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护理制度构建 the construction of aged care system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-29 01:54:37


护理制度构建 the construction of aged care system英语短句 例句大全

护理制度构建,the construction of aged care system

1)the construction of aged care system护理制度构建

2)system construction制度构建

1.New Visual Angle of Fiscal Management Reform in China——Takingsystem construction fiscal transparency as a breach;中国公共财政管理改革的新视角——以财政透明度的制度构建为突破口

2.Ethical and Legal Predicaments of Medical Interference Right and Relevant System Construction医疗干涉权的伦理与法律困境及其制度构建

3.Consideration on Prosecution Guiding Investigation and Its System Construction检察指导侦查概念探析及制度构建


1.Values and Structures of Cooperation of the Police and the Prosecution;侦诉协作机制的价值分析与制度构建


3.The Construction of Credit System and the Perfect of Bankrupcy System;信用权法律制度构建与破产制度之完善

4.The Unit Which Talked about to Form to Construct in the Harmonious Community Forms the System to Construct Forming;构建和谐社会中的单位组织制度建构

5.Ran Thinking on Personality Survey System and System Construction;人格调查制度的应然思考及制度建构

6.System of Property: Foundation Stone Constructing the Social Credit System;产权制度:构建社会信用制度的基石

7.Estabishment of System Mechanisim is the Guaranty of Constructing Harmonious Society;制度机制建设是构建和谐社会的保障

8.On the Construction of Restricting Mechanism in China s Civil Appeal and Trial System;我国民事上诉审制度的制约机制构建

9.Theory and System Construction:Party Building System Innovation in the Private Sectors of the Economy;论私营经济党建制度创新的理论与制度建构

10.On the Construction of Basic-level Police Department s Achievement Evaluation System;论基层警察机构绩效评估制度之构建

11.Building an Appropriate Universal-type Social Welfare System in China我国适度普惠型社会福利制度的建构

12.System Construction In Building Credibility Institution Among Present College Students;当代大学生诚信制度建设的体系构建

13.Building Harmonious Society and Perfecting Social Security System;构建和谐社会 建立健全社会保障制度

14.Analysis and proposal of Building The Urban Farmer Labors Social Insurance System;构建农民工社会保障制度的政策建议

15.Overall Process Environmental Management System Structure of Construction Project建设项目全程环境管理制度体系构建

16.The Administrative Monopoly and Its Legal Regulation Foundation;论行政垄断及其法律规制制度的构建

17.Talk about the Construction of the Arbitrary Administrative Execution Legal System of Our Country;论我国行政强制执行法律制度的构建

18.On Legal Construction of Education Arbitration System in China;试论我国教育仲裁制度的法制化构建


system construction制度构建

1.New Visual Angle of Fiscal Management Reform in China——Takingsystem construction fiscal transparency as a breach;中国公共财政管理改革的新视角——以财政透明度的制度构建为突破口

2.Ethical and Legal Predicaments of Medical Interference Right and Relevant System Construction医疗干涉权的伦理与法律困境及其制度构建

3.Consideration on Prosecution Guiding Investigation and Its System Construction检察指导侦查概念探析及制度构建

3)construction of system制度构建

4)establishment of system制度建构

1.During the movement,there existed the pursuing of technique,the establishment of sys-tem,and the two models of" market →establishment of system → quality and cost "and" market → pursu-ing technique →establishment of system-quality and cost ".这其中,既有技术的追求,也有制度的建构,存在着"市场→制度建构→质量和成本"和"市场→技术讲求→制度建构→质量和成本"两种模式。

5)system establishment制度构建

6)institutional construction制度建构

1.The thesis points out drawbacks of traditional criminal investigation system and identifies the value orientation, basic concepts, basic rules andinstitutional construction of criminal investigation system through observing and researching it in China.本文通过对我国刑事侦查体制改革实践的考察和研究,指出了传统刑侦体制存在的弊病,厘定了我国刑侦体制改革的价值取向、基本理念、基本原则和制度建构等基本问题,并以域外改革为鉴,对我国未来刑侦体制改革进行了整体设计、探讨,力求理出一条比较系统、完整的改革思路。

2.Based on the plural circumstances in Chinese Modernization and the three-dimensional structure of modernization, and taken basic principles of Marxism politics as the instruction, the thesis analyzes path selection andinstitutional construction in the government public decision-making in contemporary China from the theory of comparative politics, new politic只有完善政府公共决策的制度建构,才可能实现这种转型。

3.Over the six decades after the founding of New China,it has undergoneinstitutional constructions for making transformation,achieving superiority,returning to the right track,and accomplishing innovation.新中国成立60年来,经历了"转化性制度建构"、"超越性制度建构"、"返正性制度重构"、"创新性制度重构"的过程。


