effects of nutritional properties onextrusion process,and described the effects ofextrusion process parameters such as feed speed,feed moisture content,barrel temperature on protein,starch,fat,vitamins,available lysine,activity of urease,revealed the effects ofextrusion process on nutritional quality from another perspective.分析挤压加工过程中,挤压工艺参数对食品营养品质的影响。

3.Triturated food prepared byextrusion of wheat germ and cornmeal was studied with referent indexes of sensory characteristics.结果表明:麦胚芽经挤压加工后粗纤维含量下降达46。


1.It is conducive to the choice of exclusion equipment.这对挤压加工设备的选用有积极作用。

2.Study on lubricants and cooling method for warm extrusion温挤压加工中润滑剂与冷却方式研究

3.Research on Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Soy Protein Extrusion Texturization;大豆蛋白质挤压加工的实验与数值模拟研究

4.Impact of extrusion process on acid value and peroxide value of rapeseed oil挤压加工对菜籽油酸价及过氧化值的影响

5.Influence of Extrusion on Diet Fiber in Defatted Rice Bran挤压加工对脱脂米糠中膳食纤维影响的研究

6.Primary study on coffee substitute prepared by extrusion of wheat germ and soybean大豆和麦胚芽挤压加工咖啡替代物的初步研究

7.metal transformation process (rolling, forging, extruding, heat treating)金属加工工艺(轧制、锻造、挤压、热处理)

8.Study on the New Technology of Using Twin-Screw Extruder to Produce Textured Fish;双螺杆挤压重组鱼肉加工新技术研究

9.Study of Applicability on Extrusion Texturization Processing of Soybean Varieties大豆品种挤压组织化加工适用性研究

10.The Application of the Backward Extrusion in the Fabrication Process of Silver Alloy Materials反向挤压在银合金材料加工中的应用

11.Manufacture and design on core-inlaid extrusion die for aluminum profile铝型材镶芯式挤压模具的设计与加工

12.Studies on Extrusion Processing Technique for Blood Meals and the Improvement Ofextruder;挤压膨化血粉加工工艺研究及膨化机的改进

13.The study on the hot extrusion working parameters of inconel 690 based on processing maps基于热加工图的inconel 690合金挤压工艺参数研究

14.Investigation on hot working processes of LD steel for heavy-loaded cold extrusion moulds重载冷挤压模具用LD钢热加工工艺探讨

15.The technique of Squeeze Liquid Film Damping is adopted in precise boring.在精镗孔加工中采用挤压液膜阻尼技术。

16.The Study on Multi-Load Warm-extruding Forming Technology of Square Tee Valve;方三通件多向加载温挤压成形工艺研究

17.Study on operation parameters during extruding caramel pigment挤压机操作参数对加工固体焦糖色素的研究

18.Warm Extrusion Forming Technology with Multi-direction Load and Die Design for Abnormal-axes异形轴多向加载温挤压成形工艺及模具设计


?rolling & extruding tool滚挤工具


1.Primary study on coffee substitute prepared byextrusion of wheat germ and soybean大豆和麦胚芽挤压加工咖啡替代物的初步研究

2.This paper mainly discussed the effects of nutritional properties onextrusion process,and described the effects ofextrusion process parameters such as feed speed,feed moisture content,barrel temperature on protein,starch,fat,vitamins,available lysine,activity of urease,revealed the effects ofextrusion process on nutritional quality from another perspective.分析挤压加工过程中,挤压工艺参数对食品营养品质的影响。

3.Triturated food prepared byextrusion of wheat germ and cornmeal was studied with referent indexes of sensory characteristics.结果表明:麦胚芽经挤压加工后粗纤维含量下降达46。

4)extrusion process挤压加工

1.This article comparesextrusion process with conventional processes in some peducts .本文通过将挤压蒸煮方法与传统加工方法在一些产品的加工方面进行对比,显示了挤压加工的优势和经济性,指出食品挤压加工是今后食品工业发展的一个方向。

2.A kind of aluminum alloy profile with high conductivity and high yield strength was produced byextrusion process test,its conductivity is up to 60%IACS,yield strength(σ0.用正交试验法对比分析了纯铝合金中添加Fe、Cu、Mg、Zn对其电导率及屈服强度的影响程度;并由此进行成分配比,通过挤压加工试验,研制生产出一种高电导率高屈服强度铝合金型材,H112状态电导率达60%IACS左右、屈服强度σ0。


