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结课 class ending英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 18:37:20


结课 class ending英语短句 例句大全

结课,class ending

1)class ending结课

1.As the miniature and a necessary part of the classroom teaching,"class ending "is said to be of prominent and attractive charm.结课有课堂教学的“豹尾”之美誉,它是课堂教学的一个缩影和必要环节之一。


1.This course will start on May 5th and ends in the beginning of June.这门课五月五日开课,六月初结课。

2.After we finish this text, we"ll have learned twenty texts.这课课文结束后,我们就学了二十课课文了。

3.Teadling Plot of Combination of Classes with a Lot of Students in and out Class in Institution of Higher Learning;高校体育课内与课外结合的大课堂教学构思

4.The biology class studied the structure of a cell.生物课讲授细胞的结构。

5.a bell rung to announce end of class.宣告课堂结束的铃声。

6.Analysis on the New Structure of the Ideological and Political Theory Courses for College Students;高校思想政治理论课新课程结构论析

7.Research of the Integrated “Teaching in-class and Exercise out-class” Didactics in the Speed Skating Teaching;速滑“课内与课外”结合式教学探究

8.Discussion on Combining between in Class and out of Class in the Physical Education in Colleges;关于高校体育课内与课外结合的思考

9.On the Preferreed Teaching Pattern and Teaching aim;音乐课如何优化教学目标和课堂结构

10.Class overthinking on;课虽终 思未了——课堂总结的方法

11.Study on the Combination of School-Based Curriculum and National Curriculum校本课程与国家课程有机结合之研究

12.At the end of the class, we"ll invite someone to sum up the lesson.本课结束之时,我们要请同学总结本课内容

13.At the end of the class, we’ll invite someone to sum up the lesson.本课结束之时,我们要请同学总结本课内容。

14.The Research on the Change of Curriculum Structure and New Curriculum Structure in Biology Discipline of High School;课程结构的变革与高中生物新课程结构的研究

15.Discussion on the Combination Points and Methods of General Basic Courses and Specialty Courses;基础课与专业课结合点和结合方式初探

16.On the Integral Concept of Curriculum Structure And the New Theory of the Improvement of Curriculum Structure;整体性课程结构观与优化课程结构的新思路

17.Probing into the Reform of Integrating Working and Learning in Teaching the Course "Steel Structure" in Higher Vocational Colleges高职“钢结构”课程工学结合改革探讨

18.Discussion on the Organic Combination of Classroom Education and Extracurricular Education in University;试论高校课堂教育与课外教育的有机结合


finishing a problem for discussion结课或结题

1.In view of the "nine problems" that the trainees or new teachers will come across infinishing a problem for discussion, this article suggests "eight - character principle" and "ten methods" offinishing a problem for discussion.针对实习生或新教师在结课或结题方面存在的"九大问题",提出了结课或结题的"八字原则"和"十种方法"。

3)curriculum structure课程结构

1.Higher Teachers College Music Education Curriculum Structure and Teaching Mode of Analysis;高师音乐教育专业课程结构与教学模式探析

2.Framework of Curriculum Structure of Physics Teacher s Continuing Education in Secondary Schools;中学物理教师继续教育课程结构设置框架

3.Mastercurriculum structure of sports humanistic sociology specialty;体育人文社会学专业的硕士学位课程结构

4)course structure课程结构

1.Consideration oncourse structure of engineering measurement major;工程测量专业课程结构的思考

2.On the diversity of university aim and the reform of thecourse structure;试论高等教育目标多元化与课程结构改革

3.Objective systems of fitness-orienedcourse structure of social sports major in universities高校社会体育专业素质教育课程结构目标体系探析

5)summarizing after class课后总结

1.To give an interesting and vivid lesson of pathology,I think three steps should be done well,including preparation before class,teaching on the class andsummarizing after class.讲授一堂生动精彩的病理学课,应做好课前准备、课堂教学、课后总结三个方面的工作。

6)curricular structure课程结构

1.Reform ofcurricular structure of sports management as seen from the students employment after their graduation;从就业形势看体育管理专业的课程结构改革

2.As the training target is incarnated by thecurricular structure of the specialty,an optimal training scheme of reasonable knowledge structure and ability structure which is adapted to the training target is required.为了进一步完善高师物理学专业培养目标,构建适应时代发展和教师专业发展特点的课程结构,保证人才培养质量,对物理学专业培养目标与课程结构的辨证关系进行了系统地阐述。

3.This paper introduces thecurricular structure, curricular program and laboratory construction of information engineering specialty in reform.文章介绍了改革中的信息工程专业的课程结构、课程体系、实验室建设情况及其形成的特色。


赛结旗赛结旗(check flag)。车手一经过此旗之后便代表比赛已结束。不论该车手是否圈数不足。(有的fia会因时间不足而提早秀出check flag。此情形多数发生在monaco,特别是雨天)。特别值得一题的是在法国gp时,michael schumacher故意在check flag前放慢速度让其胞弟ralfschumacher超越他,又正好因david coulthard滑出赛道,捡了一个第六。以及在monaco时又是michael schumacher于赛结旗出现前放到超慢,因当时时间不足大会决定以时间不以圈数为准,而少跑了好几圈拿了分站冠军。
