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热负荷计算 heat load calculation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-03 20:36:20


热负荷计算 heat load calculation英语短句 例句大全

热负荷计算,heat load calculation

1)heat load calculation热负荷计算

1.The paper gives a description of the program development forheat load calculation of marine refrigeration system.分析船舶冷藏系统热负荷的特点,尤其针对大型水面船舶冷藏系统热负荷的复杂性,研究热负荷计算方法,编制船舶冷藏系统热负荷计算程序代替手工计算,大大提高设计效率和质量。

2.Theheat load calculation of the radiant floor heating and the determination of the material,thickness and spacing of the heating pipe were introduced to solve the problems associated with low-temperature hot water radiant floor heating for ensuring the quality of engineering design.针对当前低温热水地板辐射供暖工程设计中易出现的问题,从保证工程设计质量的角度出发,对地板辐射供暖热负荷计算、加热管间距的确定、加热管材质和壁厚的计算等进行论述,结合实际,提出了设计中应注意的问题和应遵循的步骤。


1.The Research and Development of Intelligent Recognition and Interpretation Software about Architectural Symbols & Applying to Compute Thermal Load and Cold Load of a Building;建筑图形识别系统研究与开发及在冷热负荷计算中的应用

2.Calculation method of heat duty in refinery engineering炼油厂设计热力负荷计算方法

3.Calculations and Experiments of the TF Magnets Heat Load on EAST;EAST托卡马克装置纵场线圈热负荷的计算与实验

4.The Calculation and Analysis of Heat Loss and Studies of Load Forecasting of the Steam Piping Network蒸汽管网散热损失计算分析与负荷预测研究

5.Simulation of Hourly Cooling Heating and Electrical Load in CCHP System三联供系统中逐时冷热电负荷的模拟计算

6.Couple CFD-FE-Analysis for a Gasoline Engine Exhaust Manifold of Thermal LoadCFD-FE耦合计算分析某汽油机排气歧管热负荷

7.With a project examples, calculates the latent heat by pool water evaporation, and concludes that the pool water evaporation is an important factor influencing air conditioning load.结合工程实例,计算了池水蒸发潜热量,得出池水蒸发潜热负荷是空调负荷的一个重要影响因素。

8.This article introduces the calculation method of cold loading in using a sheet of aluminium and air to isolate heat in detail.本文详细介绍了粮仓应用铝箔空气层隔热冷负荷的计算方法.

9.The capacity of cable circuits can be evaluated based on measurement of load and temperature data and thermel modelling.电缆的传输容量应能根据测得的负荷、度,并利用热学模型计算得到。

10.Load Calculation and Characteristic Analysis on Utilization of Power Plant Waste Heat for Residential District Cooling住宅小区利用电厂余热进行区域供冷负荷计算及特性分析

11.Choice of cooling load coefficient in load calculation空调冷负荷计算中选取冷负荷系数的方法

12.Calculation method of refinery electrical load炼油厂用电负荷设计计算方法

13.Load Forecasting Based on Soft Computing;基于软计算方法的电力系统负荷预测

14.Multimedia Courseware about Cooling Loads Calculation Based on Matlab;基于MATLAB冷负荷计算程序的多媒体课件

15.The Definition,Calculation and Application of the Degree of Difficulty of the Load in Middle-distance and Long-distance Race;中长跑负荷难度的确定、计算和运用

putation with HYSYS Software for Basic-Load Natural Gas Liquefaction(Ⅱ)基本负荷型天然气液化HYSYS软件计算(二)

putation with HYSYS Software for Basic-Load Natural Gas Liquidation(Ⅰ)基本负荷型天然气液化HYSYS软件计算(一)

18.Thermal Load and strength in Internal Combustion Engine ?内燃机热负荷与热强度


heating load calculation热负荷计算

1.This paper makes analysis and comparison ofheating load calculations of unclosed balcony s door of a common six-storey apartment and sub-six-storey building.对于一般6层单元式住宅与6层以下公共建筑未封闭阳台阳台门的热负荷计算进行了分析比较,提出了接近实际状态的计算方法。

3)thermal load calculation热负荷计算


5)load calculation负荷计算

1.Electricityload calculation method and its improvement in building construction;建筑施工用电的负荷计算方法及其改进

2.Problems in air conditioningload calculation for civil buildings;民用建筑空调负荷计算中应考虑的几个问题

3.Thermal comfort of air-conditioning system and hierarchy ofload calculation;空调系统舒适性与负荷计算层次性探讨

6)calculated load计算负荷

parison of two methods for calculatingcalculated load;计算负荷两种实用计算方法的比较


用户负荷计算用户负荷计算customer"s load demand calculation农‘二项式法住用的系段┌───────────────────────────┬──────┬───┬───┬─────┐│用电设备类别 │二项式系数 │CO日甲│tg甲 │,用率K, ││ ├───┬──┤ │ │ ││ │b │C│ │ │ │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│大批生产和流水作业的热加工车间的机床电动机│0,26 │0.5 │0.65 │1 .17 │0,3~0.4 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│大批生产的全属冷加工车间机床电动机│0。14 │0.5 │0 .50 │1 .73 │0。2~0.25 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│大批生产的全屁冷加工车间机床电动机,但为小批和单独生产│0。14 │0。4│0。50 │1 .73 │0.16~0.2 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│通风机、水泵、空压机及电动发电机组│0.65 │0.25│0。80 │0。75 │0.75~0.85 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│非连峨的连续运抢和.砂车问内造砂用机械等│0。4 │0。4│0。75 │0.88 │0 .6~0。7 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│连傲的连续运抢和.砂车间内遭砂用机械等 │0。6 │0.2 │0.75 │0。88 │0 .65~0.7 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│偏护房、修理车问、袭犯车间和机房内的吊车(‘~25%) │0.06 │0.2 │0.5│1。73 │0.1~0。15 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│.砂铃造车问的吊车(。=25写)│0.09 │0。3│0。5 │l。73 │0.15~0.3 │├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│自动连续装料的电压炉设备 │0。7 │0 .3│0。95 │0。33 │0.6~0.8│├───────────────────────────┼───┼──┼───┼───┼─────┤│非自动连埃装料的电班护设备│0.5│0 .5│0。
