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湿毒 damp toxin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-16 00:04:32


湿毒 damp toxin英语短句 例句大全

湿毒,damp toxin

1)damp toxin湿毒

2)Deficiency in spleen and toxic dampness脾虚湿毒


1.Clinic Study of Liu Jun Ping Wei Tang Treating CAG of the Type of Spleen Difficiency and Dampness Toxin;六君平萎汤治疗脾虚湿毒型慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床研究

2.Effect of Jianpi Huatan Method for Relieving the Side Effects of Chemotherapy in Patients With Breast Cancer Of PixuTanshi Type健脾化痰法改善脾虚痰湿型乳腺癌患者化疗毒副作用的临床研究

3.Conclusion: Syndromes of colonrectal cancer patients had a close relationship with spleen, followed by kidney, dampness, blood stasis, and toxin.结论:大肠癌患者与脾虚关系尤为密切,并与肾虚、湿、瘀、毒有关。

4.Clinical Study of the Nnefhod of Dispersing the Depressed Liver-Qi, Eliminating Dampness and Detoxifying on Treating Chronic Hepatitis B of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficiency of the Spleen-Qi Accompany with Damp-Heat Syndrome疏肝健脾利湿解毒法治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚挟湿热型临床研究

5.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Eczema (the Type of Damp Abundance Due to Deficiency of Spleen) with Jianpichushiyin;健脾除湿饮治疗脾虚湿盛型湿疹的临床研究

6.Weak Healthy Qi,Pathogenic Factors Residue Type Agedness Urinary Tract Infection Treated by Self Worked out Jian-pi-li-shi-jie-du-tang;自拟健脾利湿解毒汤对脾肾亏虚,余邪未尽型老年性尿路感染的临床研究

7.Research on the Relation of Gastric Movement Obstruction Caused by Spleen Deficiency Syndrome or Dampness-heat in Spleen and Stomach Syndrome;脾气虚证、脾胃湿热证与胃动力的关系问题探讨

8.Clinical Study on Treating Pixushisheng-type Dyslipidemia with Jianpiyishengfa健脾益生法治疗血脂异常脾虚湿盛型临床研究

9.Clinical Study on Jian Pi Zao Shi Xing Qi in the Treatment of Young Child Non-infectious Diarrhea of Pi Xu Shi Kun;健脾燥湿行气法治疗脾虚湿困型小儿非感染性腹泻的临床研究

10.Mechanism Study on Invigorating Spleen and Resolving Dampness Grains Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome of Spleen Deficiency;健脾化湿颗粒治疗脾虚型肠易激综合征的机理研究

11.The Relationship between TCM Syndrome-type of Chronic Gastritis and Helicobacter Pylori;脾胃湿热、脾胃虚弱型慢性胃炎与幽门螺旋杆菌的关系

12.To Observe the Effect of Simple Obesity of the Syndrome of Spleen Deficiency and Stagnation of Dampness Treated by Thread Imbedding on the Spleen and Stomach Mu-hu Point;脾胃募合配穴埋线治疗脾虚湿盛型肥胖症的疗效观察

13.Huatan Act Yunpi Intervention Type 2 Diabetes Insulin Resistance Spleen Dampness Certified Clinical Research运脾化痰法干预2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗脾虚痰湿证的临床研究

14.Research Initially and Quantitatively on Functional Indicator of Deficiency of Spleen-QI of Pedo-eczema;小儿湿疹脾气虚证辨证体征临床初步量化研究

15.Calculate Diagnosticate Study on Spleen-deficicency and Phlegm Stagnation Syndrome of 2-DM;2型糖尿病脾虚痰湿证的计量诊断研究

16.The Clinical Researches on Zhi Gan Fang for Fatty Liver Disease (FLD);脂肝方治疗脾虚痰湿型脂肪肝的临床研究

17.The Clinical Research on Acupuncture Therapy to Treat Simple Obesity;针灸治疗脾虚湿阻型单纯性肥胖病的临床研究

18.The Clinical Study of Warm Needling Therapy in the Treatment of Simple Obesity of the Spleen Deficient Syndrome with Phlegm and Fluid Retention温针灸治疗脾虚痰湿型肥胖症疗效观察


Deficiency in spleen and toxic dampness脾虚湿毒


1.The pathogenesis and mechanism of acne were considered to beShireyundu, shirezhiyu (dampness leading to stasis) and shireduyu(dampness heat and toxic stases).湿热蕴毒、湿热致瘀、湿热毒瘀是痤疮的病理过程,而祛湿清热、解毒、化瘀合理配伍是痤疮治疗的关键。

4)detoxification and promoting urination解毒利湿

1.Kushenin were given to the control group and Chinese materia medica ofdetoxification and promoting urination were given to the therapertic group.治疗组予以解毒利湿中药内服,对照组予以苦参素内服,两组外用药相同,急性、亚急性湿疹疗程2w,慢性湿疹疗程4w。

5)damp-heat toxin湿热毒邪

1.Based on the features of the disease at the onset and clinical manifestations,the authors believe that the main pathogenesis of the disease lies in the obstruction of the meridians bydamp-heat toxins affecting the joints.根据活动期AS的发病特点和临床表现,认为湿热毒邪痹阻经络,流注骨节是AS活动期的主要病机。

6)removing damp and toxin利湿解毒


湿毒湿毒 湿毒 慓盛暴烈的湿气。《素问·五常政大论》:“阳明在泉,湿毒不生。”
