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防化服 chemical protective clothing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-18 11:44:43


防化服 chemical protective clothing英语短句 例句大全

防化服,chemical protective clothing

1)chemical protective clothing防化服


1.Application and development of activate carbon and activated carbon fiber in the protective clothing活性炭和活性碳纤维在防化服中的应用与发展

2.chemical agent protective clothing防化[学作用]服装

3.protective clothing for hazardous chemical operation危险化学品作业防护服

4.The Risk of the Marketization of Public Services in China and Its Prevention;中国公共服务市场化:风险及其防范

5.Witnesses said officers wearing chemical, biological and radiological protective clothing, were at the scene.目击者说,现场有身穿生化和辐射防护服的警员。

6.Stress Aim Concept,Provide Three Services For Safety And Technique Prevention Enterprise强化宗旨意识 为技防企业做好“三个服务”

7.The Optimization of Anti-static & Clean Clothing and Pattern Management System;防静电无尘工作服的结构优化及样板管理系统

8.proximity clothing隔热服反射性防护服

9.We must guard against or overcome the tendency to be formulistic and abstract, which produces monotonous, stiff, mechanical and stereotyped works.要防止和克服单调刻板、机械划一的公式化概念化倾向。

10.Study on the ion chromatography of NaOH permeation resistance for chemical protective clothing化学防护服的氢氧化钠渗透性能离子色谱检测方法的研究

11.Caution: Direct contact with liquid may cause chemically-resistant clothing to freeze, become brittle, and crack.警告:同液体的直接接触会导致化学防护服冻结、变脆和破裂。

12.Nanoproducts are showing up in khakis, where they contribute to stain resistance, and cosmetics, where they are used as sunscreens.纳米产品用于卡其布服装是为了防污,用于化妆品是作为遮光剂。

13.We must overcome the absolute equalitarianism on the one hand and prevent polarization on the other我们一方面要克服绝对平均主义,另一方面也要防止两极分化

14.Research on Personal Information Service Technology and Application on the Flood Prevention Holds a Conference;个性化信息服务技术及其在防汛会商中应用的研究

15.Status of Machinery Control of Crop Pest and Disease and the Development Countermeasures in Liaoing Province;辽宁农作物病虫害机械化防治服务体系现状与发展对策

16.Analysis of Network Centric Air Defense Operation Using Stochastic Service System Theory;采用随机服务系统理论分析网络中心化防空作战


18.Considerations on strategies of achievement of public health equality in disease control and prevention institute疾病预防控制机构实现公共卫生服务均等化的策略思考


firefighters" chemical protective clothing消防防化服

3)chemical protective clothing化学防护服

1.Standard system of industrialchemical protective clothing;工业化学防护服标准体系

2.Investigation on ion chromatography method for testing on permeation resistance ofchemical protective clothing materials离子色谱分析法用于化学防护服材料渗透性能检测的研究

3.Study on the ion chromatography of NaOH permeation resistance forchemical protective clothing化学防护服的氢氧化钠渗透性能离子色谱检测方法的研究

4)biology and chemical protective clothing防生化服装

1.By analyzing on the flame resistance and testing, the structure and component of the material ofbiology and chemical protective clothing for firefighters are confirmed when it has mustard gas resistance and flame resistance.本文通过对材料阻燃理论的分析和阻燃试验,确定了兼具抗芥子气渗透性能和阻燃性能时,消防员防生化服装面料的组成和结构。

5)biochemical protective clothing生化防护服

1.Based on the theories of biochemical protection,current situation ofbiochemical protective clothing both here and abroad is introduced.依据生化防护原理,介绍了国内外生化防护服的发展现状,比较了隔绝式防护服、透气式防护服、半透气式防护服和选择性透气式防护服的优缺点,阐述了国外生化防护服的发展趋势,并提出了我国生化防护服的研究对策,为我国高性能生化防护服的研发提供了参考。

6)hazchem protective suit危险化学品防护服


化服1.感化顺服。 2.谓服食成仙。
