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人权责任 Human Rights Liability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 17:48:57


人权责任 Human Rights Liability英语短句 例句大全

人权责任,Human Rights Liability

1)Human Rights Liability人权责任

1.Study onHuman Rights Liability Tracing of Transnational Corporations;论跨国公司国际人权责任的追究


1.The Plight and Outlet of Imposing Human Rights Responsibility on Transnational Corporations;跨国公司承担人权责任的困境及出路

2.Whoever is given responsibility should be given authority as well.责任到人就要权力到人。

3.Research on Civil Infringement Responsibility;场所经营人的侵权民事责任归责研究

4.Limited Liability and Protection for Creditors in the Limited Liability Partnership;有限责任合伙中有限责任与债权人利益保护

5.The Doctrine of Liabitlity Fixation about the First Infringer of Intellectral Property Right`s Civil Liability;知识产权第一侵权人民事责任归责原则探析

6.The Responsibility of the National Human Rights Protectionand the Setting-up of National Human Rights Organization;国家的人权保障责任与国家人权机构的建立

7.On Imputation Criterion of Tort Liability by Aircrafts to the Third Party on the Ground(including Water Surface);航空器对地(水)面第三人侵权责任归责原则论

8.On the Choice of Civil Tort Liability of Registered Accountants to Third Parties注册会计师对第三人侵权责任归责原则的选择

9.we will protect individual rights, but also must shoulder collective responsibilities.我们保障个人权利,但亦承担集体责任。

10.The hotel cannot be exempt from liabilities when its guest is infringed by the third party.住客遭第三人侵权,宾馆不能免除责任。

11.Accountability: Transparency, Stakeholder dialogue责任与义务:透明度、权益人对话

12.3) power(s) of attorney for the principal persons in charge of the institution;对拟任该机构主要负责人的授权书;

13.As a patient, you have responsibilities, as well as rights.作为一名病人,你有权利但也有责任。

14.On the Direct Request Right of the Third Party in Environmental Liability Insurance;论环境责任保险第三人的直接请求权

15.Operators Liabilities Occurred in the Third Party s Infringing upon Consumer s Rights;第三人侵权情境下之经营者责任研究

16.Research on the Direct Claim Right of the Third Person in Liability Insurance;责任保险中第三人之直接请求权研究

17.Research on the Creditor s Protection Mechanism of LLP;有限责任合伙的债权人保护机制研究

18.CPA s Infringement Responsibility to the Third Party;注册会计师对第三人的侵权责任研究


lender liability债权人责任

3)human rights responsibilities国际人权责任

1.Since 1990s,the internationalhuman rights responsibilities of TNCs have gradually drawn the attention of the public,especially in the fields of the rights to life,labor and the environment.20世纪90年代以来,跨国公司的国际人权责任日益受到关注,尤其在生命权、劳工权、环境权等领域,对其所应当承担的国际人权义务正取得越来越多的共识,但是就现存的国际人权责任模式,无论是内部模式还是外部模式,都不足以对跨国公司的侵权行为进行规制。

4)Responsibility for the third-party"s infringement他人侵权责任

5)employer"s liability for the torts of employees雇用人侵权责任

6)guardian"s tort liability监护人侵权责任


