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地基与基础 subgrade and foundation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-06 21:04:36


地基与基础 subgrade and foundation英语短句 例句大全

地基与基础,subgrade and foundation

1)subgrade and foundation地基与基础


1.Code for design of ground base and foundation of highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范

2.Characteristics Study of Intereface between the Foundation and Basic in Loess Area of the Static Analysis黄土地区地基与基础接触面的静力特性分析

3.Subsoil and Foundation Interaction Analysis of High-rise Building on Collapsible Loess with Complicated Foundation Treatment湿陷性黄土地区复杂地基处理后地基与基础共同作用计算分析

4.Code for design of steel storage tanks sub-grade and foundation in petrochemical enterprises石油化工企业钢储罐地基与基础设计规范

5.Code for construction and acceptance of petrochemical steel storage tank subgrade & foundation石油化工钢储罐地基与基础施工及验收规范

6.Of, relating to, located at, or forming a base.基部的,基础的基础的,或与基础有关的


8.The Research of Interaction between Large Sunk Well Foundation and Foundation Soil;大型沉井基础与地基土共同作用研究

9.The Preliminary Inquiry on the Characteristics for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;高职《土力学与地基基础》教学特色初探

10.The Theoretical Foundation and Basic Methods for the Design of Geography Teaching;地理教学设计的理论基础与基本方法

11.Foundation-Structure Dynamic Interaction During Earthquake;地基基础与上部结构在地震作用下的动力分析

12.Discuss and practice on teaching Soil Force and Foundation Base Course using two language土力学与地基基础课程双语教学的探讨与实践

13.Code for design of building foundations建筑地基基础设计规范

14.Institutional Foundation and Innovation of Local Government Competition in China;中国地方政府竞争的制度基础与创新

15.Research and Development of Urban Foundational Geographic Information System;城市基础地理信息系统的研究与开发

16.The Basic Study of the Protection and Tourist Exploitation of the Lord Manor;地主庄园的保护与旅游开发基础研究

17.On the Theoretical Foundation and Historic Position of the Concept of Scientific Development;论科学发展观的理论基础与历史地位

18.The Theoretic Obstacles Of The Flowage In The Contract Land And The Formation Of Theory;承包土地流转的理论障碍与基础构建


ground and foundation engineering地基与基础工程

1.), and the method applied in design and calculation ofground and foundation engineering, and intergration technology are discussed in this article.讨论了计算机图形处理技术(包括屏幕显示、字符处理、打印输出等)在地基与基础工程设计计算中的应用方法,及其设计计算和设计报告的编写等方面的集成技术。

3)foundation and artificial earth基础与人工接地


1.Uneven settlement questions of the foundation of structure in mountain area;浅谈山区构造物地基基础不均匀沉降问题

2.Safety assessment of suspension bridge foundation based on monitoring information;基于监测信息的悬索桥地基基础安全性评估

3.Design and construction of foundation in mountain area;山区地基基础的设计与施工

5)ground foundation地基基础

1.Study on dynamic combined action betweenground foundation and superstructure;地基基础与上部结构动力共同作用研究进展

2.Principle and characteristics of associate calculation,while upper structure andground foundation act together,were introduced.介绍了上部结构与地基基础共同作用时协同计算的原理及特点。

3.The firsthand information was obtained from practical application of fly ash toground foundation engi-neering in Chao Shan area through systematic indoor and practical experiments that provided design criteria for popular-ization of fly ash in this area.通过系统的室内和工程实践试验,掌握了粉煤灰在潮汕地区地基基础工程中实际应用的第一手资料,为该地区推广利用粉煤灰提供设计依据。

6)Subgrade and foundation地基基础

1.This paper points prliminarily out some factors and causes of the engineeing accidents occurring in subgrade and foundation.本文初步提出地基基础工程事故发生的一些因素及原因。

2.It is an important problem for the engineering construction,subgrade and foundation sciences that how to resolve the disadvantageous influence (such as deforming greatly and crack etc.如何解决地基不均匀沉降对上部结构产生的过大变形、裂缝、倾斜甚至倒塌等不利影响是工程建设和地基基础科学面临的重大问题。


地基与基础地基与基础subsoil and foundation点较多。近年来由于电子计算机逐渐普及,常用型法求解打桩问题中的波动方程,以分析打桩应力月压力尸沉降S图4压力~沉降曲线的承载力,对于,进行静荷载试验l中大直径钢管桩此法具有很大的杏意义。确定单桩,力时,还应考虑关和使用中的一裂响,如地面堆载‘的负摩阻,打桩(动、挤实,可能}周土的原有结构子或变得密实等二值桩以水熟用载工影起振桩坏幼时缸如等盯钊址转以时以封除了打在岩层上的端承桩外,群桩极限承载丈一般不等于各单桩极限承载力的总和。Q。的近甲算原理同深基础的Q.。群桩的沉降也比单桩沉麟桩的间距增大则群桩的沉降减小。当桩距接近六1径时,二者沉降基本相等。群桩的沉降主要决定尖下土层的压缩性,一般可按砌置在桩尖以上三二一桩长处的平面上的深基础近似地加以计算。桩基除了支承竖向荷重外,有时还受到水平弯矩的作用。例如水闸、码头或挡墙下的桩基。l桩是细长杆件,其横向承载力远小于其轴向承载丈桩基承受较大的水平荷重时,通常采用斜桩承受;分力。 c山ee心往、开夕︸lQ明汰剖到水和于当平力奴lo水d iji yu jiehu地基与基础(subsoil and foundation)分别指支承建筑物的土层或岩层,以及与地基相接触的建筑物底部结构。凡能直接支承荷重的天然地层称为天然地基。软弱土层经加固后支承荷重则为人工地基。凡砌置深度D.小于宽度B的基础为浅基础,p扩B大于5时为深基础。浅基础(图1)有三种主要类型:独立基础(如柱基),条形基础(如墙基)和筏形基础(如水闸底板),常用的深基础(图2)有墩基和桩基(包括管柱基础)。最近还有采用地下连续墙将荷重传递到下卧地层中去。施加荷重后,地基内将产生应力和应变,应力集中区将发生塑性应变。随着荷重的增加,地基内的塑性区逐渐扩大。
