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巨大肾结石 renal calculi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 03:54:59


巨大肾结石 renal calculi英语短句 例句大全

巨大肾结石,renal calculi

1)renal calculi巨大肾结石

1.Curative effect of complicatedrenal calculi:comparison between holmium laser lithotripsy and ultrasonic lithotripsy微创经皮肾镜超声碎石清石术与钬激光碎石术治疗巨大肾结石的疗效比较


1.Pyelolithotomy with pneumatic lithotripsy in treating large renal calculi肾盂切开配合气压弹道碎石治疗巨大肾结石体会

2.Curative effect of complicated renal calculi:comparison between holmium laser lithotripsy and ultrasonic lithotripsy微创经皮肾镜超声碎石清石术与钬激光碎石术治疗巨大肾结石的疗效比较

3.A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system. The lower pole of the kidney shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis with collapse of cortical areas.图中可见巨大的鹿角样结石嵌顿于肾盂肾盏系统。肾下极可见出血坏死区域,伴有肾皮质萎缩。

4.A Primary Study on the Mechanisms of Calculus Crystal Transport by Macrophage in Kidney;巨噬细胞对肾结石晶体转运机制的初步研究

5.The Expression of TRPV5 in Renal Tissue of Calcium Oxalate Stone Model RatsTRPV5在肾草酸钙结石模型大鼠肾中的表达及意义

6.Effects of Lysimachia Christinae Hance Extracts on Inhibiting Renal Calculi in Rats金钱草提取物抑制大鼠肾结石的作用

7.Protection Effect of Chinese herbs Christina Loosestrife,Pyrrosia and Plantago on Kidney Injury in the Model of Rat Calcium Oxalate Stones单味中药金钱草、石韦、车前子对大鼠肾结石肾保护作用的实验研究

8.Effects of Extracts from Prunella Vulgaris L. on Urinary Stone Formation and Osteopontin Expression in Rats Urolithiasis Model with Oxalate Calcium;夏枯草提取物对尿草酸钙结石形成及肾结石大鼠Osteopontin表达的影响

9.Most stones can be excreted, but in about 15% of cases, surgery or shockwave treatment to pulverize the stones is needed.大多数肾结石能排掉,但有大约15%的病例,需要动手术或用冲击波治疗才能粉碎肾结石。

10.The Expression of Tamm-Horsfall Protein in the Kidneys of Rats Models of Nephrolithiasis Treated by Potassium Citrate;枸橼酸钾干预下肾结石大鼠肾组织Tamm-Horsfall蛋白的表达

11.Treatment of caculous pyonephrosis with minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy微创经皮肾穿刺取石治疗结石性脓肾

12.Protective effect of taurine on kidney in a rat model of calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis牛磺酸对大鼠草酸钙结石肾脏的保护作用

13.Objective: To study the effect of fresh spring water on stone formation of kidney by the model of calcium oxalate stone in rat kidney.目的:应用大白鼠草酸钙肾结石模型,研究淡泉水对肾结石形成的影响。

14.Drinking 10 to 12 big glasses of water during the day can keep stones from forming and push out those smaller than a pea.一天中喝10至20大杯水能阻止肾结石的形成,排出比豌豆还小的肾结石。

15.Treatment of complicated renal calculi with PCN-L and lower renal calices with pyelolithotomy经皮肾穿刺取石和肾盂肾下盏切开取石治疗复杂性肾结石

16.Inhibition Effect of Chinese Traditional Medicine Lysimachina Christina、Pyrrosia and Plantago on Urinary Calcium Oxalate Stone Formation in Rats单味中药金钱草、石韦、车前子对肾结石模型大鼠的预防作用

17.Treatment of renal calculus with minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy in 32 patients微创经皮肾穿刺碎石取石术治疗肾结石32例

18.Joe has also heard of kidney stones.乔也听人提到过肾结石。


huge gastric bezoar胃巨大结石

1.Application value of cutting lithotriptor in the treatment ofhuge gastric bezoars;胃石切割碎石器在胃巨大结石治疗中的应用价值

3)Huge gallstone巨大胆囊结石

4)huge common bile duct stones胆总管巨大结石

1.Objective To evaluate the clinical efficiency of stepwisely removinghuge common bile duct stones by endoscopic treantment(ERCP and EST).目的探讨胆总管巨大结石内镜下分次取石治疗的临床效果。


6)giant renal carcinoma巨大肾癌


巨大(规模、数量等)很大:耗资~ㄧ~的工程 ㄧ~的成就。
