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启蒙英语 abecedarian English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-07 04:38:25


启蒙英语 abecedarian English英语短句 例句大全

启蒙英语,abecedarian English

1)abecedarian English启蒙英语

1.This paper introduces the total objectives,branch objectives of language ability and affective attitude ofabecedarian English curriculum in Shanghai No.本文介绍了上海第四聋校启蒙英语课程的总目标、语言能力分目标和情感态度分目标。

2)enlightenment discourse启蒙话语

1.The special significance of "Nora" in the May Fourth era,cannot be separated from the magazine New Youth,which acts as the foremost medium ofenlightenment discourse."娜拉"在"五四"启蒙话语中的显赫位置,与其最初的传播载体《新青年》杂志是绝对分不开的。

2.At the same time he constructed the text with the isomorphic factors whichenlightenment discourse, folk discourse and mainstream discourse shared and by infiltration of the mainstream discourse into the other discourses, realized the cr.本文认为赵树理的小说《三里湾》中的生活化叙事与民间话语形态的采用并非是基于他的民间立场,而是将实现主流话语的斗争性方式转化为生活化的叙事,同时利用启蒙话语和民间话语中与主流话语具有同构性的因素来结构文本,通过主流话语对其它话语的渗透,从而实现“老百姓喜欢看,政治上起作用”这一意识形态审美化的创作目的。

3.During the New Age since 1978, the discourse of Chinese rural novels has displayed a wonderful variety with the prominence ofenlightenment discourse, revolutionary discourse and classical discourse, the heterogeneity of which manifests its evolution from monotony to diversity.新时期以来,农村题材小说呈现出话语喧哗的态势,其中以启蒙话语形态、革命话语形态和复古话语形态尤为突出。


1.Neo-enlightenment and Post-enlightenment:Possibility of Dialogue between Two Enlightening Discourse Systems;“新启蒙”与“后启蒙”:两种启蒙话语系统对话的可能

2.Camel Xiangzi:a Double Concerto of Enlightening Discourse and Jocose Discourse;《骆驼祥子》:启蒙话语与谑仿话语的二重协奏

3.Influence and promotion: the enlightenment of the trend of thought in science and the May 4~(th) novel;影响与促动:科学思潮与“五四”小说的启蒙话语

4.Solar Love and Lunar Love:Meditation on Two Kinds of Education Love in Enlightenment Discourse日性爱和月性爱:启蒙话语下的两种教育爱

5.Female consciousness shifts from enlightening speech to female lived experience.女性意识由过去的搭载在启蒙话语里向女性自身生存体验位移。

6.POLITICS OF TRANSLATION AND THE POSSIBILITY OF ACCEPTANCE A Doll s House in May-Fourth Enlightenment Discourses;翻译的政治与接受的可能——五四启蒙话语中的《玩偶之家》

7.The Politics of Translating and the Possibility of Acceptance:A Doll s House in China;翻译的政治与接受的可能——“五四”启蒙话语中的《玩偶之家》

8.Narrative of modern existence beneath enlightenment discourse;启蒙话语遮蔽下的现代生存叙事——关于《故乡》的一种解读

9.Psychic Wandering in the Discourse Forest--On Englishtenment Times;话语密林丛中的精神漫游——论《启蒙时代》

10.Enlightenment and Modernity as Discourse--A Study of Two Essays by Michel Foucault;作为话语的“启蒙”和“现代性”——福柯关于启蒙的两篇文章探析

11.Horkheimer s Enlightenment Circle:Myth--Enlightenment-Myth;霍克海默式的启蒙圆圈:神话-启蒙-神话

12.Enlightening Narratives and Discourses of Modernity Within Modernist Poetry in the 1940s;40年代现代主义诗歌的启蒙叙事和现代性话语

13.On the Political Enlightenment Appeals in Journalistic Discourse of the First 27 Years After the Founding of PRC;论建国后头27年报刊话语的政治思想启蒙诉求

14.The Enlightenment in the Political Language--On Ding Ling s Literary Creation In Yan an Period;政治话语下的启蒙——论丁玲延安时期的小说创作

15.The Modernistic Enlightenment of Culture and Erotic Spell Construction of May 4th Literature文化的现代性启蒙与“五四”文学的性爱话语构建

16.Literary Theory Discourse of New Enlightenment under View of Identity身份认同视角下的新启蒙文论话语研究

17.Myth is Already Enlightenment;the Enlightenment is Degraded to Myth--The spirit of the Enlightenment in the horizon of Dialectics of Enlightenment神话已经是启蒙,启蒙退化为神话——《启蒙辩证法》视阈中的启蒙精神

18.Discourse Mode and Cultural Enlightenment in Modern Story Outsiders in the Countryside;现代小说中“乡村外来者”话语模式与文化启蒙——以鲁迅和徐訏为个案


enlightenment discourse启蒙话语

1.The special significance of "Nora" in the May Fourth era,cannot be separated from the magazine New Youth,which acts as the foremost medium ofenlightenment discourse."娜拉"在"五四"启蒙话语中的显赫位置,与其最初的传播载体《新青年》杂志是绝对分不开的。

2.At the same time he constructed the text with the isomorphic factors whichenlightenment discourse, folk discourse and mainstream discourse shared and by infiltration of the mainstream discourse into the other discourses, realized the cr.本文认为赵树理的小说《三里湾》中的生活化叙事与民间话语形态的采用并非是基于他的民间立场,而是将实现主流话语的斗争性方式转化为生活化的叙事,同时利用启蒙话语和民间话语中与主流话语具有同构性的因素来结构文本,通过主流话语对其它话语的渗透,从而实现“老百姓喜欢看,政治上起作用”这一意识形态审美化的创作目的。

3.During the New Age since 1978, the discourse of Chinese rural novels has displayed a wonderful variety with the prominence ofenlightenment discourse, revolutionary discourse and classical discourse, the heterogeneity of which manifests its evolution from monotony to diversity.新时期以来,农村题材小说呈现出话语喧哗的态势,其中以启蒙话语形态、革命话语形态和复古话语形态尤为突出。

3)enlightening discourse启蒙话语

1.Chinese intellectuals are obliged to fulfill burdensome duties by enlightening the mass,in the process of which a propagandistenlightening discourse comes about.中国知识分子出于自身的使命感要对民众进行启蒙,在这启蒙过程中遥渐形成了一套宣传式的启蒙话语。

4)Enlightenmen t context启蒙语境

5)English taught in Mongolian language蒙授英语

6)New enlightenment language新启蒙话语


