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环境标志制度 environmental label英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-13 00:51:55


环境标志制度 environmental label英语短句 例句大全

环境标志制度,environmental label

1)environmental label环境标志制度


1.Study on Several Legal Questions about Environmental Labelling System in Our Country;我国环境标志制度若干法律问题研究

2.The Issue on the Eco-label in the Framework of WTO and the Perfection of Eco-label System in China;WTO框架下的环境标志问题与我国环境标志制度的完善

3.On the Improvement of Environment Label in China from the Standpoint of WTO Rules从WTO规则角度探讨我国环境标志制度的完善

4.On the Mandatory Labeling Scheme under the WTO强制性环境标志制度纳入WTO框架之探析

5.The Absurdity Analysis of Bringing into the Environmental Indication System into the WTO Regulation System;对环境标志制度纳入WTO规则体系的悖论分析

6.Economics Analysis on the Environmental Symbol System in International Textile Trade;国际纺织品贸易中环境标志制度的经济学分析


8.The Trade barrier to Developing Counties on The Institution ofEco-labeling and Our Countermeasure;环境标志制度对发展中国家的贸易壁垒及我国的对策

9.On the Establishment and Perfection of Law of the Environmental Label in China;论中国环境标志法律制度的建立和完善

10.A Study on the Legal System of Environmental Labeling in the View of Ecological Consumption生态消费视野下的环境标志法律制度研究

11.Analysis on Founding of the Legal System of Environment Label of Our Country under WTOWTO下构建我国环境标志法律制度之分析

12.Research on Granularity Symbol Character of BeiEr Depression Reservoir Sedimentary Environment贝尔凹陷储层沉积环境的粒度标志特征研究

13.-- The development of environmental labels has entered the stage of implementation.——环境标志进入实施阶段。

14.Study on the Conflicts and Coordination of the Legal Systems of Trademark under CEPA;CEPA环境下商标法律制度的冲突与协调

15.Research On The Legal Problems About Environmental Labels Under WTO Systems;WTO框架下的环境标签法律制度研究

16.Research on Evaluating Index System about Institutional Environment;制度环境评估指标体系研究——兼评湖北省的制度环境

17.Institution Environment,Institution Innovation and the Optional Goal of Bank Capital Structure;制度环境、制度创新与银行资本结构优化目标

18.As the environmentally-labeled products enter millions of households the environmental label will exert a growing influence in society.伴随着环境标志产品进入千家万户,环境标志的社会影响越来越大。


China"s environmental labeling rules我国的环境标志制度

3)environmental labeling环境标志

1.The application of LCA inenvironmental labeling;生命周期评价(LCA)在环境标志中的应用

2.The final declaration of the meeting precisely instructed CTE to payspecial attention toenvironmental labeling.2001 年多哈会议上,贸易与环境议题被纳入新一轮多边贸易谈判议程,会议最终宣言明确指示CTE对环境标志予以特别关注。

3.The marketing influence ofenvironmental labeling schemes is s being strengthened.20世纪90年代,贸易与环境问题得到了国际社会的普遍重视,随着人们对环境、经济、发展认识的加深和环保意识的提高,环境标志的影响力无论在国内还是在国际贸易市场上都不断增强,通过认证的产品也越来越多。

4)environmental label环境标志

1.Under the background of China’s joining WTO, five shapes of GTB was discussed as environmental tax,admitted into market,environmental technical standards,environmental label and green consumption awareness.文章以我国即将加入世贸组织的新阶段为背景 ,阐述了绿色贸易壁垒的起因特征 ,其内容包括环境税、市场准入、环境技术标准、环境标志和绿色消费意识。

2.This paper deals with the functions and significances ofenvironmental label, briefly introduces the situation of overseasenvironmental labelling,discusses the establishment and development ofenvironmental label in China, comments the characteristics of Chin.环境标志是一种体现环境保护要求的证明性商标,它向公众表示该产品在生产、流通、使用以及处理处置过程中对环境无害或危害极小。

3.The execution ofenvironmental label tends to become a resort of the new trade barrier for the developed countries as it faciliates sale of goods in the world trade.在世界贸易中,环境标志的实施有利于产品的销售,也有成为发达国家新的贸易壁垒的趋势,利用环境标志设置绿色壁垒已成为不可回避的环境标志制度问题,特别是WTO关于环境标志议题达成的共识对协调国际贸易的自由化和可持续发展具有重要意义,因此,本文旨在探讨中国环境保护政策为中国产品顺利进入国际市场方面的基础作用,并系统分析了WTO环境标志议题对中国的影响和面临的新的机遇及挑战,提出了充分利用WTO现行规制以完善中国环境标志制度、积极开展环境标志的国际合作和国际互认的法律措施以及促进贸易与环境协调发展的对策。

5)Environmental Labelling环境标志

1.Environmental labelling is the general definition of new era for environmental standard.环境标志是新一代环境标准的总称,实施环境标志是解决环境问题的根本途径。

2.As the reflection of this problem in institution and one kind of Trade Related Environment Measures, environmental labelling has being broadly implemented all over the world.作为该问题在制度层面上的具体表现和与贸易相关的环境措施的一个重要分支,环境标志在各国广泛实施。

3.Environmental labelling are some impresses such as figuers, directions, labels and so on , which are used on merchandise or their packages by factories and shops to manifest their merchandise or services are friendly to environment .环境标志是指厂商为表明其产品或服务有利于环境,而在其产品或包装上使用的图形、说明、标签等印记。

6)environmental sign环境标志

1.Effects ofenvironmental signs on coating industry;环境标志对涂料工业的影响


