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尿道声音 Urethral noise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-26 03:23:47


尿道声音 Urethral noise英语短句 例句大全

尿道声音,Urethral noise

1)Urethral noise尿道声音

2)multi-channel audio多声道音频


1.Multi-channel Audio Systems Design and Implementation Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的多声道音频系统的设计与实现

2.multi-audiotrack video tape recorder多声道视频磁带录像机

3.Polypaudio Manager is a simple GUI frontend for the polypaudio sound server.多音频管理器是一款简单的面向多音频声音服务的图形用户界面。

4.Natural spectral peaks of the vocal tract that aid in the recognition of speech sounds.声道的自然频谱峰值,帮助语音识别。

5."Broadband systems allow voice, data, and video to be Broadcast over the same medium at the same time. They may also allow multiple data channels to be Broadcast simultaneously."宽频系统能在相同媒介上同时播送声音、资料、影片,也可以同时播送众多资料频道。

6.While high-frequency sounds tend to be more hazardous5 and more annoying to hearing than low-frequency sounds, most noise pollution damage is related to the intensity of the sound.虽然高频声音比低频声音更加危险且恼人,大多数的噪音污染损害却与声音强度有关。

7.While high frequency sounds tend to be more hazardous and more annoying to hearing than low frequency sounds, most noise pollution damage is related to the intensity of the sound.虽然高频 声音比低频声音更加危险且恼人,大多数的噪音污染损害却与声音强度有关。

8.The acoustics of ultrasonic sound.超音频声音的音响学

9.To combine all of the audio components of a recording into a final soundtrack or mix.混音合成一个录音的所有音频成分以形成最后的声道或混音

10.audio-frequency amplifier声频放大器音频放大器

11.A Method of Speech Synthesis Based on Exciting VTFR in Chinese;一种激励声道频响的汉语语音合成方法

12.The Design of 2.7W Double Channels Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier2.7W双通道立体声D类音频功率放大器的设计

13.Test System of a Digital-controlled Four Channel Audio Processor Based on VI Technology基于虚拟仪器数控四声道音频处理器测试系统

14.Design of stereo audio acquisition system based on DMA & McBSP of DSP基于DSP的DMA和McBSP的双声道音频采集系统设计

15.adjacent audio carrier邻(频)道伴音载波

16.an audio-system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound.能复制、放大声音形成声音的音频系统。

17.What"s happened?" several voices demanded at once.什么事?”许多声音一齐问道。

18.bandwidth of one voice channel一个语音频道的频宽


multi-channel audio多声道音频

3)Co-channel SPEECH同声道语音

4)dual-channel audio双声道音频

5)Homophonic Music多声道音乐

1.It proposes a new content-basedHomophonic Music RetrievalModel(HMRM).新模型将多声道音乐表达成一个隐Markov模型,计算哼唱对象与库中对象的相似度并排序返回查询结果。

6)two-track recording双声道录音


