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高温作用 high temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-06 09:28:21


高温作用 high temperature英语短句 例句大全

高温作用,high temperature

1)high temperature高温作用

1.In order to investigate the influence ofhigh temperature to the dynamic characteristics of rock,tests were carried out on large diameter SHPB setup with siltstone having undergonehigh temperatures of 100℃,200℃,300℃ and 400℃.得到了不同高温作用后粉砂岩的全应力-应变曲线、峰值应力、峰值应变及弹性模量的变化规律,并对其微观机理进行了分析。

2.In order to assess residual behavior of concrete-filled steel tubular(CFST)members afterhigh temperature,especially residual bearing capacity of CFST members subjected to biaxial force and bending,16 square CFST specimens are subjected to biaxial eccentric compression in this paper.为了更好地评估高温作用后钢管混凝土的残余力学性能,特别是双向偏压构件的残余承载力,本文对16个方钢管混凝土柱进行了高温后双向偏压试验研究,探讨了截面尺寸、长细比、偏心距、温度对残余承载力的影响。

3.In order to assess residual bearing capacity of concrete-filled steel tubular(CFST)members afterhigh temperature subjected to biaxial force and bending,their behaviors were analyzed from numerical simulation,experimental study and theory analysis in this paper.目的评估高温作用后钢管混凝土双向压弯构件的残余承载力。


1.The Investigation of Strength of Glass-Fiber Concrete after High Temperature;高温作用后玻璃纤维混凝土强度研究

2.Experimental Study on Mechanical Property of High Strength Concrete After High Temperature;高强混凝土高温作用后的力学性能研究

3.A portion of the temperature rise occurs in the regeneration section, utilizing high-temperature product as the heating medium.在回流段,我们利用高温产品作加热介质,使低温产品的温度升高;

4.The Study on CFST s Temperature Field under High Temperatures (Fire);高温(火灾)作用下钢管混凝土温度场研究

5.The Effect of Carbon on a Nickel Base Single Crystal Superalloy;碳在一种镍基单晶高温合金中的作用

6.Thermotolerance of Photosynthesis in Shade-adapted Plants;遮荫对植物光合作用高温响应的影响

7.Pollutant-diffusion function produced by chimney and its height of temperature inversion;烟囱和逆温高度对污染物扩散的作用

8.Research on Chemical Reactivity of Diatomic Molecular Fluid and Molecular Interaction Potential at High Pressure and High Temperatures;高温高压下分子流体的化学活性及分子作用势

9.Effect of High Pressure and Temperature on the Structure Transformation of Boron-Rich B-C-N Compound;高温高压对富硼B-C-N化合物结构转变的作用

10.Researches on the Mechanism and Properties of High Temperature Resistant Water-Based Drilling Fluids with High Density抗高温高密度水基钻井液作用机理及性能研究

11.The multiple colloid has micro pore can keep warm to reach fuel normal temperature and flash point.多孔性的组织气孔有保温作用,可蓄温使油的温度达到一定的温度,提高燃点。

12.This leads to an increase in cloud cover, which, in turn, can lead to an increase in temperature since clouds have an insulating effect.这样会增加云量,进而导致气温的升高,因为云有保温的作用。


14.Refractories are materials that can be used to line furnaces and high-temperature vessels. also, they are needed to line passages or chambers containing high-temperature gases.耐火材料是可用作炉子及高温容器里衬的材料。高温气体通道和气室也需用耐火材料作内衬。

15.At very high temperatures, more endothermic reactions play a role.在很高的温度下,更多的吸热反应起作用。

16.The application of high temperature burning is one of the key point of this attempt.其中运用与高温烧制亦是本次尝试创作的重点。

17.Applied for marking filament,cathodes,setting rod at H.t,electrode etc.用于制作灯丝,发射阴极,高温定型杆,电极等。

18.Preliminary Study on Making High-Temperature Resistance Paper and Filter Paper of Cooking Oil of Sepiolite;海泡石制作耐高温纸及食用油滤纸的初步研究



1.An experimental study ofhigh-temperature on it s influences to recycled coarse aggregate;高温作用对再生粗集料性能影响的试验研究

2.Experimental research on characteristic of recycled coarse aggregate afterhigh-temperature;高温作用后再生粗骨料特征性能试验研究

3)constant high temperature恒高温作用

4)high-temperature uranium mineralization高温铀成矿作用

5)high temperature lethal effect高温致死作用

6)UHT[英][,ju: e?t? "ti:][美]["ju "et? "ti]超高温变质作用

1.The metamorphism under extreme conditions includes ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism, ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphism and very low temperature (VLT) metamorphism.在简单回顾变质地质学形成和发展的不同历程的基础上,扼要地总结了近年来有关极端条件下的超高压变质作用、超高温变质作用和很低温变质作用研究的现状和存在的问题。

2.An ultra-high temperature(UHT)metamorphic rock belt occurs in Jining-Fengzhen-Tuguiwula,central part of southern Inner Mongolia.通过对土贵乌拉地区超高温变质岩的矿物组合研究,发现其中包含了尖晶石+石英、假蓝宝石+石英、斜方辉石+夕线石+石英的超高温标型矿物组合,并且在超高温变质作用区域内,经历了初始近等压冷却,随后近等温降压的逆时针退变质过程。


胞饮作用和胞吞作用胞饮作用和胞吞作用pinocy tosis and endocytosis吸收膜外吸附的溶液或物质.例如大分子或分子的聚集体(moleeular aggregates),如图所示。一般胞饮作用是指以这种方式吸收液体徽滴的过程,胞吞作用是指吸收大分子或分子聚集体的过程,但有时也用胞饮作用或胞吞作用泛指通过质膜内陷吸收膜外所吸附的物质的过程。通常这种过程在矿质养分吸附中的作用不大,但胞饮作用或胞吞作用为大分子的吸收提供了一种可能的机理。(饶立华)胞饮作用和胞吞作用(pinocy‘0515 and“n-docytosis)细胞外的液体徽滴或物质吸附在质腆上,通过质膜内陷形成小囊泡而被消化吸收的过程。电镜观察的资料证明植物根可以通过质膜内陷的方式脆饮作用及胞吞作用示意图(a)质膜外吸附大分子及液滴,(b)质膜在吸附大分子及液滴的部位内陷.(c)质膜内陷部位形成的小t泡进入细胞质,(d)小续泡膜溶解。其内含物转移到细胞质中
