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肾功能分期 Staging of renal function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-08 02:10:28


肾功能分期 Staging of renal function英语短句 例句大全

肾功能分期,Staging of renal function

1)Staging of renal function肾功能分期


1.Study on the use of cystatin C in the staging of renal function damage血清胱抑素C在肾功能分期中的应用研究

2.Analysis of Factors Related with Urine OutPut following OPen Surgery of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm腹主动脉瘤围手术期肾功能影响因素分析

3.Clinical analysis of early acute renal failure following orthotopic liver transplantation肝移植术后早期急性肾功能衰竭5例临床分析

4.Analyze on kidney dysfunctions in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome妊娠期高血压综合征肾功能指标异常分析

5.Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure or end-stage renal disease.肾脏疾病能导致肾功能衰竭(终末期肾疾病)。

6.Evaluation of single renal function in 117 donors following living renal transplantation during 5 years同一医院5年期间活体供肾摘取后供者孤肾功能变化117例分析

7.Study of Cognitive Function on Patients with Chronic Renal Failure (Early Uremia);慢性肾功能衰竭肾衰竭期患者认知功能的研究

8.Impact of Renal Function at Early Stage after Transplantation on the Prognosis in Near Future;肾移植术后早期肾功能对移植肾近期预后的影响

9.Influence of post-transplantation hyperuricemia on the late function of renal allografts肾移植后高尿酸血症对移植肾远期功能的影响

10.A Clinical Analysis of Early Graft Dysfunction after Renal Transplantation: Risk Factors, Prevention and Treatment;早期移植肾功能异常相关因素及防治措施的临床分析

11.Approach to Relationship among Spleen Deficiency Type, Renal Deficiency Type COPD Patients of Stable Phase and the Classification of Pulmonary Functional, MRC Grading and Lipid Levels;COPD稳定期脾虚型、肾虚型与肺功能及MRC分级、血脂水平关系的初探

12.The Risk Factors for Early Acute Renal Dysfunction after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation;原位肝脏移植术后早期肾功能不全的影响因素分析

13.Clinical analysis of the risk factors of early acute renal dysfunction(ARD) after OLT肝移植术后早期急性肾功能不全危险因素临床分析

14.Risk Factors for Acute Renal Failure Early after Liver Transplantation肝移植术后早期急性肾功能衰竭发生的相关危险因素分析

15.Quantitative evaluation of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in early diagnosis of renal dysfunction超声造影定量分析技术诊断早期肾功能损害的临床价值

16.the increase in activity of the adrenal glands just before puberty.青春期前肾上腺皮脂功能的逐渐活跃。

17.Perioperative Management of Renal Disfunction and Acute Renal Failure in Adult Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery;成年心脏病人围术期肾脏功能不全和急性肾功能衰竭的综合治疗

18.A Preliminary Study of Integrated Backscatter on Detecting Chronic Nephritis with Renal Failure in Compensatory Stage超声背向散射积分对慢性肾炎肾功能不全代偿期诊断价值的初步研究


Renal function in early period早期肾功能

3)Early renal impairment肾功能早期损伤

4)Early renal failure早期肾功能不全

5)renal failure stage肾功能衰竭期

6)early renal disfunction早期肾功能损害

1.Objective: To evaluate the applicability of serum cystatin C as a endogenous marker for detection ofearly renal disfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease.目的 探讨血清胱抑素C(Cystatin C)在评价慢性肾脏病患者早期肾功能损害中的临床价值。


肾功能肾功能renal function肾的功能大致可归纳两项,即泌尿及分泌一些生物活性物质。①肾的泌尿功能,肾从尿中排出大量代谢终产物,如尿素、尿酸、肌酐等含氮物质,硫酸盐与其他含硫物质以及无机磷酸盐等,使这些物质不致在血液中大量堆积。肾在排尿过程中,通过对水分、钠、钾等离子以及酸碱物质排出量的调整,维持细胞外液内水分、渗透压、pH和各种离子浓度等在一定水平上的波动。所以肾的泌尿功能对于保持机体内环境理化性质相对恒定,亦即对于保证生命活动正常进行,有极为重要的意义。②分泌生物活性物质,主要有肾素、红细胞生成酶、维生素D3和前列腺素。肾素对于调节醛固酮的分泌、调节小血管口径、调节血量以及血液中Na+、K+浓度等,都很重要。红细胞生成素的作用是刺激骨髓加速红细胞的生成。维生素D3转为有活性后,其作用主要是调节Ca2+代谢。肾分泌的前列腺素主要是前列腺素A,是一种强有力的舒血管物质。
