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社会交往能力 social communication ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-12 06:57:41


社会交往能力 social communication ability英语短句 例句大全

社会交往能力,social communication ability

1)social communication ability社会交往能力

1.Explore on the cultivation of medical studentssocial communication ability in clinical practice;论临床实习阶段医学生社会交往能力的培养


1.Explore on the cultivation of medical students social communication ability in clinical practice;论临床实习阶段医学生社会交往能力的培养

2.Fostered Children: A Study on Social Skills, Psychological and Behavioral Problems;孤残儿童的社会交往能力、心理行为问题与寄养

3.The Study about Students Participate in Sports Associations and the Social Interactions参与体育社团与大学生社会交往能力的实验研究

4.An Analysis on the Status Quo of the University Students Capacity for Social Interaction;大学生社会交往能力的现状与分析——以浙江海洋学院为例

5.The Study of Effectiveness of Improvisational Music Therapy on Autistic Children"s Sociability即兴演奏音乐治疗对自闭症幼儿社会交往能力的成效研究

6.For some, sports foster the social development of young people, teaching kids how to interact with their peers outside the classroom.有人认为,体育促进了青少年社会交往能力,教会孩子们如何在课堂外与同伴打交道;

7.A Follow-up Study of Self-imposed Delay of Gratification at Age 4 as a Predictor of Children s School-based Social Competences at Age 9;儿童4岁时自我延迟满足能力对其9岁时学校社会交往能力预期的追踪

8.The Spiritual Productivity Function and the Features of Social Association;社会交往的特征及其精神生产力功能

9.The Relation Research on Androgyny、Coping Styles and Social Adaptability of Middle School Students;中学生双性化人格与人际交往能力及社会适应能力之间的关系研究

10.Habermas Theory of Axxociating Behaviour can t Account for Social Axxociation;论哈贝马斯的交往行为论不能说明社会交往行为

11.Human Communication,Social Conflict,Reason and Social Development;人际交往、社会冲突、理性与社会发展

12.A Community-Based Intervention Research on Social Communication Skills of An Adult with Mental Retardation;对一例成年智障者社会交往技能的社区干预研究

13.Balancing the Social Powers with the Communicative Power: A Reappraisal of Habermas s Theory of Deliberative Democracy;用交往权力制衡社会权力——重评哈贝马斯的商议民主理论

14.We need to build social structures in order to live well in our society and evolution has selected laughter as a useful device for promoting social communication.为了更好地生活在社会里,我们需要建立社会结构,进化选择了笑作为促进社会交往的得力工具。

15.The Rationality of Social Hierarchy Communication of Contemporary China According to Communicative Ration;从“交往理性”看当代中国社会阶层交往的合理化

16.I believe I have the ability to organize a party .我相信我有能力组织一次社交聚会。

17.Analysis of Causes for Needy College Students" Mental Pressure and Social Communication Obstacle and Thei Countermeasures贫困大学生心理压力和社会交往障碍的成因及对策分析

18.Enhance the Development of College Students Intercourse Capacity in Social Practice;在社会实践中加强对大学生社交能力的培养


school-based social competence学校社会交往能力

3)social interaction skill社会交往技能

1.The results show significant correlations between Faux Pas comprehension andsocial interaction skill,and between Faux Pas comprehension and language ability,after controlling for age.对92名3~5年级小学生进行失言理解、社会交往技能测试和语言能力测量。

4)social communication社会交往

1.The function of non-verbal symbol system in modernsocial communication;论非语言符号在现代社会交往中的作用

2.Study of problems and changes ofsocial communications in network times;网络时代社会交往的变化以及问题初探

3.The Research of Community Tourism Development Based on Social Communication Theory;基于社会交往理论的社区旅游发展研究

5)Social association社会交往

1.The Spiritual Productivity Function and the Features of Social Association;社会交往的特征及其精神生产力功能

2.The thinkers of different eras have their own ideas,and their thoughts widen and deepen the social association theory of historical materialism.主体间性是现代西方哲学的重要范畴,不同时期的思想家从不同视域对它作出了不同理解,对拓宽、深化唯物史观社会交往理论有深刻的启发意义,但对作为社会交往理论的主体间性范畴的实质的把握不能脱离唯物史观视野,这样才能将主体间性的研究引向正确的道路。

6)social interaction社会交往

1.The Impact of Marketization,Individual Capital and Social Interaction on Social Trust in Transitional China;转型期社会信任的影响机制——市场化、个人资本与社会交往因素探讨

2.On the productive force ofsocial interaction;论社会交往的生产力意义

3.Analyse Dependence on the Networks and the Social Interaction of the College Students from the On-line Chat;从网上聊天看大学生的网络依赖与社会交往


