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班级规范 class norms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-21 21:37:48


班级规范 class norms英语短句 例句大全

班级规范,class norms

1)class norms班级规范

1.Based on this knowledge, taking an elementary school in shanghai as a research sample, this paper analyses the current operation ofclass norms of different school grades , meanwhile this study does some research on existed problems ofclass norms and their causes as well as provide some strategies to tackle these problems.班级规范是学生学习社会规范,走向社会化的基本途径,它对学生健康的思想品德、正确的行为、良好的行为习惯等养成的价值意义重大,同时也是班级生活有序化的重要保证。

2)kindergartens class norms幼儿园班级规范

1.The paper is to illustrate the connotations ofkindergartens class norms and their functions in helping infants physical and mental development and accomplishing class education tasks.本文阐述了幼儿园班级规范的内涵及其对幼儿身心发展、完成班级保教任务的功能,分析了幼儿园班级规范的类型以及规范的教育过程,揭示了幼儿园班级班级规范教育方式的失误:重约束,轻自由;重惩罚,轻疏导;重言教,轻身教。

3)class standardized educating process班级规范教育过程

4)class standardized teaching methods班级规范教育方式

5)standards for making shifts交班规范

6)class scale班级规模

1.Theclass scale is an important factor of affecting the teaching quality.班级规模是影响教学质量的重要因素。


1.Class size is the problem the academic world pay attention to in the recent years and large-size class which breaks through the class-size limitation has problems.班级规模是近些年学界比较关注的问题,而突破班级规模限制的大班教学存在许多问题。

2.The report downplayed the effects of large class sizes in schools.报告对学校大班级规模的影响一带而过。

3.Class Size and Primary School English Learning Efficiency: A Correlation Analysis;班级规模与小学英语学习效率相关分析

4.Western Ordinary High Schools in Rural Areas the School Size and Class Size Affect the Academic Performance of Students西部农村普通高中学校规模与班级规模对学生学业成绩的影响

5.In addition, there are more than 1,800 graduate students studying here. The average class size is 30 students.另外,还有1 800多名研究生在该校区上课。班级规模一般为30个学生。

6.High school teachers are meeting with the Ministry of Education to talk about their demands for an increase in pay and a reduction in the size of classes.中学老师正在与教育部会晤,讨论他们希望增加工资和缩小班级规模的请求。

7.Realistic Predicament & Selection of Education--Strategic Reflection on Development of Small & Medium Size Classes;教育的现实困境和教育的选择——关于中小学班级规模发展的战略性思考

8.On the Improvement of College English Teaching in Large Classes;改进大规模班级英语课堂教学的思考

9.Class, class, class;班级,班级,班级;

10.The Fictitious Class Community: A New Model of Credit-based Class Management in University班级虚拟社区:高校学分制班级管理新模式

11.Write your own set of class and/ or school rules.撰写自己班级的规章和学校的制度。

12.Discipline and Punish in the Class:a Sociological Analysis;班级中的规训与惩罚——基于班级要素的社会学分析

13.Tall duty class of universities and colleges manages pattern investigation and discussion --The good pattern introduction duty class a company is managed manages the Loudi Vocational Technical Institute yard computer department;高职院校班级管理模式探讨——将公司管理模式引入高职班级管理

14.A discussion of the basic features of educational pattern of the class mental health论班级心理健康教育模式的基本特征

15.The Interpretations of the Cultural Perspective of WEI Shu-sheng Class Management Model;魏书生管理模式的班级文化视角解读

16.Didactical Model in Spanish Elementary Level Intensive Reading Classes;西班牙语一年级精读课程的教学模式

17.Joining Piece and Item composes class Moral Education Appraising s Pattern;“条”“块”结合,构建班级德育评价模式

18.Analyzing the Deficiency of Humanistic Solicitude in Kindergarten Class Rule;透视人文关怀在幼儿园班级规则中的缺失


kindergartens class norms幼儿园班级规范

1.The paper is to illustrate the connotations ofkindergartens class norms and their functions in helping infants physical and mental development and accomplishing class education tasks.本文阐述了幼儿园班级规范的内涵及其对幼儿身心发展、完成班级保教任务的功能,分析了幼儿园班级规范的类型以及规范的教育过程,揭示了幼儿园班级班级规范教育方式的失误:重约束,轻自由;重惩罚,轻疏导;重言教,轻身教。

3)class standardized educating process班级规范教育过程

4)class standardized teaching methods班级规范教育方式

5)standards for making shifts交班规范

6)class scale班级规模

1.Theclass scale is an important factor of affecting the teaching quality.班级规模是影响教学质量的重要因素。


