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非结构化模糊决策方法 non-structural fuzzy decision method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-03 01:19:13


非结构化模糊决策方法 non-structural fuzzy decision method英语短句 例句大全

非结构化模糊决策方法,non-structural fuzzy decision method

1)non-structural fuzzy decision method非结构化模糊决策方法

1.In order to solve the problems of multi-objective decision-making existing in equipment procurement scheme evaluation, and to overcome the limitations of the AHP method and the multi-factors value theory, anon-structural fuzzy decision method (NSFDM) is presented in this paper.为解决设备采购方案评价中存在的多目标决策问题以及弥补运用层次分析法(AHP法)和多因素价值理论(效用理论)解决此类问题的某些局限性,提出了运用非结构化模糊决策方法(NSFDM)进行设备采购方案评价。

2.In this article,the author puts forward the way to assess the partners by applyingnon-structural fuzzy decision method(NSFDM),which would be helpful to solve the problems involving in the decision.提出了运用非结构化模糊决策方法(NSFDM)进行合作伙伴的评价,从而有助于解决决策中的问题。


1.The Equipment Procurement Scheme Evaluation Based on the Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Method;基于非结构化模糊决策方法的设备采购方案评价

2.Chosen of Partners of a Joint Venture Based on the Non-structural Fuzzy Decision Method基于非结构化模糊决策方法的联合体合作伙伴选择

3.Decision method for mode selection in the self-reconfiguration of knowledgeable manufacturing system based on entropy weight and fuzzy matter-element知识化制造系统自重构制造模式熵权与模糊物元决策方法

4.The Method of Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision Making Based on Structured Element and Information Entropy基于结构元理论及信息熵的模糊多属性决策方法

5.Research of Frame Structure of China"s Nuclear Emergency Decision Support System and Evaluating Subsystem Fuzzy Decision-Making Method;核应急决策支持系统的框架结构及模糊决策方法在评估子系统的应用

6.Study on Models and Methods of Fuzzy Multiobjective Optimization with Indeterminacy of DM决策信息不明确的多目标模糊优化模型与方法

7.Study on Methods for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information;直觉模糊多属性决策的决策方法研究

8.Multi-Attribute Decision Making Combined with AHP Applied in the Feasibility Study of Highway;模糊多属性决策结合层次分析法在公路可研多方案决策中的应用

9.Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on Comprehensive Expectation Value Maximum.;基于综合期望值最大化的模糊多属性决策方法

10.A Method of Optimizing Artillery Firing Based on Fuzzy Multiobjective Decision Making;一种基于模糊多目标决策的炮兵火力优化方法

11.Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Method Based on the Maximal Deviation基于离差最大化的模糊多属性决策方法

12.Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Deterministic Fuzzy Finite Automaton增加结构非循环模糊自动机最小化算法(英文)

13.Designing DSS With a Structured Methodology设计决策支持系统的一种结构化方法

14.Study on optimization of financing structure of passenger dedicatedlines based on fuzzy projection decision model;基于模糊投影决策模型的铁路客运专线融资结构优化研究

15.Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Method with Preference Information on Alternatives in Investment Decision Based on Fuzzy Linguistic Assessment投资决策中有方案偏好的模糊多属性决策方法

16.Fuzzy multi-attribute decision making method based on fuzzy C-OWA operator;基于模糊C-OWA算子的模糊多属性决策方法

17.Method for Multi-attribute Decision Making Based on New Fuzzy Distance Definition of Fuzzy Numbers;基于新模糊数的模糊距离的多属性决策方法

18.Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on Fuzzy Ideal Points;基于模糊理想点的模糊多属性决策方法


non-structural fuzzy decision非结构模糊决策

1.Then,the weights of these elements are calculated and ranked by using thenon-structural fuzzy decision method.基于安全管理理论和中国药品管理实践,通过专家意见和社会调查,确定中国药品安全管理的要素和决策标准;运用非结构模糊决策方法确定中国药品安全管理中各重要要素的权重,从而探索中国药品安全管理体系;对体系的不同要素进行排序。

3)Nonstructural fuzzy decision非结构性模糊决策

4)fuzzy decision-making method模糊决策方法

1.At the same time,based on the classification of organizational factors and with consideration on the organizational complexity and uncertainty,the organizational performance is evaluated by usingfuzzy decision-making method so as to identify the main shortcomings of organizations:the problems existing in organizational management and the unreasonable design of organizational structure etc.同时,依据组织因素的分类,考虑到组织绩效评价的复杂性和不确定性,采用模糊决策方法对某组织的绩效进行评价,识别出该组织现存的主要缺陷:组织管理方面的问题以及组织的结构设计不太合理等问题。

5)unstructured decision making非结构化决策

1.Decision support system facingunstructured decision making based on decision flow;基于决策流的面向非结构化决策的DSS研究



公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
