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中风昏迷 stroke coma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 09:58:40


中风昏迷 stroke coma英语短句 例句大全

中风昏迷,stroke coma

1)stroke coma中风昏迷

1.Objective To study the mechanisms of "Qingnao Suppository" in rescuingstroke coma.目的探讨清脑栓救治中风昏迷的作用机制。


1.Clinical observation on ischemia apoplectic coma with Retention Enema of Modified Minor Decoction of Daehengqi Decoction大承气汤加减灌肠治疗缺血中风昏迷病人疗效观察

2.He"s come out of his coma.他从昏迷中醒过来了。

3.Was taken to the emergency room in a state of syncope.在昏迷中被送到手术室。

4.He lay in a deep coma.他处于深度昏迷之中。

5.The patient rallied from the coma.病人从昏迷中苏醒过来。

6.He rallied from his coma.他从昏迷中醒过来。

7.Shedied on Aug.19, at age 97, after weeks in a coma that followed a stroke.她在一次中风后昏迷了数周于8月19日去世了,享年97岁。

8.relating to or associated with a coma.与昏迷有关或伴随昏迷。

9.All he was hit by was a Stunning Spell, and I don"t think that"d be enough to keep him out for so long.他只是被昏迷咒击中,而且我不认为那足以使他昏迷这么长时间。

10.The only problem is that all Nott was hit with was a Stunning Spell.唯一的问题是诺特只是被昏迷咒打中。

11.Mary had recovered from her faint and was lying on the bed.玛丽已从昏迷中醒过来,躺在床上。

12.He lapsed into a coma and never recovered.他陷入昏迷之中,并且永远没有醒过来。

13.The ball hit Bob in the head and knocked him out cold for10minutes.球打中鲍勃的头,使他昏迷了10分钟。

14.in a state of partial coma.处在部分昏迷的状态之中。

15.The noise of someone banging at the door roused her from her stupor.梆梆的敲门声把她从昏迷中唤醒了。

16.Clinical Analysis on 16 Cases of Hypoglycemic Coma Caused by Alcoholism;酒精中毒性低血糖昏迷16例临床分析

17.Application of Six Fingering in Teaching GCS Scoring六指法在GCS昏迷评分带教中的应用

18.Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to.针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。


apoplectic coma中风性昏迷

3)middle-old age coma patients中老年昏迷

1.Clinical significance of checking finger-blood glucose quickly formiddle-old age coma patients;中老年昏迷患者快速指血糖检测的临床意义

4)alcoholic coma酒精中毒性昏迷


1.Modifying the four vessel occlusion to establish ischemic brain injury coma model in rats;改良四血管阻塞法建立大鼠缺血性脑损伤昏迷模型

2.Application of transcranial Doppler to seriously illed children with coma;经颅多普勒超声在昏迷危重患儿中的应用

3.Revival effect of electrostimulation in Pericardium Channel of Hand Jueyin in coma patients induced by severe craniocerebral trauma;手厥阴经电刺激对重症脑外伤昏迷患者促醒作用的初步研究


1.Clinic Study on Predicting Prognoses of Comatose Patients with Restoration of Spontaneous Circulation after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with Score用评分法预测心肺复苏术后昏迷病人预后的临床研究

2.A comparative study on Two Scoring Approaches to Prognosis ofcomatose patients with return of spontaneous circulation after cardiopulmonary resuscitation两种评分法对心肺复苏自主循环恢复昏迷病人预后预测的比较


