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人力资本投资 human capital investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-10 07:37:18


人力资本投资 human capital investment英语短句 例句大全

人力资本投资,human capital investment

1)human capital investment人力资本投资

1.Research onhuman capital investment tactics of high-tech enterprise;高新技术企业人力资本投资策略分析

2.Discussion about the role ofhuman capital investment in economy sustainable development;论人力资本投资在经济可持续发展中的作用

3.Study on High-tech Enterprise R&D Human Capital Investment Risk Assessment Based on Investment Process;基于投资过程的高科技企业R&D人力资本投资风险评价研究


1.Analysis of education investment in manpower capital investment of our country;浅析我国人力资本投资中的教育投资

2.On Human Capital & Human Capital Investment of Tourism Hotel;浅议旅游饭店的人力资本与人力资本投资

3.On Increasing of Human Capital:a New Concept about Investment in Human Capital;论人力资本充值:一种新的人力资本投资理念

4.On the Investment of Business in Human Capital and the Life Cycle of Human Capital;企业人力资本投资与人力资本生命周期

5.Governmental Functions in Human Capital Investment;人力资本投资中政府的作用——对我国人力资本投资的反思

6.A Research on University Human Capital Investment Cost-sharing System;大学人力资本投资成本分担机制研究

7.Cost earnings,risk avoidance and human capital investment;成本收益、风险规避与人力资本投资

8.Investments in Human Capital, Sunk Costs,and Institutional Design;人力资本投资、沉淀成本与制度设计

9.The Assessment of Human Capital Investment of Power Enterprise;电力企业人力资本投资价值评估研究

10.Increase Manpower Investment to Strengthen the Competitiveness of Enterprises;加大人力资本投资 增强企业竞争力

11.To Improve the Investigation on Human Resource of Rural Surplus Labor Forces;加大农村剩余劳动力的人力资本投资

12.The Labor Migration Model based on Human Capital Investment;基于人力资本投资的劳动力迁移模型

13.Increasing Investment on Human Capital to Enhance the Urban Competitive Power;加大人力资本投资 提升城市竞争力

14.Human Capital Investment:the Prime Impetus for Corporation to Keep a Sustainable Development;人力资本投资:企业可持续发展的动力


16.On the investment of human capital,the finance in agriculture and agricultural development;人力资本投资、财政性农业投资与农业发展

17.Optimize the Education Investment Structure and Raise the Manpower Capital investment Efficiency of Our Country;优化教育投资结构 提高人力资本投资效率

18.The Analysis on Career Education and Training Investment among Human Capital Investment;人力资本投资中对职业教育培训的投资分析


investment of human capital人力资本投资

1.Existing development of powerless group andinvestment of human capital;弱势群体的生存发展与人力资本投资

2.Investment of Human Capital in Rural China: A Solution to Three Issues of Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry;人力资本投资:应对“三农”问题的战略选择——关于实施农村人力资源开发工程的思考

3.Theinvestment of human capital and the business of higher edacation;人力资本投资与高教产业

3)Investment in Human Capital人力资本投资

1.This article analysis the economic growth from the perspective of human capital investment arguing the relationship between investment in human capital and regional economic growth.从人力资本投资的角度来分析经济增长,论述人力资本投资与区域经济增长的关系,采用多元统计分析方法中的样本聚类分析法,根据中国统计资料,对全国31个省、自治区、直辖市的区域人力资本投资和区域经济增长水平进行聚类分析,可以把它们由高到低分为4类,并提出一些对策建议,从而为决策者制定人力资本投资政策提供依据。

2.That means we should increase the investment in human capital,regulate the allocation in different areas and industries, increase the overflowing effect from urban to rural area, establish complete property right of human capital.因此,必须增加对农村的人力资本投资,调节人力资本在不同地区和不同产业的分配,增强城市对农村人力资本的溢出效应,建立完整的人力资本产权,完善农村市场经济制度。

3.The theory of human capital is one of the new economic theories developed in 1960′s This article focuses on the basic theory and the main framework ofinvestment in human capital,as well as it′s current situation in China ,concerning it′s relationship with government,interprise and individua本文论述了人力资本理论的基本内容及人力资本投资的主要形式 ,并从政府、企业和个人三个角度对我国的人力资本投资现状进行了探讨。

4)human resources investment人力资本投资

1.Expansionhuman resources investment requires controlling population amount, reforming education system, increasing educ.要加快我国人力资本的投资 ,就要控制人口数量 ,提高人口质量 ,改革教育体制 ,增加教育投资 ,完善人力资本投资收益机制 ,建立人力资本投资市

5)manpower capital investment人力资本投资

1.It has become a common understanding that to increasemanpower capital investment,thereby improving its quality is necessary for sustainable economic and social development.增加人力资本投资,提高人力资本质量,已成为世界各国经济和社会可持续发展的共识。

2.Severe employment situation has aggravated the risk of personalmanpower capital investment of higher education.严峻的就业形势,加剧了个人高等教育人力资本投资风险,并对投资的合理发展带来不良影响。

6)sum of invested manpower人力资本投资额


