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链码 chain code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-01 03:45:22


链码 chain code英语短句 例句大全

链码,chain code

1)chain code链码

1.Surface reconstruction of complex contour lines based onchain code matching technique;基于链码匹配技术的断层间复杂轮廓线三角曲面重建方法(英文)

2.Contour representation and retrieval based on spatial feature and relativity ofchain codes;基于链码分布特征及相关性的轮廓描述与检索

3.Area statistical method of image target object based onchain code technology;一种基于链码技术的图像目标物体面积统计新方法


1.Boundary Tracing、Region Filling and Applications of Chain Code;边界跟踪、区域填充及链码的应用研究

2.Palm vein features extraction based on median-length included angle chain基于中值夹角链码的掌静脉特征提取

3.Construction of S-chains and quantum codes based on three self-dual codes基于三个自对偶码的S-链和量子码构造

4.All 16 links can be assigned the same link set number.全部 16 条链路会分配到同一个链路群号码。

5.The assembly linker returned error code %1.程序集链接器返回了错误代码 %1。

6.A mooring rope or chain that secures the bow of a ship to a wharf.系绳使船首靠在码头的系泊绳索或链

7.The chains that held my left leg were about two yards long.锁在我左腿上的链子大约有两码长。

8.No country code found in connection string for a linked table在链接表的连接串中找不到国别代码

9.CREATE TABLE t1(c INT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (...)) ; -- CHECK is different on each server.在每台链接服务器中都执行以下代码。

10.Logistics and Supply Chain Management Based on Barcode Technology基于条码技术上的物流及供应链管理

11.Adaptation Technology Based on LDPC Codes;基于LDPC码的链路自适应技术研究

12.Linear Codes over Finite Chain Rings with Respect to the Rosenbloom-Tsfasman Metric;有限链环上线性码的Rosenbloom-Tsfasman(RT)度量

13.The Study on Obtaining Chain Code and Document Layout Analysis;链编码的获取和文档图像的版面分析

14.The Study of Unique Signal and Encryption Technology of MEMS Discriminator;MEMS强链的UQS码及加密技术研究

15.The Redundance in Chained-list Structure Program;关于链表结构程序中的代码冗余问题

16.Chaining & counter-based block cipher mode for authentication基于链接与计数的分组密码认证模式

17.Cycle Detection of LDPC Codes Based on Linked List基于链表的LDPC码循环检测算法

18.Frequency-Domain Link Adaptation Scheme for Turbo Coded OFDM带Turbo码的OFDM频域链路自适应方案


chain codes链码

1.An improvedchain codes method based on region homogeneity measure;基于邻域一致性测度的链码改进方法


1.The code chains of these self-orthogonal subcodes and theS-chains obtained from the dual of these self-orthogonal subcodes are also determined.研究了这些子码构成的码链以及它们的对偶码构成的码链。

2.The relation of these subcodes and the subcode chains of these self-orthogonal codes are determined,and theS-chains deduced from these self-orthogonal codes are also presented.用随机搜索算法和典型群理论,研究了双循环形自对偶码D3,D4和D5的对偶距离d⊥满足3≤d⊥≤7的子码,确立了这些子码构成的自正交子码链及它们的对偶构成的S-链。

4)angle chain code角度链码

5)chain code optimization链码优化

6)difference chain code差分链码

1.Then,the contour extraction of the port is fulfilled and thedifference chain code is used to represent the port contour.该方法首先采用梯度分析方法进行海陆分割,得到水域与陆地的二值图像,并据此提取轮廓,然后利用差分链码标记提取港口轮廓,最后检测与链码拐点有关的三个特性,得到港口基元的识别结果。


脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂)药物名称:脂肪乳剂(中链和长链复合物)英文名:Fat Emulsion for Injection(MCT/LCT)别名: 脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂) 外文名:FatEmulsion forInjection(MCT/LCT)药理作用及用途: 胃肠外给药,可补充人体热能,避免必需脂肪酸缺乏。具有易于氧化水解、氧化完全、生酮作用和对肝功能影响较少等特点。 适用于创伤以及肝功能不全病人。 用法及用量: 同长链脂肪乳剂。 不良反应: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 注意事项: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 规格: 注射乳剂 250ml, 500ml类别:肠内、肠外营养药
