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RBS谱后沿 the edge of RBS Spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-24 05:10:29


RBS谱后沿 the edge of RBS Spectrum英语短句 例句大全

RBS谱后沿,the edge of RBS Spectrum

1)the edge of RBS SpectrumRBS谱后沿

2)trailing edge后沿


1.and skim the surface to this point.然后沿着狭沟而行,直到这一点

2.Conditions in the coastal towns were unsettled after the hurricane.飓风过后沿海城镇的形势颇不稳定。

3.Turn left when you step out of the lift and then go all the way down the ball.出了电梯后向左拐,然后沿着走廊一直走到头。

4.Go down this street and then turn left.沿着这条街,然后向左转。

5.By the street of "Bye-and-bye" one arrives at the house of "never".沿着"稍后"街,走到"乌有"屋。

6.Then I tied up the canoe and began to walk along the bank.捆好独木舟后,我便沿着河岸走去。

7.Take the near street and then turn right.沿着街道的近侧走然后向右拐

8.Starting at rear corner, peel weatherstrip from around door frame.从后角开始,沿着车门框剥落防水饰条。

9.Go straight down this street until you reach the corner, and then turn right.沿路向前走直到转角处,然后右转。

10.Then they set out to hunt for rabbits along the river.然后他们出发沿着河去打兔子。

11.He swaggered down the street after winning the fight.他打架打赢后,沿街趾高气扬地走去。

12.The phrase has still been used ever since.从那以后这句话一直沿用至今。

13." The phrase has been used on his day ever since.从那以后这句话一直被沿用至今。

14.Up broken cement steps to the back porch door.沿残缺的水泥台阶而上,到游廊的后门。

15.After Anti-Japanese War breaking out,the coast of Fukien fell into enemy hands one after another.抗战爆发后,福建沿海相继沦陷。

16.In the course of time, they are subjected to compressive stresses in the direction of bedding.最后,它们沿层理方向承受压缩应力。

17.Go straight down the road and then turn left.沿着这条路一直走,然后左转。

18."Walk up the street and when you get to the Citibank, turn left."沿着这条街向上走,到花旗银行后左转。


trailing edge后沿

3)frontal chromatography前沿色谱

4)bad edge谱带边沿


1.Theories of impedance matching and transmission line signal reflection are combined, and performance oftrailing-edge is improved greatly.通过传统电容负载法与新的传输线负载法的理论分析、仿真计算与实验结果比较表明,传输线负载法可以在保持优良前沿特性的同时,弥补现有电容负载法的不足,大幅改善脉冲后沿特性,并实现脉冲宽度的步进可控。



Rb 元素符号Rb,原子序数37,原子量85.47,核外电子排布式3s23p63d104s24p65s1,在周期表中位于第五周期ⅠA族。原子金属半径247.5皮米(Pm),离子半径147皮米,第一电离能405kJ/mol,电负性0.8,主要氧化数+1。银白色有金属光泽,质软,硬度为0.3,密度为1.532g/cm3(固),1.475g/cm3(液),熔点38.39℃,沸点688℃,电导性7.7。化学性质极活泼,在空气中很快形成氧化层而失去光泽并自燃生成深棕色的超氧化物RbO2。臭氧跟氢氧化铷反应可生成臭氧化铷,铷跟氯气或溴猛烈反应燃烧形成火焰,不跟氮气反应。铷跟水剧烈反应并发生爆炸,跟温度低于-100℃的冰也能发生剧烈的反应,生成氢气和氢氧化铷。跟氢气化合生成氢化铷。它是碱金属氢化物中最不稳定的一种,加热不待熔化即行分解,铷平时保存在煤油里。铷的蒸气在180℃时显绛红色,高于250℃时则变为橙黄色。铷有优异的光电性能,铷原子受光的照射时会激发释放出电子,利用这种特性,可把铷喷镀在银片上,制成光电管,广泛应用于电影、电视、自动控制设备中。由于铷能强烈地跟氧气化合,制造真空管时用做吸氧剂。铷汞齐用做催化剂。有些铷的化合物用于医药。1861年德国的本生和基尔霍夫,用光谱分析的方法从云母提取物中发现了铷,并根据谱线的颜色命名为铷(原意是暗红)。铷在自然界很少,而且分散,海水中含量较多,用重结晶法从海水中提取氯化铷。可用电解熔融氯化铷的方法制备铷,但有危险,工业上主要用钙或镁在700~800℃和真空条件下还原氯化铷制取铷。铷的沸点比钙低,便于分离收集。
