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投资报酬率 rate-of-return英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-18 08:41:56


投资报酬率 rate-of-return英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces the characteristics of natural monopoly and the pricing model of China s natural monopoly industry and compares the investmentrate-of-return regulation models of natural monopoly industry in USA and Hong Kong.本文对自然垄断产业的基本特征以及我国自然垄断行业的定价模式作了简单介绍,并比较分析了美国和香港特区在自然垄断产业所采用的投资报酬率管制模式;针对投资报酬率管制模式的不足以及我国自然垄断行业的特点,对我国自然垄断行业的价格管制改革提出了几点建议。


1.return on assets managed (ROAM)可控资产投资报酬率

2.Where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return.这里的资金成本是指最低必要的投资报酬率。

3.Exhibit 20-1 presents an example of calculating ROI in a performance report of the investment center.表20-1是在投资中心的业绩报告中计算投资报酬率的例子。

4.There are two approaches to measure their performance: return on investment (ROI) and residual income (RI).衡量其绩效有两种方法:投资报酬率和剩余收益。

5.Note from the tabulation above that center B is already earning a return of 20 percent on its assets.从表可知B投资中心已经获得了20%的投资报酬率。

6.The center manager obtained a ROI of 3 percent, which was 5 percent more than the 2 percent, planned in the budget.投资中心经理获得了3%的投资报酬率,比预算数2%高5%。

7.If he takes on the new project, then the overall ROI will be reduced to 19.6 percent.如果接受这个新投资项目,会使B中心的投资报酬率降低为19.6%。

8.Preferred stockholders are interested in the yield on their in- vestment. The yield is computed by dividing the dividend per share by the market value per share.优先股鼓动最关心其投资报酬。优先股股东投资报酬率为每股息除以每股市价。

9.However, when we calculate ROI, the concept of the profit must be consistent with the asset base.然而,当我们计算投资报酬率时,收益观念必须和资产基础相一致。

10.He is concerned about maximizing RI other than ROI.他关注的是使剩余收益最大化而不是投资报酬率。

11.Study on Investment Rate-of-Return Regulation Models of USA and Hong Kong and Its Implications;美国和香港的投资报酬率管制模式比较及其启示

12.Assume that center B requires a minimum return on investment of 15 percent.再假定B中心最低必要投资报酬{率为15%。

13.Inadequateness and Improvement of IRR in Project Investment Decision;内含报酬率法在项目投资决策中的不足与完善

14.The Cost of Capital and Return on Corporate Investment of A-share Listed Company;A股上市公司的综合资本成本与投资回报——从内部报酬率的视角观察

15.Appraising the Rate of Invested Company Return of the Quoted Company;评价上市公司基本获利能力的投资资本报酬率指标

16.Investment centers are evaluated using some measure of profits related to the invested assets in the center.应用投资报酬来评价投资中心的业绩。

17.Under these circumstances; the new investment opportunity with its 18 percent will clearly be attractive.在这种情况下,报酬率为18%的新投资机会显然可以接受。

18.Application of the Theory of Probability and Statistics in Investing Hazard Emolument;概率论与数理统计原理在投资“风险报酬”分析中的应用


rate of returns of the investment投资资本报酬率

1.This paper analyzes mainly the evaluation indicator of outstanding achievement of the corporations resulted from property recombination and brings forward new evaluation indicator (rate of returns of the investment, economical value added ) to evaluate more truly and accurately the outstanding achievement of the corporations本文主要对上市公司资产重组引发的上市公司业绩评价指标的优缺点进行了分析 ,进而提出了新的评价指标投资资本报酬率、经济增加值 ,以图能够对上市公司业绩进行更准确的评

3)return on investment投资报酬率;投资回报率

4)investment recompense rate投资平均报酬率

5)Return rate of reinvestment再投资报酬率

6)Return on Stock Investment股票投资报酬率


