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属人法 personal law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-17 07:04:41


属人法 personal law英语短句 例句大全

属人法,personal law

1)personal law属人法

1.The doctrine history of the Continental law system is a mixed-development history ofpersonal law and territorial law.应当进一步完善我国的自然人属人法,确定合适的属人法连结点,解决区际属人法中的积极冲突和消极冲突。

2.Application of thispersonal law not only confirms civil person s right capability and act capability conveniently,develops principle of law of domicile,but also can solve interregional personal conflicts of law in a country.属人法的这一新发展既有利于规范和统一我国的冲突法制度,又有助于解决我国区际属人法的冲突。

3.Sudan is a country with a legal plural setting under which the conflict of laws andpersonal laws interact with each other,however,personal laws play different roles in the three areas of conflict of laws.在多元法律体制下,苏丹的冲突法与属人法交织在一起,只不过属人法在冲突法三个领域的地位和表现各不相同。


1.On the Difference Between the Continental Law System and the Common Law System at the Point of Contact in Personal Law and the Perfection of Chinese Legislation;两大法系属人法分歧及我国属人法立法完善

2.The New Development of Lex Personalis--Lex Location of the Parties;属人法的新发展——当事人所在地法

3.Habitual residence: inevitable selection of lex personalis′ convergence;惯常居所:属人法趋同化的必然选择

4.MMA (Manual Metal Arc)人工金属电弧焊接法

5.Everyone s Rights--On Who Shall Enjoy Human Rights in Criminal Justice;所有人的权利——论刑事司法人权的归属

6.the suit must fall within the scope of cases acceptable to the people"s courts and the specific jurisdiction of the people"s court where it is filed.属于人民法院受案范围和受诉人民法院管辖

7.Of, relating to, or characteristic of France or its people or culture.属于、关于或反映法国、法国人或法国文化的

8.On the Principle of Nationality in the Criminal Law from Legislative and Judicial Angles;刑法中属人原则的立法与司法反思及重构

9.Should this be found to be true after re-examination, the people"s court shall conduct a trial de novo.经人民法院审查属实的,应当再审。

10.The power to amend this Law is vested in the National People"s Congress.本法修改权属于全国人民代表大会。

11.Of or relating to the Franco - Americans.属于或关于法裔美国人的

12.Delete the age certification if the director is a body corporate.如董事属法人团体,请删去年龄证明。

13.Study On The Creditor’s Protection system for Affiliated Company in China;论我国从属公司债权人法律保护制度

14.an intruder on your property非法进入属于他人的地方意图盗窃的人

15.Of or relating to the Franks or their language.法兰克人(语)的属于或关于法兰克人的或法兰克语的

16.The suit is a civil proceeding within the scope of jurisdiction of a people"s court and under the jurisdiction of the people"s court to which the suit is filed.属于人民法院受理民事诉讼的范围和受诉人民法院管辖。

17.It is an offence in law if the requirements of the notices are not complied with.假如有关人士不遵照通知书的规定,即属违法。

18.Other trademarks belong to their respective corporations.其他的商标属于他们的分别的社团法人.


lex personalis属人法

1.The new trend oflex personalis in international private law appears to be that nationality will be moved away from the connecting factor of conflict rules and the role of domicile is also dropped down.国际私法中属人法的最新发展动向表现为国籍将逐步淡出冲突规范的连接因素,住所连接因素的适用范围也在缩小。

3)personal law of legal person法人属人法

1.The countries of the common law system are apt to identifypersonal law of legal person as the law of the.法人是国际民商事法律关系的重要参与者,是法律拟制之人,同自然人类似,与法人的本质特征相关的问题,如法人的成立效力、行为能力与权利能力等问题都得由法人属人法来调整。

4)personal law and territorial law属人法兼属地法

5)interregional personal law区际属人法

6)personal law of the physical person自然人属人法

1.Thepersonal law of the physical person is a country s law which lastingly governs the physical person s legal relationship with the country.文章认为 ,自然人属人法就是与一个自然人有密切关系的、持久地决定该人的法律关系的那个国家的法律 ,它具有三个基本特征即时间上对自然人的持久决定性、空间 (即法域 )上的密切关联性、内容上的直接的人身关联性 ;当代属人法呈现出两个明显的历史发展趋势 ,即本国法原则大为弱化 ,住所地法原则得到加强的趋势和传统的属人法领域受最密切联系原则影响越来越广泛和深入的趋势。


