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阻菌 Blocking bacteria英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-05 08:56:20


阻菌 Blocking bacteria英语短句 例句大全

阻菌,Blocking bacteria

1)Blocking bacteria阻菌

1.Objective:To explore the sterilization,blocking bacteria effect,cost and function on the article packed with medical ripple paper and full cotton,thereby to choose good packaging materials for clinical application.目的:分析医用皱纹纸与全棉布的灭菌、阻菌效果及成本、性能,选择良好的包装材料应用于临床。


1.Analysis on bacteria-block effect of disposable paper and plastics packages and pure cotton wrap一次性纸塑包装袋与纯棉包布阻菌效果分析

2.chlorendic anhydride氯菌酸酐(阻燃剂,固化剂)

3.A Sensitive Assay for IgA protease of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae by ELISA BlockageELISA阻断法快速检测淋球菌IgA蛋白酶

4.hexachloroendo methylene tetrahydrophthalic aicd氯菌酸(阻燃剂,增塑剂,防霉剂)

5.A Study On Bacteriology of Obstructive Carcinoma of the Left Colon左侧结肠癌性梗阻肠道细菌学的研究

6.Study on the Application of Antibacterial, Flame and Antistatic Polypropylene;抗菌、阻燃抗静电聚丙烯的应用研究

7.It doesn"t kill bacteria but it prevents them sticking to the walls of the bladder.它虽然不能杀菌,但可以阻止细菌聚积在膀胱壁上。

8.lysogenic immunity溶源性免疫[原噬菌体阻碍另一同类噬菌体基因组的建立]

9.Strain Identification and the Effects of Type Ⅱ Polyketide Pathway Disruption on Streptolydigin Production;菌株鉴定和Ⅱ型聚酮途径阻断对利迪链菌素生产的影响

10.Preliminary detection of Listeria monocytogenes by blocking ELISA based on the recombinant LLO protein expressed in E.coli基于重组李氏杆菌溶血素的阻断ELISA检测病原菌的研究

11.Distribution and drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria in sixty-five patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and secondary fungus infection慢性阻塞性肺疾病继发真菌感染65例病原菌分布及耐药性分析

12.cooking and cooling equipment necessary to prevent the formation of dangerous bacteria.烹饪和冷却设备来阻止有害细菌的形成。

13.The experimental study of bacterial translocation in rats with obstructive jaundice梗阻性黄疸大鼠肠道细菌易位的实验研究

14.Abstract: The electric impedance method is used to the clinical bacteria in the experiment of resistance to medicine.将电阻抗法应用于医学临床细菌耐药性试验.

15.Preparation and Performance Measurement of DG4 Corrsion and Scale Inhibitor and Bactericide;复合型缓蚀阻垢杀菌剂DG4的制备及性能测试

16.Construction of Gene Disruption Mutants in Aspergillus Niger and Functional Analysis of the Genes;黑曲霉基因阻断突变菌株的构建及其功能分析

17.Using DNA Shuffling Method to Generate Thermosensitive CI Repressor Protein of λ Phage;利用DNA改组技术产生λ噬菌体CI温敏阻遏蛋白

18.Experimental study of inhibiting candida albicans infection by saccharomyces cerevisiae;啤酒酵母阻断白色念珠菌感染的实验研究


Air-seeping and germ-prevention渗气阻菌

3)obstructive effects on bacteria阻菌性能

1.To develop a new material withobstructive effects on bacteria,chemical properties of polypropylene(PP) hydroentangled nonwoven fabrics with three different mass per unit areas were investigated.为研制新型阻菌材料,对3种不同单位面积质量的聚丙烯纤维水刺法无纺布进行了化学性能实验,并以创面感染的常见致病菌金黄色葡萄球菌和黏质沙雷菌为模型疡菌,通过一系列实验、分析,客观地评价了材料在低水分、半潮湿、潮湿条件下的阻菌性能。

4)resistance of bacteria阻菌性

5)Effect of retaining bacteria阻菌率

6)Corrosion-and Scaling Inhibitor/Bactericide缓蚀阻垢杀菌剂


硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E药物名称:多粘菌素E英文名:Polymyxin E 别名: 多粘菌素E;可立斯丁;可刹迈仙干糖浆;硫酸抗敌素;硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E外文名:Colistin ,Polymyxin E 性状: 常用其硫酸盐,为白色或微黄色粉末;无臭或几乎无臭。有引湿性。在水中易溶,在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮、氯仿或乙醚中几乎不溶。 药理作用: 抗菌谱和体内过程与多粘菌素B相同。口服不吸收,用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其它药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 适应症: 用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其他药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 用量用法: 1.口服:成人1次50万~100万单位,1日3~4次。儿童1次量25万~50万单位,1日3~4次。重症时上述剂量可加倍。 2.外用:溶液剂每毫升含1万~5万单位,氯化钠注射液溶解。 注意事项: 1.可发生皮疹、瘙痒等过敏症状。胃肠道有恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、腹泻等不良反应。 2.孕妇慎用。 3.口服宜空腹给药。 规格: 片剂:每片50万;100万;300万单位。灭菌粉剂:每瓶100万单位,供制备溶液用(1mg=6500单位) 类别:抗生素
