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路向 orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-25 20:06:48


路向 orientation英语短句 例句大全



1.The development of libraries relates closely to the over-all development of the school,while the scientific outlook on development guides the developmentorientation for libraries of colleges and universities.科学发展观为新时期高校图书馆的发展指明了发展路向。


1.A way down.下坡路向下延伸的路

2.Paradigm Transformation from Rationalism to Existentialism--On the human science proposed by Marx;从知识论路向到生存论路向的范式转换——论马克思开辟的人学路向

3.Proceed ahead one long block to Cheng Jia Qiao Road and turn right.沿着虹梅路向前开(这段路较长)到程家桥路,向左转上程家桥路。

4.The road makes a sharp twist to the left.这道路向左急转弯。

5.The path turned square to the left.小路向左成九十度转弯。

6.driving southwards along the motorway沿高速公路向南行驶.

7.A route or path across or over.横向路横越或横跨的路线或道路

8.We asked her the way and she pointed towards the town.我们向她问路,她指向小镇的方向。

9.the skywards path of the rocket火箭的向上飞行路线

10.The travellers pushed on without halting.旅客们不停地向前赶路。

11.circuit repetitive peak reverse voltage电路反向重复峰值电压

12.circuit crest working reverse voltage电路反向工作峰值电压

13.full directional interchange全面定向道路交汇处

14.Take the second on the left.第二个路口处向左拐

15.Take the first turning on your left.在第一个路口向左拐。

16.He went along the street begging the people for money.他沿街向路人讨钱。

17."This road goes to the village."“这条路是通向村子里的。”

18.bidirectional optical demultiplexer双向光多路解复用器



1.The Basic Construction Direction for Main-Stream Value Idea in the Present Chinese Society;当代中国社会主导价值观建设的基本路向

2.He designed,chose and assigneddirection,path and basis of agriculture in China.在其农业发展思想中,梁漱溟对中国农业发展进行了全面而深刻的分析,分析了中国近代农业衰败甚至根本崩溃的原因,对中国农业发展的路向、路径、依托作出了设计、选择与安排。

3.By examining the changes of public sports in the background of market economy, the paper clarifies the nature,direction, sport policies made by the government and rights of public sports and therefore offers theoretical support and practice for the construction of sports in a well-off society by reasonably appropriatin.探讨市场经济对公共体育的影响 ,揭示公共体育改革的深层是市场经济的意蕴 ;梳理市场经济下的公共体育变迁 ,明确公共体育的性质、路向和政府的体育政策、权力行为 ;为合理配置体育市场资源 ,促进和成熟政府体育政策、权力行为实践的理性自觉 ,推进小康社会体育建设 ,提供理论支撑和实践走


1.The Current Stage and Development Trend of Information and Electronic Industry in Taiwan;台湾资讯电子产业现状与发展路向

2.The reform of educational system for postgraduates is an inevitabletrend for the development of postgraduate education.高校应理性反思学制改革中的"回流"现象,探析现象生成的内外因素,并以此为契机务实推进研究生学制改革步入正轨,重新定位学制改革路向,促使改革切实成为一项多类主体普遍受益的服务工程。


1.While inheriting cognitive pragmatic tradition in research,the study of L2 pragmatic development that is based on pragmatic universal may also take advantage of the experiential development of pragmatic study and take as a newapproach the d.建立在语用普遍性基础之上的二语语用发展研究,在继承传统语用研究成果的同时,汲取体验认知语用的研究成果,将概念能力发展和隐喻能力发展作为一种新的研究路向。

5)converse thought逆向思路

1.Practice shows,adoptingconverse thought from practice to theories and choosing the relation instance with the course to open the teaching of material mechanics theories that can inspire study enthusiasm of st.实践表明,采用从实际到理论的逆向思路,选择与本学科相关的实例开展材料力学理论的教学,可以激发学生的学习积极性,使教学效果得到明显的提高。

6)direction-judgment circuit辩向电路


路向1.道路延伸的方向。 2.引申为努力的目标。
