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主体性人格 subjective personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-29 00:26:18


主体性人格 subjective personality英语短句 例句大全

主体性人格,subjective personality

1)subjective personality主体性人格

1.Discussion on the cultivation ofsubjective personality in Mencius and the inspiration to modern education;试论《孟子》主体性人格的培养及其现代教育启示

2.Cultivating studennts subjective consciousness and facilitating studenntssubjective personality is one of the important matters in college education.主体性发展是人的全面发展的核心,弘扬人的主体性是时代精神的体现;培养学生主体意识、促进学生主体性人格形成是高校教育教学工作的重要内容之一。

3.The building of a harmonious socialist society must be based on respecting and developingsubjective personality,which includes the following points: democracy and rule by law are to be rooted in the integration of the freedom of the subjects and t.构建社会主义和谐社会要以尊重和发展主体性人格为立足点。


1.Subjective Personality & the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society;主体性人格与构建社会主义和谐社会

2.The Construction of Harmonious Society and People s Modern Subjectivity;和谐社会的构建与人的主体性人格培育

3.Discussion on the cultivation of subjective personality in Mencius and the inspiration to modern education;试论《孟子》主体性人格的培养及其现代教育启示

4.On the Fostering of Citizen Subjective Personality in the Context of Harmonious Society和谐社会视域下的公民主体性人格培育探析

5.The Moral Effects of Adolescent Subjective Personality under the Influence of Pop Culture流行文化影响下青少年主体性人格的道德后果

6.The Research on College Students Subject Personality and the Relation between Subject Personality and Parental Rearing Method大学生主体性人格及其与父母养育方式的关系研究

7.On Principal Education and Cultivation of College Students Modern Moral Personality;主体性教育与大学生现代人格的培养

8.The Personalities of the Nu Women in the Evolution of Social Culture;社会文化变迁中怒族女性的人格主体

9.Basis of Constructing Objectives of Education on Subjective Moral Personality;主体性道德人格教育目标建构的依据


11.On Education in Moral Personality of Subjectivity in Defiance of Materialization of Human Beings;论主体性道德人格教育对人的物化的抗拒

12.Dharma Personality of Main Body in the Market Economy is Taken Shape at Many Mechanism of Manage in the Laws and Morals;以“法德共治”多重机制塑造市场主体的德性人格

13.On the Development of Practical Activities and Moral Personality of University Students;试论大学生实践活动与主体性道德人格的培养

14.Discussion on Personality Education of Subjective Morality of College Students on Internet论互联网中大学生主体性道德人格教育

15.The Personality Dimension of Editing Subject and Their Ideal Personality Traits编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征

16.Modern Westerners Main Thought on Humanism Ethnics--From Husserl, Heidegger to Sartre;现代西方人本主义伦理学的主体性思维——从胡塞尔、海德格尔到萨特

17.A Study of the Justification of the Prisoners Human Rights--Analysis in Perspective of the Human Being s Equality;囚犯人权享有的正当性研究——基于人的主体资格维度的分析

18.Query Women Subject and Constructing Their Healthy Personality -Another Contribution made by Xu Kun;质疑女性主体建构女性健康人格——徐坤的意义之二


subjective moral personality主体性道德人格

1.From Marxist practical point of view, this thesis probes into the connotation and the requirement ofsubjective moral personality.从马克思主义实践观出发,探讨主体性道德人格的内涵及其要求。

2.Being objective-oriented,education onsubjective moral personality conveys a kind of value ideal.主体性道德人格教育作为道德教育的目标指向,表达的是一种价值理想。

3)the personalities of the women女性主体人格

4)subject personality主体人格

1.Lu Xun protruded and stood fast tosubject personality all his life,taking "cultivating moral character" as the objective of his struggles.鲁迅终其一生都表现出对主体人格的极力彰显与坚守,他以“立人”为奋斗目标。

2.Hissubject personality consists of three factors.嵇康的人格重在作为一个主体的“人”的自觉意识,他把人与人生作为审美的对象,将人生审美化、艺术化了,审美人格构成他主体人格的第一个层面;他崇尚自然、具有反抗意味的放达通脱、任性任情的个性构成他主体人格的自由层面;他的理想人格———“君子”形象既有道家的玄远、自然的理想色彩,又有亲切的人间气息,他以现实人生实践着自己的理想人格,使玄学精神有了可实践性。

5)subjective personality主体人格

1.The formation ofsubjective personality of the scholars of the Wei and Jin dynasties viewed through their experience of unsuccessful officialdom;从魏晋文人对“不遇”的态度论其主体人格的形成

2.But the most fundamental and nuclear is thesubjective personality of man.在市场经济文化背景下 ,人们应具备很多良好的道德和心理素质 ,但最根本、最核心的是人的主体人格。

6)Subjectivity Moral Personality主体性道德人格教育

1.The Education onSubjectivity Moral Personality.;因此,如何更加科学有效地对学生进行主体性道德人格教育,对提高学校道德教育的针对性和有效性,培育健康合格的社会主义“四有”新人,具有十分重要的理论价值和实践意义。


