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直肠癌术后 pos toperation of rectal cancer operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-11 06:41:25


直肠癌术后 pos toperation of rectal cancer operation英语短句 例句大全

直肠癌术后,pos toperation of rectal cancer operation

1)pos toperation of rectal cancer operation直肠癌术后


1.Influence of the Level of Anastomosis to Functional Outcome after Anterior Rectal Resection for Rectal Carcinoma;吻合口水平对直肠癌术后肛管直肠功能的影响

2.Multivariate Analysis of Prognostic Factors of Colorectal Cancer after Radical Surgery by Cox Proportional Hazard Model结直肠癌术后患者Cox模型预后分析

3.Early radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy after resection of rectal cancer直肠癌术后早期的辅助性同时放化疗

4.Retreatment for Postoperative Local Recurrence of Rectal Carcinoma;直肠癌术后局部复发及再治疗的探讨

5.The Application of PET/CT in the Postoperative Follow-up of the Colorectal Cancer;PET/CT在结直肠癌术后随访中的应用

6.Clinical analysis of 72 cases of lung metastasis after resection Of rectal cancer直肠癌术后肺转移72例的临床分析

7.Effect of combined modality for locally recurrent rectal cancer直肠癌术后复发的综合治疗疗效分析

8.The Study of Different Early Postoperative Enteral Nutrition after Colorectalectomy结直肠癌术后不同配方早期肠内营养研究

9.Prognosis analysis of local recurrence after radical resection of rectal carcinoma根治性直肠癌术后局部复发的预后分析

10.Effects of transverse coloplasty pouch for preventing the occurrence of anterior resection syndrome after low anastomosis for rectal cancer结肠成形术预防低位直肠癌术后前切除综合征的疗效分析

11.Clinical research of colostomy after Miles operation for rectal cancer直肠癌Miles术后结肠造口的临床研究

12.Prognosis of rectal cancer patients after total mesorectal excision全直肠系膜切除术后直肠癌患者的预后分析

13.The post-operation nursing for 90 cases of recta cancer after Miles operation90例直肠癌Miles手术的术后护理

14.The Cause,Prevention and Treatment of Rectovaginal Fistula Following Total Mesorectal Excision(TME) in Rectal Cancer低位直肠癌全直肠系膜切除术后直肠阴道瘘的诊断和治疗

15.Nursing of Anastomotic Leakage Following Anal Preserving Operation for Low Position Rectal Cancer低位直肠癌保肛术后吻合口瘘的护理

16.The Clinical Study of Transanal Local Excision of Rectal Cancer with and without Postoperative Radiotherapy直肠癌经肛局切术后放疗的疗效分析

17.Treatment experience of 24 cases of anastomotic leakage after Dixon" operation on rectal carcinoma直肠癌Dixon术后吻合口漏24例治疗体会

18.Surgery combined with preoperative and postoperative radiotherapy for rectal carcinoma手术联合术前、术后放疗治疗直肠癌临床研究


relapse rectal cancer直肠癌术后复发

1.Objective:To investigate the efficacy and safety of Oxaliplatin intra-arterial infusion combined with Hydroxycampyothecin peritoneal infusion for treatment ofrelapse rectal cancer.目的研究草酸铂动脉介入联合羟基喜树碱(拓喜)腹腔灌注治疗直肠癌术后复发的近期疗效和毒副反应。

3)colon cancer operation结直肠癌术后

4)postoperative intestinal cancer肠癌术后

1.48 cases withpostoperative intestinal cancer were treated by nourishing spleen-qi,disinhibiting dampness to stop diarrhea,melting blood-stasis and relieving toxin.根据补脾益气、渗湿止泻、化瘀解毒的原则组方用药治疗肠癌术后 48例 (中医辨证属脾气虚弱挟湿型 ) ,结果临床症状、生存质量均有不同程度改善 ,总有效率为 87 5 %。

5)after carcinoma of large intestine operation大肠癌术后

1.[Objective]To observe the curative effect of application by acupunctureafter carcinoma of large intestine operation.[目的]观察针灸在大肠癌术后临床应用的疗效。

6)Postoperative Colorectal Cancer术后大肠癌


肛管直肠癌gangguan zhichang’ai肛管直肠癌carcinoma of anus and rectum发生于肛管直肠的恶性肿瘤。病至后期肛门狭窄,犹如锁住一样,故又称锁肛痔。清代《外科大成》对本病有较详细的描述。多由于忧思抑郁,以致气机逆乱,血浊瘀凝,湿热邪毒蕴结于下;或由于嗜酒暴食,过食膏粱厚味,久泻久痢等诱发。临床上发现部分直肠息肉可转变为癌。例如中国南方地区的血吸虫卵沉积直肠壁形成肉芽肿发生的癌变,以及慢性溃疡性结肠炎、病毒性淋巴肉芽肿发生的癌变;肛口疤痕组织、湿疣、痔、瘘等,日久亦有癌变者。本病早期症状轻微,常被忽视。排便习惯改变,排便次数增多或便意频繁以及一种虚无的便意感,常被认为是早期症状。中期大便带有脓血和粘液,有特殊臭味,里急后重,易被误诊为痔疮及菌痢,大便形状变细、变扁、排便困难或便前腹痛腹胀。及至恶液质、转移症状等出现,则属癌肿后期。本病一经确诊,就应及早手术治疗。中药能扶持正气,增强和提高机体抗病力、免疫力,抑制癌肿的发展,故无论术前术后均为良好的治疗手段,尤其在化疗、放疗中应用,可减轻和消除副反应。临床上常采用扶正祛邪、清热解毒、活血攻坚、除痰散结等治法方药。(唐汉钧)
