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辐射抗拒 radioresistant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-26 09:35:21


辐射抗拒 radioresistant英语短句 例句大全



1.【Objective】To detect cell cycle proportion distribution and observe morphology discrepancy in differentradioresistant nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cells CNE-2R and CNE-2.【目的】探索不同辐射抗拒鼻咽癌细胞CNE-2R和CNE-2细胞周期和形态学差异。


parative Study on Discrepancy of Morphology and Cell Cycle Proportion Distribution in Different Radioresistant Nasopharyngeal Cancer不同辐射抗拒鼻咽癌细胞细胞周期和形态学差异比较

2.Relationship between radioresistance and microRNA in the same genetic background nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells相同遗传背景不同辐射抗拒鼻咽癌细胞miRNA差异表达的研究

parative proteomic analysis of irradiation induced radioresistant squamous carcinoma cell line辐射诱导放射抗拒的鳞癌细胞株的蛋白组学差异分析

4.The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Deinococcus Radiodurans Proliferation and Radioresistance;活性氧在抗辐射菌增殖和辐射抗性中的作用

5.Study on Resistance to UV-irradiated of Antioxidant Enzymes and Deinococcus Radiodurans;抗氧化酶类和耐辐射奇球菌抗紫外辐射的研究

6.Establishment of Radioresistant Esophageal Cancer Cell Line and Its Radioresistance Mechanism放射抗拒食管癌细胞系的建立及抗拒机制研究

7.Space Radiation Environment and Resist-Radiation Hardening Technology Progress of Optical Devices空间辐射环境与光器件抗辐射加固技术进展

8.Maintenance of Irradiation Decontamination Dose and Research of Radiation Resistance About Health Tea保健茶辐射消毒剂量的保持和辐射抗性的研究

9.Effects of Carotenoids on The Radioresistance of The Extremely Radioresistant Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans类胡萝卜素在耐辐射奇球菌辐射抗性中的作用

10.Requirements of Radiated Immunity and Conducted Immunity in NEBS AuthenticationNEBS认证—辐射抗扰度和传导抗扰度

11.p27~(kip1) Expression in Radio-resistance of Esophageal Cancer Cellsp27~(kip1)表达在食管癌放射抗拒中的意义

12.Resistant to blast, heat, or radiation.Used especially of nuclear weapons.抗热的,抗辐射的防爆、防热或防辐射的。尤用于核武器

13.radiation hard cmos抗辐射互补金属氧化物半导体

14.Investigation of Extreme Radiation Hardness and Drift-Dominated InP Solar Cells;强抗辐射漂移机制InP太阳电池的研究

15.The Experimental Study of Reduced Coenzyme NADH against Irradiation-induced Damage;还原型辅酶NADH抗辐射损伤的实验研究

16.The Study on the Test Methods of Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness Fabrics;抗电磁辐射织物的屏蔽效能测试方法

17.Experimental Studies of Anti-radiation Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extraction;银杏叶提取物抗辐射作用的实验研究

18.Study on the Relation of Radioresistance with Akt in SHG44 Cell;SHG44细胞辐射抗性与Akt相关性的研究



1.Objective To find the different proteins in radioresistant and radiosensitive squamous carcinoma cell by comparative proteomic analysis,to investigate the mechanisms of radioresistance.目的在成功建立的辐射诱导放射抗拒鳞癌细胞株的基础上,以蛋白质组学分析方法筛选出放射抗拒与放射敏感鳞癌细胞株的差异蛋白蛋白质,探讨放射敏感性的调控机制,寻找新的放射增敏靶点。


1.The stable radioresistance is the result of co-effect by polygene and multiple factors,which provide several gene targets to sensitize the radioresistant cells for improving the radiocurability of NPC.方法用X射线间歇多次照射鼻咽癌细胞株CNE-2建立放射抗拒性细胞CNE-2R,采用BioStarH-141s型基因芯片检测CNE-2与CNE-2R差异表达基因。

2.375-fold increase in radioresistance as regards to the D0.[结论]EC9706R60细胞显示出与亲代细胞不同的细胞周期特征,放射抗拒性与SP细胞的比例存在一定关联。

4)anti-radiation finishing agent抗辐射剂

5)radiation protection抗辐射


1.Structural Modification and Antiradiation Activity Study of Catechin from Spatholobus Suberectus;鸡血藤活性化合物儿茶素结构修饰及抗辐射作用研究

2.Extraction,separation and examination ofantiradiation component from Parmelia tinctorum;石花多糖抗辐射有效部位的提取分离及检测

3.Study ofantiradiation effect of human recombinant copper,zine-superoxide dismutase on mice基因重组人源超氧化物歧化酶抗辐射作用的研究


