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适生区 potential distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-16 09:22:52


适生区 potential distribution英语短句 例句大全

适生区,potential distribution

1)potential distribution适生区

1.Invasion and identification of Liriomyza trifolii and itspotential distribution areas in China;三叶草斑潜蝇的入侵、鉴定及在中国适生区分析

2.We predicated thepotential distribution and damage of Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim in China based on the CRAP model in the paper.结果表明:中国东南部大部分地区都是该虫的适生区。

3.2, the pestpotential distribution area are supposed and shows that the climate suitable area is with more drought, north to the present infested area.2和全国305个站点的气候数据预测出该害虫在我国的气候适生区,确定目前发生区并非其最佳适生区,而是稍偏北的更加干旱地区。


1.Prediction of suitable regions and risk subdivisions of spiralling whitefly,Aleurodicus dispersus Russell,in China螺旋粉虱在中国的适生区预测与风险区划

2.Division on suitable climatic and ecological region for introducing of Acer campestre L.to China我国引种栓皮槭的气候生态适生区划分

3.Analysis of Suitable Environments and Regional Distribution of Sun-cured Tobacco in Yunnan Province云南生切烟适生环境及区域布局分析

4.Sam quickly adjusted to the rugged life of a frontier mining town.塞姆很快适应了边境矿区的艰苦生活。

5.Adaptation of birds to life in high mountains in Eurasia鸟类对欧亚地区高山生活的适应(英文)

6.On the Climatic Zones for Lac Insects along with Their Evaluation and Exploitation in Yunnan, China云南紫胶适生气候分区、评价及利用

7.The Application of Ecological Suitability to Regional Environmental Assessment;生态适宜度分析在区域环评中的应用

8.Analysis of Suitability of Pennisetum Clandestinum in Beijing;狼尾草(Pennisetum clandestinum)在北京地区适生性分析

9.Selection on Suitable Trees in Semiarid Loess Hilly and Gully Area;半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区适生树种选择

10.Climatic ecological adaptation of shelter forests in Three-North Regions三北地区防护林气候生态适应性分析

11.Planting Demarcation of Ecologically Suitable Climate for Pingliang Golden Apple“平凉金果”生态适宜性气候种植区划

12.Analysis on habitat suitability of Notopterygium forbesii in China and its nummerical division宽叶羌活适生地分析及数值区划研究

13.Regional Ranking Planning of the Ecological Feasibility for Artemisia Annua L. in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;广西壮族自治区青蒿生态适宜性等级区划研究

14.Suitable Planting Regionalization of Spring Wheat Based on GIS in Hetao Irrigation Area基于GIS的河套灌区春小麦适生种植区划

15.Evaluation of adaptability of plants in Water-Fluctuation-Zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir三峡库区消落区几种两栖植物的适生性评价

16.Regional Planning of the Ecological and Cliamtic Feasibility for Artemisia annua L.in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区青蒿生态气候适宜性区划

17.Study on Ecological Adaptability of Poa.Pratensis.L Populations in Subtropical Humid Area;亚热带湿润区野生草地早熟禾生态适应性研究

18.Optimal Growing Space for Juglans mandshurica in Second Growth Forests in Changbai Mountains长白山林区天然次生林胡桃楸的适宜生长空间


suitable distribution area适生区

3)suitable areas适生区

1.Taking 90 m×90 m as the smallest spatial unit,Bursaphelenchus xylophilussuitable areas was evaluated in Yunnan Province.结果表明高度适生区土地面积在70%以上的县有13个,在50%~70%之间的县有17个,在25%~50%之间的县有27个,在5%~25%之间的县有26个,5%以下县有26个。

4)Suitable planting division适生区划

5)potential distribution适生区域

1.Preliminary predication ofpotential distribution of Radopholus similis in China by CLIMEX;基于CLIMEX的相似穿孔线虫在中国可能适生区域的初步预测

6)suitable establishment area适生分布区


朝中措 小儿子生,适有遗羽阳宫瓦者,因以【诗文】:添丁名字入新收。一长看过头。拾得羽阳宫瓦,不愁撞透烟楼。遗山野客,求田问舍,梦想南州。说甚河东三凤,安排老□班彪。【注释】:【出处】:
