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光学光刻 optical lithography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-29 13:39:40


光学光刻 optical lithography英语短句 例句大全

光学光刻,optical lithography

1)optical lithography光学光刻

1.Off-axis illumination foroptical lithography;光学光刻中的离轴照明技术

2.It includes The new ntase-shift mask and combined simulation for the optical prox-imity effects of projectionoptical lithography and mask processing.介绍了国内研究光学光刻波前工程的一些成果,如新型移相掩模、投影光刻的邻近效应和掩模加工的邻近效应的组合模拟等。


1.Aqueous-soluble Hyperbanched Polyesters: Snthesis and Photoresists for Microoptics;高支化碱溶性聚酯的合成及其微光学光刻胶

2.Research of SOCS Based Simulation Algorithm of Optical Lithography System;基于SOCS的光学光刻系统仿真算法的研究

3.The Chemically Amplified Resist Composition and Its Lithography for Electronic Beam;化学增幅光刻胶及其在电子束光刻中的应用

4.laser engraving, laser etching激光雕刻,激光蚀刻

5.Research of Focus Optical System Used in Ultraviolet Photolithography;用于紫外光刻的聚焦光学系统的研究

6.Optical properties and process of the diluted SU8 resist改性SU8光刻胶的光学特性及其工艺

7.High Precision Laser Direct Writing System for Micro-optical Device;高精度微光学器件激光直写光刻系统研究

8.Method and Simulation of Micro Optical Elements Fabricated by Digital Lithography Technology;数字光刻及其制作微光学元件的模拟研究

9.Two-mirror system design study of reduced projection optics for EUV Lithography;极紫外投影光刻两镜微缩投影系统的光学设计

10.Optical head supporting sub wavelength structure with UV interference lithography支持亚波长结构光刻的紫外干涉光学头

11.raster scan electron beam lithography光栅扫描电子束光刻

12.brilliant cutting(玻璃)磨光刻花法

13.808nm Laser-Induced Electrochemical Etching808nm激光诱导电化学刻蚀研究

14.Research of SU-8 Resist Lithography Using Ultraviolet Laser;紫外激光曝光光刻SU-8胶的工艺研究

15.Study on Synthesis of Photoresist and Photochemical Process for Information Recording in Laser Disc激光光盘信息记录光刻胶的合成与感光

16.Experimental Study on Excimer Laser Electrochemical Etching Process of Silicon;准分子激光电化学刻蚀硅工艺实验研究

17.Study of the Laser-chemical Combined Etching for Hard-to-machine Material;难加工材料激光与化学复合刻蚀加工的研究

18.The study of the voltage effect on laser-induced electrochemical etching of silicon外加电压对激光电化学刻蚀硅的影响研究



1.Photolithography Pushing Forward to Nano-Fabrication;光学光刻技术向纳米制造挺进

2.Trend of Photolithography Technology and Its Equipment in 21st Century;本文主要阐述了光刻技术的发展极限及 193nm、 157nm光学光刻技术和电子束投影光刻 (SCALPEL)、X -射线光刻 (XRL)离子投影光刻 (IPL)等技术的发展趋势。

3.Fractional Fourier Domain Filtering Applied to Improve Image Quality in Photolithography;随着微电子和信息技术的飞速发展,高密度、高速度、超高频微电子器件不断推陈出新,促使微细加工技术不断向着超精细领域发展,对传统光学光刻技术的分辨本领提出更高的要求。

3)nm optical lithography193nm光学光刻

4)157um optical lithography157nm光学光刻

5)optical chemical etching光化学蚀刻

1.This article studies the process usedoptical chemical etching and electrochemical polishing synthetically,discusses the influence of the factor in the process and the application range of this process.研究了光化学蚀刻与电化学抛光相结合的加工工艺 ,讨论了加工过程中各种因素对加工的影响及加工工艺的适用场合。

6)technology for optical lithography光学光刻技术


