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猪肝细胞 porcine hepatocytes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-26 14:29:39


猪肝细胞 porcine hepatocytes英语短句 例句大全

猪肝细胞,porcine hepatocytes

1)porcine hepatocytes猪肝细胞

1.Preliminary study ofporcine hepatocytes cultured on organism interface of polysulfone membrane;猪肝细胞在聚砜膜生物界面生长的初步研究

2.Living states of cryopreservedporcine hepatocytes in biological artificial liver support system;冷冻猪肝细胞在生物型人工肝系统中的生存状态研究

3.A preliminary study of cryopreservation of sucklingporcine hepatocytes at -196℃;乳猪肝细胞-196℃保存的初步研究


1.Coincubation of Suckling Pig Liver Cells and Kupffer Cells of Influence on Growth and Function;乳猪肝细胞、Kupffer细胞共培养时的生长及功能

2.The Effects of Plasma from Patients with Severe Hepatitis on the Growth and Metabolism of HepG2 and Human Fetus Hepatocytes,Porcine Hepatocytes;慢性重型肝炎病人血浆对培养的HepG2细胞及胎肝细胞、猪肝细胞体外影响初步观察

3.The Effect of AMP-activated Protein Kinase Activity Induced by Oxidative Stress in Isolated Pig Hepatocytes;氧化应激对仔猪肝细胞中AMPK活性的影响

4.Effects of Copper on CuZn-SOD Activities and Expression of CuZn-SOD Gene mRNA in Hepatic Cells in Pigs;铜对猪肝细胞CuZn-SOD酶活性及mRNA表达的影响

5.Isolation and Culture of Porcine Hepatocytes and Manipulation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase;猪肝细胞的分离培养和AMPK活性调控的研究

pound Glycyrrhizin in Suspension Culture of Porcine Hepatocytes复方甘草酸苷在猪肝细胞悬浮培养中的应用

7.Establishment of an optimal co-cultivation of porcine primary hepatocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro猪肝细胞与骨髓间充质干细胞最适共培养体系的建立

8.A Basic Experimental Study of Neonatal Mini-pig Hepatocytes for Usage in Bioartificial Liver;新生实验小型猪肝细胞用于生物人工肝的基础实验研究

9.The Experimental Studies of Hemo-perfusion with Primary Porcine Hepatocytes Immobilized in Hollow-fiber Module on Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Canine Models;中空纤维固定化猪肝细胞血液灌流治疗肝衰犬实验研究

10.The Feasibility Study of a Biomimetic 3-Dimentional Matrix for High-density Culture of Swine Hepatocytes;三维拟生态网片用于猪肝细胞高密度培养的可行性研究

11.Regulation of AMP-activated Protein Kinase on Lipid Metabolism of Piglet Hepatocytes under Stress;AMPK对仔猪肝细胞应激状态下脂质代谢的调节作用

12.Hypothermic Preservation and Culture of Chinese Experimental Minipig Hepatocytes;中国实验小型猪肝细胞的低温保存与复苏培养的初步研究

13.The Effects of ~(53)Cr-chromium Picolinate Injected in Vein on Piglet Hepatocytes DNA静脉注射~(53)Cr标记吡啶甲酸铬对仔猪肝细胞DNA的影响

14.Effects of cis9,trans11-Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Pig Hepatocye and Colon Mucosa Cell Cultured in Vitro顺9,反11-共轭亚油酸对离体培养猪肝细胞和结肠粘膜上皮细胞的影响

15.Detection of PERV and Its Security in Bioartificial Liver Based on Porcine Hepatocytes;PERV检测方法的建立及其在猪肝细胞型生物人工肝中安全性的初步研究

16.Study of Large-scale Cryopreservation of Porcine Hepatocytes and Its Living State in Biological Artificial Liver Support System;大规模猪肝细胞低温保存方法的建立及其在生物型人工肝系统中的生存状态

17.Preliminary Study on Microsomal Cytochrome P450 Enzymes in Pigs;猪肝微粒体细胞色素P450酶系的初步研究

18.Construction of Liver Specific Cre Recombinase Expression Vector and Transgenetic Swine Fibroblast;肝特异性表达Cre重组酶载体和转基因猪成纤维细胞的构建


Porcine hepatocyte猪肝细胞

1.Three-dimensional culture of porcine hepatocytes for bioartificial liver;用于生物人工肝的猪肝细胞三维立体培养

3)pig hepatocytes猪肝细胞

1.The therapeutic effect of microencapsulatedpig hepatocytes transplantation on rats with acute liver failure;微囊化猪肝细胞移植对急性肝衰竭大鼠肝功能支持的实验研究

4)pup pig hepatocyte乳猪肝细胞

5)piglet hepatocyte culture仔猪肝细胞培养

6)Microencapsulated porcine hepatocytes微囊化猪肝细胞

1.Microencapsulated porcine hepatocytes were transplanted into abdominal cavity of rats 48 hours after the induction of acute hepatic fail.目的:探讨微囊化猪肝细胞腹腔内移植对药物性肝衰大鼠的治疗作用,观察受体存活率、肝组织病理变化及大网膜的免疫隔离作用。


黄柏猪肝菜谱名称 清肝----黄柏猪肝所属菜系 其它菜系所属类型 健康菜谱基本特点 猪肝鲜香,酱味甘甜,爽口基本材料 猪肝1个(重约500克左右),黄柏、木香、干姜、白术、陈皮、诃子、芜荑、人参各15克,乌梅肉3克。熟甜面酱适量。【制作方法】1、猪肝去筋膜洗净,切薄片。人参去芦头,用一半量煎汤液,另一半和上述7味研成粉末,拌匀。2、猪肝片和药末搅和匀,串在铁串子上,用火灸香熟,空腹食之,用猪肝蘸甜面酱调味。如口渴,即用人参汤温服之。【本品特点】猪肝鲜香,酱味甘甜,爽口。功用为温中清肠,调气化滞。用于肠胃湿热、休息痢疾、下脓血、日久难愈、里急后重、人肌瘦,不思饮食等症。
