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团队成员 Team Members英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-27 10:40:44


团队成员 Team Members英语短句 例句大全

团队成员,Team Members

1)Team Members团队成员


1.Assist others, communicate, and participate as part of a team.作为团队成员,积极帮助其他团队成员、积极沟通和参与团队活动。

2.A Research on Career Anchors Affect Team Performance;团队成员职业锚对团队绩效的影响研究

3.A Preliminary Study on the Influence of Members Achievement Goal Type Constitution to the Team Achievement;团队成员成就目标构成对合作型团队绩效的影响初探

4.To resolve conflicts between team members.负责解决团队成员之间的矛盾冲突。

5.Research on Inter-member Knowledge Transfer of Virtual R&D Team虚拟研发团队成员间知识转移的研究

6.Research on Psychological Harmony of the Scientific Research Team of University高校科研团队成员心理和谐机理研究

7.Effects of Members" Culture Intellegence on Individual Performance and Team Performance in Cross-Culture Teams跨文化团队成员文化智力对个体和团队绩效的影响研究

8.A Study of Relation between Intra-team Social Networks,Competition in Work and Knowledge Transfer in Team-members团队内社会网络质量、工作竞争对团队成员知识转移的影响研究

9.The researchers said they found that a single "toxic" or negative team member can be the catalyst for a group"s downward spiral.研究人员发现,仅一个“坏苹果”式的员工或不良的团队成员便能成为瓦解整个团队的催化剂。

10.If left to their own devices team members will goof off.如果让团队成员独立工作,他们就会变成蠢货。

11.Tell me about a time when you had to confront a team member?谈谈你与其它团队成员发生冲突的经历?

12.It should be crystal clear and well-understood by all the team memebers.责任应该清晰无比,所有团队成员明白无误。

13.This ambiguity can from time to time test the confidence of the project team members.这种不确定性时不时的检验团队成员的信心。

14.Is responsible for personnel planning, recruitment, evaluations, training and promotions for his/ her account employees.负责对团队成员个人计划、佣、价、训和提升。

15.A member of a legion.军队战士军团的成员

16.being a replacement or substitute for a regular member of a team.作为团队中的正式成员的替代者。

17.The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits.队长尽力培养新成员之间的团结精神。

18.One side, as a member of a team ,the leader is an organic part;一方面,“团队”领导与其他成员一样,是整个“团队”的有机组成部分。


team composition diversity团队成员多样性

3)member characteristics团队及成员特性

4)Team member"s Trust团队成员信任

5)Project Team Members项目团队成员

6)Team Membership Reassessment团队成员重估


