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假模板 dummy template英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 09:30:13


假模板 dummy template英语短句 例句大全

假模板,dummy template

1)dummy template假模板

1.A selective molecularly imprinted polymer to ferulic acid was prepared in acetonitrile by molecular self-assembly technology using 4-vinylpyridine (4-VP) as monomer and hydrogenated ferulic acid(HFA) asdummy template.以氢化阿魏酸为假模板分子(dummy template),4-乙烯基吡啶为功能单体,通过自组装技术在乙腈中制备了对阿魏酸具有良好识别能力的印迹聚合物。

2.In this paper,by synthesis diethyl(3-methylureido)(phenyl) methylphosphonate(DEP),we prapared the MIPs by precipitation polymerization using DEP asdummy template to study it\"s specific affinity and also the ability to recognize a series of pesticides,which are the structural analogues of DEP and mostly belong to organophosphorus pesticides.本文通过合成二乙基(3-甲基脲)(苯基)甲基磷酸酯(DEP),以此为假模板采用沉淀聚合法来制备MIPs,考察了其特异吸附性能及作为假模板对结构类似有机磷的保留识别性能。

2)titanium prosthesis钛板假体

1.The thin-plate spline interpolation technology is used to reconstruct it to gain surface model oftitanium prosthesis.基于多点成形技术,提出了一种全新的用于颅骨缺损修补的钛板假体数字化制造技术。

3)degenerated solid plate element板壳假定


5)false floor假楼板



1.A board cut with a tongue on one side and a matching groove on the other to fit with other boards of similar cut.假型板在一侧有舌状切口且另一侧有能与其它板相似切口相适合的沟巢的木板

2.Modeling Thinking of Linear Panel Data Model--Hypotheses,Thinking Methods and Limitations;线性面板数据模型建模思想——假设、思路与局限

3.turning-over board翻箱板,造型平板,底板

4.Adopting slop protection base in large-scale oil storage tank, the stress extends fast and distributed well at the bottom of the tank.大型油罐采用护坡式基础,应力扩散快,罐底板受力均匀,与计算假定比较接近。

5.The Relative Study between von Willebrand Factor, Platelet Granule Membrane Protein 140 and Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy血管性假血友病因子,血小板颗粒膜蛋白140与2型糖尿病肾病相关性研究

6.hypothesis testing model假设检验模型 假设检验模型

7.hypotheses testing model假设检验模型假设检验模型

8.Imagine an earthquake shock shaking the floor,假定地震发生了,地板在移动,

9.Don"t ask the boss for leave today-he"s in a mood.今天别向老板请假,他心情不好。

10.The boss was rather sticky about giving me leave.老板有些不情愿让我请假。

11.She"s dreary little prude.她是个死板、假正经的女人!

12.If I were sole owner I would nominate you this moment.假如我是独资老板,我现在就可任命你。

13.They’ll all have to get back to the grindstone when the boss returns from his holidays.老板度假回来时,他们都行重新开工。

14.A study of a rigid assumption in designing the round slab foundation of a chimney烟囱圆板基础设计中刚性假定的研究

15.While the boss was on holiday his secretary held the fort.老板度假走后秘书负责处理日常事务。

16.stochastic assumption of linear regression model线性回归模型随机假设

17.card of pattern装有几个模型的型板

18.moulding board used in the preparation of sand moulds造型平板,用于制备砂型


titanium prosthesis钛板假体

1.The thin-plate spline interpolation technology is used to reconstruct it to gain surface model oftitanium prosthesis.基于多点成形技术,提出了一种全新的用于颅骨缺损修补的钛板假体数字化制造技术。

3)degenerated solid plate element板壳假定


5)false floor假楼板



