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XML签名 XML signature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-05 22:17:47


XML签名 XML signature英语短句 例句大全

XML签名,XML signature

1)XML signatureXML签名

1.Research on XML encryption andXML signature technology;XML加密技术与XML签名技术的研究

2.Study of XML Signature base on .NET Framework;基于.NET Framework的XML签名的研究

3.Research and Implementation on XML Signature of Electronic Official Documents;电子公文的XML签名的实现


1.Research and realization of content extraction signature based on XML digtal signature基于XML签名的内容抽取签名的研究与实现

2.The Application of Hash Collision Research to XML Digital Signature;HASH函数碰撞的研究在XML签名中的应用

3.Study of XML Signature base on .NET Framework;基于.NET Framework的XML签名的研究

4.Application of XML Signature in Person ManagementXML签名在高校人事管理系统中的应用

5.The Electric Seal Research Base on Forward-secure Signature and XML Signature;基于前向安全数字签名与XML签名的电子印章研究

6.Application Analysis of XML Signature Mechanism in Web Services Security;XML签名机制在Web Services安全中的应用性分析

7.XML Digital Signature and Application in Electronic Commerce;XML数字签名及在电子商务中的应用

8.Research on XML Digital Signature Based on Proxy-Server;基于代理/服务的XML数字签名研究

9.The Research and Realization of XML Document Encryption and SignatureXML文档加密和签名的研究与实现

10.Research on Multi-Signature Based on XML Document Dividing基于XML文档划分的多重数字签名研究

11.Research of RSA-based XML undeniable signature method基于RSA的XML不可否认签名方法研究

12.XML signature based on IBS without trusted third-party基于无可信第三方IBS的XML数字签名

13.Study and Implementation of XML Blind Signature Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography;基于椭圆曲线密码体制的XML盲签名研究与实现

14.The Research and Application of RSA Digital Signature System Based on XML;基于XML平台RSA数字签名体制的研究与应用

15.Research on Application of XML Digital Signature in Network Office System;XML数字签名在网络办公系统中的应用研究

16.Research on XML Digital Signature in Electronic Commerce电子商务中XML数字签名技术的应用研究

17.The Application of XML Digital Signature in the Grade Management of Teaching by CorrespondenceXML数字签名技术在函授成绩管理中的应用

18.Design and Application on Multisignature Scheme of XML-based基于XML多重数字签名方案的设计与应用



1.The data integrity, identity authentication and non-repudiation are ensured byXML-Signature.本文设计并实现了一种基于XML的电子订单安全方案,用XML加密实现了订单敏感信息的保密性,用XML签名保证了电子订单数据的完整性、身份验证性和不可否认性。

3)XML signature and XML encryptionXML签名和XML加密

1.It can improve the information security ability of middleware by usingXML signature and XML encryption.NET技术,应用多层Web Service和Web Service合成构建集成中间件,实现集团企业下各子公司ERP系统新的信息集成和应用集成,同时探索性引入了XML签名和XML加密等XML安全技术增强中间件的信息安全性能。

4)XML digital signatureXML数字签名

1.The application ofXML digital signature in the educational administration system of universities;XML数字签名在高校教务管理系统中的应用

2.This paper describes the correlative secure technique about XML which includes XML encryption,XML digital signature and XML compression, analyzes the purpose and meaning of XML encryption and digital signature and designs a XML based data exchange system for businesses.在介绍XML基本知识的基础上,重点讨论了与之相关的安全技术,包括XML加密、XML数字签名和XML压缩。

3.This paper introduces a type of method usingXML digital signature to design application system with security request.介绍了利用XML数字签名设计带有安全要求的应用系统的方法。

5)XML united-signatureXML整体签名

1.Gives the process ofXML united-signature at sender and partial-validation at accepter.同时设计了基于XML改进签名技术的XMLSchema,并给出了发送方XML整体签名和各接收方分别验证的实现过程,可以很好地满足业务链中一方对所要提供给其它各方的多个XML敏感数据进行整体签名、部分验证的要求,保证了这些数据在多方通信过程中的确认性、完整性和不可否认性。

6)XML signatureXML 数字签名