1.Based on theoretical analysis of the heat transfer characteristics of polymer in theextrusion processing, heat balance and physical modal have been set up.分析了聚合物在挤出加工过程中热量传递模式 ,建立了热量平衡方程和热量传递的物理模型 ,实验测量了挤出机温控装置的总传热系数及胶料与机筒内壁的对流换热系数 ,并给出了该换热系数与边界环向滑移速度的关系。

2.In this article, the properties aboutextrusion process of four kinds of polyurehanes (PUs) for catheter materials with different hardness were investigated.本论文对四川大学高分子材料系研制的介入性诊疗用聚氨酯(PUs)的挤出加工性能进行了研究。

6)extruding processing挤压加工

1.The influence ofextruding processing on the water retention capacity of insoluble diet fiber(IDF)was studied and the optimum parameters were obtained:material water content 30%;processing temperature 140 ℃;screw speed 100 r/min.为此,研究了挤压加工对米糠中IDF持水力的影响,并获得了最优挤压加工参数组合为:原料含水量30%,挤压温度140℃,螺杆转速100r/min。


CIMATRON E NC加工中加工常用参数设置在表格中单击右键,然后在子菜单中不选Show Prefered Only可以显示所有的加工参数,如落刀点的设置,螺旋下刀的角度等。 1. APPROACH &RETRACT 在XY平面上的进退刀方式 项目 选项 内容 Contour Approach 在被加工轮廓上的进刀方式 Normal 沿法向进刀 Tangent 沿切向进刀 Bisection 在两段直线的相交处进刀时沿角平分线进刀 Approach进刀距离 当Normal时存在 距离被加工轮廓多远进刀 Retract退刀距离 当Normal时存在 距离被加工轮廓多远退刀 Arc Radius圆弧半径 当Tangent 时存在 切向进退刀的圆弧半径 Extension延伸量 在PROFILE加工时存在 延伸加工轮廓以消除接刀痕 Start Check 在PROFILE加工OPEN CONTOUR时存在 使用一个CURVE或POINT作为限制,防止轮廓延伸误碰到零件上的凸台 End Check 2. CLEARANCE PLANE 设定G00的安全平面 Use Clearance ∨ 使用安全平面 Interal Clearance 内部安全高度平面的使用方式 Absolute 抬刀到绝对安全高度Z=10 Incremental 加工完一层后Z=-15抬刀起来ΔZ=5,即抬刀到Z=-10 Absolute Z 10 如上 Incremental 如上 UCS Name UCS=13-1 本步加工使用的坐标系,不应更改 3. Entry & End Point Z方向落刀的方式 Entry Points Z方向落刀的方式 Auto 系统自动选择下刀点 Optimized 系统优化选择下刀点,同样的零件比自动的下刀点数目少 User-defined 用户指定下刀点 Ramp Angle 只在Auto时存在 螺旋下刀的螺旋角,90度为垂直下刀 Max. Ramp Radius 当下刀角小于90度时 螺旋下刀的最大螺旋半径 Min Plunge Size 刀具的盲区大小 Dz. Feed Start 落刀时距离被加工层高度多高的距离开始用进给速度走刀 4. Offset & Tolerance 加工余量和加工精度, Contour(Surface) Offset 加工余量 (Contour) Tolerance 加工精度 5. Tool Trajectory 走刀参数 Z-top 加工的最大高度 Z-bottom 加工的最低高度 Mill Finish Pass 是否精铣轮廓 Down Step 层降步距 Side Step 单层加工上的行距,如果大于刀具直径的一半,则可能留下残料,需要Clean Between Passes Corner Milling 刀轨拐角处的过渡方式 External Round 刀具外切于轮廓时圆角过渡 All Round 刀具内外切于轮廓时都圆角过渡 All Sharp 刀具内外切于轮廓时都尖角过渡 Milling Direction Climb Milling 顺铣 Conventional Milling 逆铣 Mixed 顺逆混合铣 Cut Direction 当Spiral Cut时存在 Inside Out 从内向外环绕
